I see so many profiles with the "post this if..." but I have no room, so - here you go.
__▲▲__ put this on YOUR page if you are a ZELDA Addict
█ 10% Demigod
██ 20% Hylian
███ 30% Warrior Cat
████ 40% Reader
█████ 50% Learner
██████ 60% Musician
███████ 70% Writer
████████ 80% Fangirl
█████████ 90% Dreamer
██████████ 100% Child of God
Official Warriors Fan
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Accepted by Spottedleaf and Firestar
You say Edward Cullen, I say Tony Stark.
You say red and black, I say red and gold.
You say Forks, I say S.H.I.E.L.D.
You say Edward and Bella, I say Thor and Jane.
You say Jacob Black, I say Bruce Banner.
You say Volturi, I say Loki.
Put this on your profile if you love The Avengers!
1. You are (hopefully) a human.
2. You are reading this.
3. You can't say the letter "P" without moving your mouth.
4. You just attempted to do it.
6. You are reading #6.
7. You skipped #5.
8. You just checked to see if there is a #5.
9. You're a derp because you fell for all of this.
10. You will re-post this because you're awesome
Normal people: Think that Harry Styles is Cute
Warriors Fans: Know that Bramblestar is Cuter!
Normal people: Name their cats after movie stars
Warriors Fans: Name their cats after warriors
Normal people: Call them kittens
Warriors Fans: Call them kits
Normal people: Say, "He's bald!"
Warriors Fans: Say, "It's Rock!"
Normal people: Think that cool powers are telekenesis or flying
Warriors Fans: Think that super senses, Dream walking, and invincibility are better
Normal people: Would call warrior fans insane nerds.
Warriors Fans: Would take that as a compliment.
Normal People: Play catch
Warrior Fans: Play mossball
Normal People: Think that clans of cats are insane
Warrior Fans: Wish they could be in a clan
Normal People: Call them inches, feet, yards, and meters
Warrior Fans: Call them mouselengths, taillengths, foxlengths, and treelengths
Normal People: Wouldn't put this on their profile
Warrior Fans: Are copying and pasting right now.
_____ _____ _____
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\ \__/ / \ \___/ / A R R I O R S
~If you are a WARRIORS fan and proud of it, put this on your profile page!~
❒ Single
❒ Taken
✔ Fandoms
Online ( )
Offline ( )
Grounded ( )
Asleep ( )
Online, but busy ( )
At school ( )
Too lazy to update my status (x)
Dare to be a Mormon;
Dare to stand alone;
Dare to have a purpose firm;
Dare to make it known.
~Pres. Thomas S Monson
"The boy you punched in the hall today? Committed suicide a few minutes ago. That girl you called a slut in class today? She's a virgin. The boy you called lame? He has to work every night to support his family? That girl you pushed down the other day? She's already being abused at home. That girl you called fat? She's starving herself. The old man you made fun of because of the ugly scars? He fought for our country. The boy you made fun of for crying? His mother is dying. You think you know them. Guess what? You DON'T! Re-post if you are against bullying. I bet 99% of you won't, but RE-POST this if you're that 1% with a heart."
When life gives you lemons throw them back at the sky and scream you can't tell me what to do!
When life gives you lemons make orange juice and leave the world wondering how you did it.
(='.'=) This is Bunny.
()_() Bunny needs YOUR help!!
Post Bunny on your profile to help him gain WORLD DOMINATION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
( '_')
(> )>o I was going to give you this cookie
.o<( <) But then i was like...
. (O_O)
.. (>o<) ITS MY COOKIE!
.. .U...U
( '_')
(> )>o Then you said sharing is caring, but...
. (^_^)
. (> <) So then I ate it...HAHAHA
"There is nothing to fear but fear itself."
"I solemnly swear that I am up to no good."
Take this oath!-
I promise to remember Percy, whenever I'm at sea. I promise to remember Annabeth, when a spider comes at me. I promise to protect nature, for Grover's sake, of course. I promise to remember Luke, when my heart fills with remorse. I promise to remember Jason, whenever the thunder booms. I promise to remember Piper, when I dress in pretty costumes. I promise to remember Leo, whenever a boy flirts with me. I promise to remember Hazel, whenever gold shines at me. I promise to remember Frank, when I watch a fire come a glow. I promise to remember these characters, wherever I may go.
Ꭵ Ꭺm muᏞᏆᎥ fᎪᏁᎠᎾm! Ꭵ ᏟᎪᏁ'Ꮖ bᎬ ᏟᎾᏁᏆᏒᎾᏞᏞᎬᎠ! (<--- lol divergent joke)
Warrior Cats Oath (Extended Version)
I'll remember Brightheart,/When I see a scar one someones face./I will think of WindClan,/Every time I win a race./I'll remember Silverstream,/When I see a young mother./I'll remember Violet,/When I worry about my brother./I will remember Goosefeather,/When nobody believes me./I will think of Scourge,/When someone's teased for being tiny./I'll remember Mothwing,/When I find it hard to believe./I'll be reminded of Princess,/When I see someone, who seems naive./I'll always think of Heathertail,/When someone wants to be 'just friends'./I will think of StarClan,/When I am near the end./I will think of Tawnypelt,/Whenever I feel judged./I will think of Darkstripe,/When somebody holds a grudge./I promise to remember Cinderheart,/When I climb a tree./I'll remember Midnight,/Whenever I'm at sea./I'll remember Leafpool,/When I must follow my heart./I will think of Hollyleaf,/If I ever fall apart./I'll remember Brambleclaw,/When I must prove myself./I'll remember Spottedleaf,/When I'm suffering from bad health./I'll remember Lionblaze,/When I am feeling strong./I'll remember Tigerstar,/If I choose the path that's wrong./I'll remember Dovewing,/When I hear of something far away./I'll remember Cloudtail,/When a kitten catches their first prey./I'll remember Bluestar,/Whenever I must choose./I'll remember Crowfeather,/When the one I love, I loose./Feathertail will be in my mind,/Whenever I must be brave./And I'll remember The Tribe,/When I'm in a cave./I'll remember Ashfur,/When somebody breaks my heart./I'll remember Barley,/When me and my siblings are far apart./I'll remember Ivypool,/When I try to be the best./I'll remember Firestar,/When my loyalty's put to the test./I'll remember Crookedstar,/If someone abandons me./I'll remember Ravenpaw,/If I ever have to flee./I'll remember Jayfeather,/When I have a strange dream./I'll think of Cherrytail and Sparrowpelt,/Whenever I eat cream./I'll always think of Cinderpelt,/When my leg is sore./I'll remember Longtail,/When I can see no more./I'll remember the many battles,/When I see conflict or strife./I promise to remember all these cats,/For the rest of my life.
╔╗╔═╦╗ Put this on your bio
║╚╣║║╚╗If you like to laugh!
╚═╩═╩═╝It is healthy
Hunger Games Fans: "I'm in District 4!"
Harry Potter Fans: "I'm in District 9 3/4!"
█████████████ Randomness overloaded. 100% complete. Put this on your page if you are mentally and physically random!
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