Bands I Got Into (Log)
This is basically just going to be a log of when I got into each band that I like, including the first song(s) that I listened to and how I discovered them.
Keep in mind beforehand that I've listened to a lot of bands. The ones listed are just the ones that I have specific playlists on Spotify for (I do this for all of the bands that I listen to consistently - it became a habit after having a free Spotify account where I couldn't pick and choose the songs I wanted to listen to).
Rascal Flatts
Date: I don't exactly have a date of when I started listening to them, because I started listening to these guys when I was about 3 or 4 years old.
How: I found out about this band because they were one of my mom's favorites, and still are to this day. I don't continue listening to them, but I do go back and revisit my old favorites by them from time to time.
Song(s): I'm pretty sure it was Life is a Highway...? If yes, the next one was probably Where You Are...but don't quote me on that.
Imagine Dragons
Date: late 2013/early 2014
How: My sister and mom were SUPER obsessed with the Radioactive music video after hearing the song from the movie, The Host, which had recently come out. They would play it CONSTANTLY, and I couldn't escape from it.
Song(s): Obviously, the first song I listened to was Radioactive. I don't exactly know which came next, it was either Demons or It's Time, then On Top of the World, then either Tiptoe or Amsterdam, and then Hear Me. Fun fact: I hated this band at first. I really didn't like them. Demons was the first song I heard that I could admit to enjoy. That and It's Time were the two songs that got me interested in hearing more from the band.
Cage the Elephant
Date: February 5, 2017 (I know EXACTLY when I listened to this band, because listening to them was the first big example of me crossing the threshold of tagging along with my family's taste in music, and really coming to find out my own.)
How: My section leader freshman year LOVED this band. I had first heard about them in either December of 2016 or January of the following year, but it wasn't until she started spamming my Instagram feed with news of them winning a Grammy that I finally decided to ask her for recommendations (which, spoiler alert, is often how I get into bands after this).
Song(s): The first one requested for me to listen to was Cigarette Daydreams, but I didn't listen to that until June 12 or 13 (maybe 11) of the same year. The first, if you've seen my top 15 songs list (COUGHCOUGHCOUGH) was Flow, then Telescope, Black Widow, Sweetie Little Jean, Spiderhead (or maybe Sweetie Little Jean after Spiderhead, but I'm pretty sure this is right), Shake Me Down (the first song that really clicked with me and lead me to crave listening to all their songs), and then I think the next one was Right Before My Eyes.
Fall Out Boy
Date: I don't even know XD I don't know when I started getting into them, but I officially got into them in August of 2017.
How: Again, I have no idea how I got into this band. I do know that I played one of their songs in my sophomore field show (first heard mid 2017), which made me want to listen to more songs, but I'm still not sure how I first found out about them. One of my internet friends showed me Sophomore Slump or Comeback of the Year, which officially got me into them.
Song(s): Centuries, Immortals, The Phoenix, then Sophomore Slump or Comeback of the Year (my favorite). I still haven't listened to that many. XD Fun Fact: Sophomore Slump was suggested to me when I had started my sophomore year of high school and it was pretty much the song to start off the new school year. :)
Linkin Park
Date: July 20, 2017
How: Yes, I first listened to the band on the same day that Chester committed suicide. This wasn't the first time I had seen or heard about them, though. The first time I saw them was on the YouTube talk show, Good Mythical Morning about a month prior. I was watching that episode again the same day that I saw so many Instagram posts paying tribute to him, and I was like, "Wait, that's the guy?!" I had really enjoyed the short, silly songs they had played in that episode, and I decided to start listening to them.
Song(s): Numb [I listened to a lot of songs, but I didn't add them all to my Spotify playlist(s), so this is the only one I know of.]
Paradise Creek
Date: July 28, 2017 (I'm pretty sure it was sometime before this, though)
How: This band followed me on one of my Instagram accounts and after a while, I decided to listen to their music. They're not famous or anything, but they have released an EP and two singles so far sooooo yee
Song(s): Paralyzed
Panic! at the Disco
Date: September 23, 2017 (same day as my first field show competition) I think I first heard about them at the beginning of 2017 or the end of 2016, but I first heard a song at the end of the school year 2017.
How: For starters, I listened to my first song by them because we were planning on playing one of their songs for our field show my sophomore year. We didn't, but my friend from my section was a big fan of them. I heard her playing it in attempt to figure out how to play the part, but then in September on the bus to get lunch before a competition, we were listening to my Spotify and I gave her my phone and asked her to show me a song, which was by this band, and I was immediately hooked.
Song(s): Victorious, Death of a Bachelor, Emperor's New Clothes, Let's Kill Tonight, Ready to Go [Get Me Out of My Mind], The Only Difference Between Martyrdom and Suicide is Press Coverage, LA Devotee (I have a whole playlist and I'm 99% positive it's in the exact order that I listened to them, but I don't think you guys want to see a list of 50 songs so I'll just give you the ones I know for certain are in order)
The Killers
Date: I first heard a song in either a mall or at Barnes and Noble, but I got into them on October 10, 2017 (or sometime before that)
How: I made Instagram accounts where I share my love of music, one being Cage the Elephant, and through talking about my favorite band, I got pulled into this AMAZING group of friends that love Cage. At least three of them (it's a big group XD) are also big fans of this band and they kept kind of pushing me to listen to them.
Song(s): Somebody Told Me (still my favorite to this day), then Mr. Brightside.
Velvet Starlings
Date: October 17, 2017 - I'm not sure when I first listened to them, though.
How: Okay, so remember me mentioning that amazing group of people that just dragged me into this amazing friend group because they found out that I liked Cage the Elephant? The first person to reach out to me was this guy named Christian Gisborne, who happens to be the lead singer and guitarist of this band. XD I still remember during our first conversation when I mentioned that I was in band and he got all excited, like, "Oh!! How long have you been in a band??" "Uh, it's a marching band, I'm not cool or anything..." It's not a very famous or popular band, but I love his music, so I count it. He's releasing an EP in 2018, go look him up on Instagram or YouTube, he's really good.
Song(s): Not entirely sure, but the first song I heard fully was Coming Home.
The White Stripes
Date: Before November 18, 2017 was when I first started to get into them, but I first listened to them at the end of 2016.
How: I've been hearing the riff for Seven Nation Army ever since I was in the sixth/seventh/eighth grade (pretty sure it was sixth, but either way, it was sometime during late 2013 - early 2016) when my brother joined the marching band (they loved playing it and still do), but I never thought of it as being a song by a rock artist; I thought it was written specifically for band. Then at/near the end of my first semester of freshman year (so late 2016), my friend showed me the actual song by The White Stripes. I wasn't a big fan of it at first. I still didn't know who wrote it. Later, I was suggested a playlist on Spotify for The White Stripes, and I kind of thought they were a band of like four or five boys like 1D...except from the early 2000's. XD Still didn't listen to them, partly because I was too lazy, partly because I wasn't a fan of the Black Keys, which I assumed they were similar to, but then Christian started encouraging me to listen to some of his favorite bands (most of them aren't listed here, but these include The Who and The Doors), one of which being The White Stripes. I really started listening to them on the car ride to and back from Arizona on November 18 of 2017 where my aunt was throwing my grandparents a surprise party for their 50th wedding anniversary.
Song(s): Seven Nation Army, then We're Gonna Be Friends (if you count listening to a parody as hearing a song by them), then either Conquest or Icky Thump (pretty sure Conquest was first).
The Beatles
Date: I first listened to them around February-April of 2014, but I didn't start enjoying them until late 2017. I KNOW I LIVE UNDER A ROCK OKAY I'M SORRY
How: I first listened to All You Need is Love because I was forced to sing it in front of the entire K-8 charter school that I was attending at the time in the program they have at the end of each year (this year being my sixth grade year). It sucked. I hated the song from the moment they turned it on, and the screaming sixth graders that couldn't sing (to which I say ALL YOU NEED IS LOVE...DA DA DADADA) didn't help. But of course this had to be Christian's favorite band of all time soooooooooooooooooooooooooooo yeah... XD
Song(s): All You Need Is Love
The Who
Date: January 5, 2018
How: This is my internet friend's second favorite band, and I was just curious.
Song(s): either The Seeker or The Real Me (pretty sure it was the latter)
Portugal. The Man
Date: January 6, 2018
How: I first heard of them because this was another of my section leader's favorites (the one that showed me Cage). She told me I probably wouldn't like them, but later, my internet friend (same one as The Beatles) did a cover of Feel it Still. I asked him if it was original or a cover, and he dramatically started saying "It's by the best band in the world" "The one that changed the style of popular rock music" "PORTUGAL THE MAN." I didn't really enjoy the original until early 2018 after hearing it in the trailer for Peter Rabbit before seeing The Greatest Showman. I literally put it in a playlist so I could play it on a loop while I worked on Daze. XD
Song(s): Feel it Still, then I think Keep On
The Doors
Date: January 9, 2018
How: This is my internet friend's third favorite band, and just like The Who, I got curious. I actually didn't like them at first, but I was just listening to them one day and started to like them. I was talking to my friend later and he even said that they were the last band he expected me to like. XD
Song(s): Riders on the Storm (I have a list but let's just leave it at that)
The Black Keys
Date: January 30, 2018
How: I was just listening to a few of their songs because Spotify recommended them. I have no idea when I first heard them, but it was sometime mid-2017, most likely sometime in June, if not July probably.
Song(s): I have no clue, but the first song I enjoyed was Little Black Submarines.
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