Pt 4 || Wounds or Flowers? || Ethan Nestor
Did anyone catch anything from the last chapter?? Wounds or flowers? Flowers???
(Instead of completely leaving Y/n like she thought was happening, and leaving a wound, he came back and gave her flowers. So instead of wounds, she got flowers :))
Also, I just love it when I get feelings and not knowing how to deal with them :)))))))
Y/n's POV
"What's so bad about Hufflepuff?" I questioned, a smile playing at my lips.
Ethan laughed guiltily. "Nothings bad about them, I just don't wanna be one!"
"Are you sure that's all?" I accused. "When you saw the result it sounded like you were upset with them."
"Yeah, because I'm a Gryffindor, not a Hufflepuff."
I roll my eyes. "Bull! I think you're way more Hufflepuff than Gryffindor."
"Well Pottermore sorted me into Gryffindor-"
I interrupted the boy sat across from me. "Pottermore also sorted you into Hufflepuff."
"It sorted me into Gryffindor first, though."
"And?" I asked.
"Which means I'm totally a Gryffindor!" He laughed.
I laughed with him. "That doesn't mean anything!"
The two of us continue our laughter at the pointless argument between us. Moments passed as we settled down, catching our breaths, calming our spirits a bit. Silence surrounded us, the only sound being our breathing and little chuckles that escaped our mouths.
The two of us sat in my living room, each on our own spot on the couch. Instead of sitting on the couch normally, we sat on it sideways to face each other as we talked, making up for the lost time over the last few months. The heart in my chest that once felt pain now held so much joy it was almost unbearable. I had my best friend back and things were going back to how it was before Theo had come.
"Man, I've really missed this." Ethan stated, nodding as he stared down at his hands.
I smiled, nodding in agreement. "Me too." I whispered.
"I'm so sorry about everything." Ethan apologizes for the hundredth time. "I regret everything I've done to you in the past year."
I chuckle. "It's fine, Ethan, I promise."
Now, instead of the anger I felt when the thought of Theo came up, I now felt nothing. Everything I used to hate about her felt like normal things that is stupid to hate about someone. She seemed like a normal person now, not the villain anymore. I don't know what changed my feelings so suddenly, but it made me feel guilty for hating her for nothing. Now, I felt like I wanted to be her friend. She seemed like a good person and a great company, but my past self that hated her so much failed to see that. All of the hatred blinded me from seeing that.
"What even happened? Was Theo upset?" I question, a guilty expression covering my face as I looked up at Ethan.
"Absolutely not." Ethan shook his head. "Like I said earlier, she knew it would come eventually."
The guilty expression never left my face. "So she's not mad at me? She doesn't blame me?"
Ethan's eyes widened slightly and his cheeks reddened a bit. "Why-Why would she blame you?"
I stared up at him like it was an obvious answer written in bold letters in front of his face. "Because I kinda yelled at you which made you think about what you were doing and yada yada."
Saying that, I realized something. Why did he break up with Theo? It can't be because of what he was doing, he'd only work to fit time in his schedule for the both of us. What caused him to break it off?
"None of this is your fault and she doesn't blame you one bit." Ethan stated calmly and reassuringly.
"Wait, Ethan-" I started, confusion laced in my voice. "Why exactly did you break up with Theo?"
He stared at me for a few moments. He didn't reply, only stared with an unreadable expression. "W-Well I told you. I thought about what you-"
"No, that can't be it." I interrupted. "If you thought about what I said, you wouldn't break up with her because you were basically shoving me out of your life to see her. You'd make sure you'd see us both equally. I know you, Ethan."
His line of sight dropped down to our knees that were almost touching. He fiddled with his hands in his lap, not yet answering my question. My eyebrows stitched together in concern, my hand finding it's way to his shoulder.
"Ethan," I whispered calmly. "Did something happen?"
Ethan's eyes met mine, one eyebrow raised. "Between Theo and me?" He questioned, to which I nodded. "Oh, no. Nothing like that happened."
"Then what did?"
His eyes glued to mine for a second before they began darting everywhere but mine. I debated on dropping the subject, seeing as it clearly changed his mood, but before I could come to a decision Ethan spoke again, slowly making eye contact again.
"We're best friends, right?" Ethan asked, staring nervously at my necklace. He wrapped his hand around the sign, pulling it- and me -softly toward him.
"Of course, Ethan." I answer, beginning to get worried. "You can tell me anything."
"Anything." He repeated quietly to himself. "Anything? Are you sure I can tell you anything?"
I nodded. "Of course you can." I whispered back to him at the same volume as him.
He nodded, grabbing his necklace. He connected our necklaces with a small snap, staring at them for a bit. "So if I told you something completely insane, something you might not like, nothing would change? We'd still be us? Best friends?"
I nodded with the little space I had. "Yeah, absolutely." My heart sped up with the close proximity between us as he looked up from the necklaces and at me. Yes, we've been close before, but nothing like this.
"You promise?" He asked. I could feel his breath on my lips.
"I promise."
As soon as those two words left my mouth, I was unable to speak anymore. Ethan had closed the small gap between us, connecting his soft lips with mine. This simple action answered all my questions about the feelings I've been experiencing recently. I was jealous. I've liked Ethan this whole time but never knew it. I hated Theo because I was jealous.
The two of us sat there, our lips locked, for what felt like minutes but was only seconds. The butterflies, the tingly feelings, the bubbly attitude I now had were all because of this one, simple action. I never wanted it to end, but sadly, it had to eventually.
Ethan was the first to pull away, but only backing away a tiny bit. He rested his forehead on mine, our eyes still closed and faces close together.
"I love you." Ethan whispered, catching his breath.
I smiled, butterflies quickly flying all throughout my stomach. "What's so insane about that?"
Ethan chuckled, pulling his head up. We still remained close, not wanting to pull the necklaces apart, but not as close as we were seconds before.
"I always have." Ethan stated, grabbing my hand and holding it tightly in his. "I just never thought you'd feel the same, so I went to Theo in hopes of forgetting those feelings. But she knew what was happening all along and knew I was gonna break up with her eventually. She was surprisingly okay with it, actually. She said she was upset, obviously, but she said it was okay." He chuckled, staring sweetly at our hands. "She helped me figure things out, helped me build the courage to tell you, talked to me about how I should treat you."
I let out a small laugh, happy Theo wasn't angry.
"But now that I've gotten that out of the way," Ethan sighed, looking up at me now with a cheesy grin. "Would you, maybe, like to be my girlfriend?"
I nodded, a giant grin spreading across my face. "Yes." I whispered, leaning forward and resting my forehead on Ethan's shoulder. He laughed, wrapping his arms around me.
I turn my head slightly to the side. On the coffee table next to us sat the brightly colored flowers Ethan had brought me earlier. Those flowers now held more value than I had thought when I was gifted them just an hour before.
Sooo, I just watched The Space Between Us and I really want to write something like that. Like, wtf, it was so cute.
(Also, why are there, like, -3739 guys like Gardner in this world?? Someone please explain)
IN THAT VIDEO GARDNER WATCHED OF HIS MOM AND UNCLE(the one he thought was of his mom and dad), THEY K I S S E D
IF THEY'RE BROTHER AND SISTER, WHY TF DID THEY KISS IN THE VIDEO?! IS THIS SOME ALABAMA SHIT?!(I remember them kissing, at least. If I remember wrong, I'm gonna throw myself out the window)
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