Pt 3 || Wounds or Flowers? || Ethan Nestor
What if I made an Amy/Marzia/Mika/Wiishu/Gab/whatever cute female x reader or something?? Would that be alright with you guys??
Also, my school doesn't know the definition of "expelled." When they expel someone, that student shouldn't be allowed to come back. What my school does is basically a long suspension. EVEN THE KIDS THAT DO THE WORST THINGS YOU CAN DO TO GET EXPELLED! WtF scHoOl¿!
Y/n's POV
Three days. Three days without Ethan. Saturday, Sunday, and Monday. I stayed at home, bored out of my mind because I've never been without Ethan. I've never had to figure out what to do, I was always with Ethan, laughing my head off. I felt like a kid whose sports season just ended and didn't know what to do with their free time.
At school, instead of coming to lunch, I went to the library. Instead of sitting next to him in class, I found an empty seat in the back of the room. I knew he wouldn't, but every time I got a notification on my phone I hoped it'd be Ethan. I hoped he'd message me, apologizing, or inviting me over, something. But I should know better. Best friends don't lie.
It angered and saddened me each time I saw him giggling with Theo. That used to be us. That was what we did. But he got tired of me and found someone better. I wished things could go back to how they were. How it was before Theo came along. But maybe it was better off this way. Maybe he was getting tired of me before Theo came and she was just his escape coming to rescue him after years of miserable time with me. But what if it's not? What if this never happened if Theo never came to this school?
Why did she have to move here?
Why did Ethan and Theo have to meet?
Why did she have to be better than me?
Why was I not enough?
Why, why, why? All the questions beginning with "why?" I couldn't answer any of them, but I couldn't stop finding answers. With every question, my heart broke even more. A piece of it fell off like a withering petal off a dead flower. The more a piece fell dead, the more salty tears produced. All I could do was burry my face in my hands as I asked myself "why?"
I was thankful my parent(s) (were/was) out of the house. They'd be in the living room with me asking what was wrong when they heard the eco of my sobs bounce around the house. Yes, I was thankful they were there for me and cared about me, but I didn't want anyone around me. I didn't want anyone, not even my parent(s), to see the mess I've turned into since I returned from school an hour ago. Laying flat on my back on the couch, curtains pulled closed over the window hanging above the back of the sofa, ugly sobs emitting from the messy haired girl who looked like she hasn't slept in days, and truthfully, I haven't.
Muting the ugly noises I was making, I listened closely to confirm I heard correctly. A knock at the door made my heart speed up in less than a second. Quickly, I jumped up and peeked out the window behind the couch to see if I could spot who stood on the other side of the door. A teen, brown hair and fidgeting slightly, stood at the door.
My hands moistening and beginning to shake, I step away from the window and mentally argue with myself on what to do. If I open the door to reveal my messed up state, what would he think? What if he heard the gross sounds I was making from outside? What if-
...what if he came to apologize?
No. I mentally slapped myself for thinking such a thing and getting my hopes up for even a second.
But what if he was?
Another knock sounded. I wanted to disappear, I wanted to to open the door, I wanted to leave him outside. But I couldn't choose all three. Only one.
One choice. Each one could have different outcomes. Each one could change my life entirely. The story of the rest of my life was decided by which decision I made. I wish I could see which decision led to what outcome, but, sadly, I could only blindly choose one ending and hope I picked the right one. The thought of that made my hands shake even more.
My legs began moving quickly toward the door, desperate to see why Ethan was here on my doorstep after wanting me gone. I ran my hand through my hair, coming into contact with many rough parts to which I had to force my hand through. Hair fell out with each tug, but my mind wasn't on how much hair I was losing and where it was going. I trailed my hands down my face, desperately trying to dry my eyes and hide the fact I was crying over the absence of this boy. Any other day I would've collapsed into his arms in a millisecond while the tears poured from my eyes, but today was a different day.
With a shaky hand, I gripped the golden doorknob with my hand I tried to dry on the material hugging my thighs. My heart beating 100 beats per second, I opened the door slowly, not sure where to land my eyes. A colorful mix of flowers were tied together in Ethan's right hand. All of my favorite flowers were bundled into a bouquet, a decorative plastic wrapped around the stems. I met Ethans eyes to see a sorrowful look staring back at me.
"What do you want?" I replied harshly, surprised by what had come out of my mouth.
Ethan's regretful eyes never left mine. "I-I came here to apologize." Ethan said, offering the bouquet to me. I grabbed it with hesitation and a skeptical expression. "I know what I said Friday night was bad, I know what I've done was wrong. I cannot express to you enough how much I wish to take back everything I've said and done. I was mad, I was frustrated, and I was trying to lie to myself. Everything I said was anything but the truth and I didn't mean anything I said."
"How am I supposed to believe you?" I asked as soon as he ended his sentence. "What happened to 'best friends don't lie', what happened to 'I could never replace you'?"
Ethan frowned. "Y/n, I'm begging you to believe me. I didn't mean anything I said that night. I wanted to punch myself after I realized what came out of my mouth." He looked at me, a desperate covering his features. A moment of silence passed through us before he continued. "You have no idea how upset I was at myself after I watched you walk away. I hurt you and that fact would not leave my mind since it happened."
I looked up at him, mimicking the frustration I had on Friday. "Who said you hurt me?" I asked, sounding offended. I knew it was very obvious I was upset, but for some reason I didn't want him to know he caused this mess standing in front of him. "I couldn't care less that you were with Theo, abandoning me everyday, having so much fun and laughing your asses off." I lied. It couldn't be more obvious I was lying. Tears were welling up in my eyes again and my voice because wavy, but I stopped to swallow the lump in my throat and continued my rant like nothing happened. "God, I hated her laugh. How fake and forced it sounded. And don't even get me started on the way she'd always lean so close to you when she was laughing! There are so many things I could list off right now that I hated-"
I began listing off everything I could think of that I hated about Theo. I know I was way off track from my main point, but I couldn't help but continue. I knew he was going to get offended and take up for his precious girlfriend, but I was in too deep to stop now. About ten points into my list, Ethan spoke up again.
"Well you don't have to deal with her anymore because I broke up with her!" Ethan shouted over me. I stopped immediately, jerking my head up to look at him again. An unreadable expression covered his face as his eyes switched between my left and right ones.
"I couldn't stop thinking about what you said on Friday and what I was doing. I met with her yesterday and told her what was happening." Ethan explained, taking a baby step closer toward me. I still stared up at him, shock obvious in my face, my mouth slightly parted open.
"W-What about today? I saw you two-"
Ethan interrupted me. "We agreed to be friends. She said she could tell how I felt and knew it was going to happen at some point."
"How you felt?" I questioned, raising an eyebrow.
"Y/n, I-" He stopped, his face going through multiple different expressions. "You're my best friend."
A smile covered my features, loving the sound of that after thinking the opposite for three lonely days. I couldn't stop myself from wondering if that was what was originally going to say though.
"Am I yours?" Ethan asked, a grin and a hopeful glint in his eyes.
After a moments hesitation, I nodded, taking a step closer toward Ethan and wrapping my arms around his tall form. He hugged me back tightly, burying his face in my hair. Words couldn't describe the feeling of joy and giddiness I felt. I finally had my best friend back.
After a long hug, I stepped back and stared kindly at the flowers that I still gripped tightly in my hand. I looked up at Ethan with intentions to thank him, but was distracted when I saw him pulling the familiar necklace I missed so much out from underneath his shirt. He smiled at me and slowly pulled the other half of the necklace out from his pocket and dangled it between his fingers.
"I think you're missing something." He stated, grinning at me cheekily.
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