Pt 2 || Wounds or Flowers? || Ethan Nestor
I love pictures of Ethan in high school and in this story you guys are in high school, so I'm only going to provide pictures of him from when he was in high school :')
Also, this chapter will only be going over the memories of you and Ethan and since I'm not original the memories of when you're on vacation are based off of things my family has done with our friends, so if these seem inaccurate to you, I'm sorry
Y/n's POV
The sun had set now, the stars covering the sky as I continued to wait for Ethan. In the silence of his room, I twirled the cheesy necklace the two of us began wearing years ago between my fingers. The necklace Ethan had bought for us when our families went on vacation together. In my fingers was the Yang side from the Yin and Yang symbol with the word "friends" engraved in gold in small letters onto it. Ethan, of course, had the Yin side with the golden word "best."
Walking around on the large boat of ten decks and about 3,000 people, Ethan and I had wandered into the cruise ship's small stores. The two of us, at 12 years of age, were not allowed to leave each other's sights as instructed by both of our parents. Each of us had a card hanging around our neck that allowed us access to our bedrooms, getting off and on the boat when we stop somewhere, and purchasing items available in stores. Being 12-years-old, our parents had put a ($50/£50/€50) limit to how much we bought. The two of us had planned to spend our ($50/£50/€50) wisely, but that, of course, didn't go as planned.
(Idk the value of $50 in other places is, so I'm just gonna keep it as 50)
Ethan and I had been wandering around together in the small store, taking a look at each of their items and showing each other what we found. After a moment of standing side by side in front of a stand holding all kinds of jewelry, Ethan picks up a pair of necklaces in a pack, held together by a magnet. He sent me a contagious smile, grabbed my hand, and pulled me up to the desk the employee stood at with a large grin as we approached her. Ethan placed the necklaces on the desk and gave her his card to scan.
After the purchase was made, Ethan and I took a seat on the cushioned seats in the middle of the deck. Gently and patiently taking the necklaces out of the package, he asked, "Which side do you want?"
I shrugged my shoulders in response. "Give me the white one."
With a nod, Ethan held up the white side and motioned for me to turn around. He wrapped the chain around my neck and clasped the back onto the small chain securely. I did the same to him.
"Put them together!" Ethan grinned widely, holding up his side. When the two of our signs got close, they snapped together with the magnetic force pulling each other together. Ethan and I grinned at each other. "We're best friends forever, no matter what now."
I giggled. "You can't leave me now."
I smiled at the distant memory. I never thought Ethan actually wanted to wear them, I thought he was joking, but each time he didn't see the familiar chain hanging from my neck he'd ask me where it was and why I wasn't wearing it. Not a day had gone by since we got them that Ethan didn't have it. He wore that necklace with pride and treated it like it was the most important, most valuable item he owned. Whether it be tucked in his shirt or shining brightly against his chest, he wore it.
Until Theo came along. When Ethan began dating her, she had asked him to stop wearing it, and Ethan being Ethan, removed it without hesitation. Since then, it's been sitting inside a drawer in his desk. Standing up from off of Ethan's bed, I made my way over to his desk that held many pictures and polaroids of Theo and him taped to the wall it stood against. I opened the drawer I knew his necklace sat in and picked it up with a sad smile. I attached the two signs, staring down at them as many memories flowing through my mind. All of them in which held one thing in common: these necklaces.
Warm tears streamed down my face, my phone on the other side of the room, silently hoping it wasn't broken through my sadness and anger. I had thrown it against the wall opposite me after my first serious relationship had ended. Age 15 and six months into a relationship with a guy named Garret, only to find out he was just as dishonest as he said he wasn't. I ignored the phone calls, I ignored the texts. I wasn't in the mood to talk to anyone, or even get up to get my phone. As my phone vibrated for the millionth time in a row, my bedroom door opened to a worried Ethan, his phone in hand as it called somebody. Me.
"I've called you a hundred times." Ethan stated, closing my door quietly and hung up on his phone, making the annoying ringing from my phone stop. Before sitting next to me on my bed, he grabbed my phone from off the floor and announced that it was perfectly fine, no cracks to be seen on the delicate screen.
"Tell me what happened." Ethan said quietly from beside me, the both of us staring at the wall in front of us.
I look away from the wall and down at my hands. "I don't-"
Before I could finish, Ethan interrupted. "But you're going to." He stated calmly, looking away from the wall and at me. "I know you, Y/n. You wanna bottle everything up and keep things to yourself. You know me. You know I won't let you do that." He stared at me, deep into my bloodshot, swollen eyes with care. He moved his eyes down to my hands, grabbing one and giving it a small, short squeeze to tell me he was here for me. "Tell me what happened." He whispered softly, face full of worry as he met my eyes again.
I turn my head away from him, returning my eyes to the spot on the wall my phone made when I threw it. "Garret."
Ethan followed my gaze, staring at the spot now as well. "What'd he do?"
"Things every boy does, really."
"Every boy?" Ethan questioned.
"Every boy." I repeated, nodding my head. Ethan stared at me with a raised eyebrow for a moment before I finally returned the gaze, breaking into a smile as soon as our eyes locked. "Okay, every boy besides you."
"Thank you." Ethan grinned, pulling my hand into his lap, wrapping his other hand around the back of mine, sandwiching my hand. "So he wasn't loyal?"
"Not at all." I confirmed, resting my head on Ethan's shoulder.
"How long?"
"Six months."
"The whole time?"
"The whole time."
Ethan didn't ask anymore questions. Instead, he leaned his head on mine and continued to keep my hand warm in his. Minutes passed in silence, the contact and support from Ethan being enough.
"Was I the problem?" I asked quietly. As soon as that question left my mouth, Ethan pulled his head up and stared at me. I picked my head up as well, staring back at him.
"Where is this coming from?" He asked.
I shrugged. "I mean, if he were talking to other girls the entire time then he obviously wasn't satisfied. Is it how I look? Was I too clingy? What if it was my-"
"Stop it." Ethan interrupted, shaking his head with a look that made it seem as if I had hurt him. "Just stop." Ethan repeated, turning his body to face me entirely. "You are the prettiest, smartest, funniest girl to exist. Don't compare yourself to other girls, it's just rude to the one you're comparing yourself to."
I let out a small laugh at his comment, Ethan doing the same. I pulled my hand out of his grasp. "How am I supposed to know if you're just telling me this to make me feel better?"
Without speaking, Ethan lifted the black Yin sign from off of his clothed chest. Extending his arm toward me, he lifted mine up too, leaning in closer to me to attach the two together. Once the familiar snap sounded, Ethan looked at me with a smile, our faces inches apart. This closeness wasn't new. Ethan found joy in snapping our necklaces together and did it often. He'd sit there and stare at the necklaces with a proud look in his eyes for minutes. He'd sometimes snap them together mid-conversation and wouldn't let me back away, keeping us close together for as long as he felt like.
"Best friends don't lie." Ethan stated, a toothy smile on his face.
I couldn't help the wide grin that covered my face as he said that. I stared down at the two necklaces hanging between us held together by the magnet inside them. As I cupped the sign in my hand, I was pulled into Ethan's chest as he hugged me tightly. I returned the hug, feeling the anger drain out of me as joy replaced the negative feelings. My head buried in his chest and his face nestled in my hair, I couldn't help but let out a giggle. Ethan let one out as well, holding me to him even tighter.
Remembering Ethan's behavior with the necklaces made me feel a pain in my chest. I missed the times we shared. I missed everything he used to do. The main reason Theo didn't want Ethan to wear his necklace anymore was because of the close proximity he'd put us in. She didn't like that we were comfortable being so close to each other. She didn't like that he'd connect them at random times and smile like a child on Christmas morning. She also didn't appreciate how Ethan wore it everyday, intimating her into thinking I was more important to him than she was. She hated the necklaces with a passion, and if Theo wanted them gone, Ethan would gladly get rid of them.
My heart aching, I unclipped the necklace from around my neck and place the two attached necklaces back into his drawer, staring at them for a moment longer before closing it. If he wasn't going to wear his, there was no point in wearing mine. Maybe if he found them, he could reuse them for him and Theo, she might like the necklaces then. After five years of wearing those necklaces every single day, they had no reason anymore. A big part in our friendship had come to an end and I'd be lying if I said it didn't hurt.
Scaring me slightly, Ethan's bedroom door busted open to reveal Andrew, Ethan's older brother. "Mom said-" Andrew stopped abruptly, noticing Ethan's absence and me standing alone. "Hey, Y/n. Ethan leave again?" Andrew asked, sounding sorry.
I nodded in response. "A few hours ago."
He pointed down the hall behind him. "If you want, we can play video games in my room? Maybe just hang out if you want?"
Feeling like I'd be a bother, I politely declined his offer. Him being Andrew, he wouldn't want me alone when Ethan was supposed to be here, so he'd offer to keep me company. He probably has other things to do. Andrew nodded, glancing around the room before speaking again. "I'm sorry about Ethan. Always flaking out on plans to do something with this girl. I also don't want you to think he's only doing it to you, he does it to us all the time as well."
I nodded. "Yeah, I know." I mumbled. "I can go home if it's a problem-"
Andrew quickly shook his head. "No, it's fine! Stay as long as you want! You practically live here anyway, it's completely fine."
I nodded slowly at the other boy I've grown up with along with Ethan. The two of us said goodnight and he left, closing the door softly. With a frown, I plopped down onto the foot of Ethan's bed, my back hunched as I scanned the wall full of pictures. Most of them are full of pictures of him and Theo. I resisted the urge to rip those pictures from off the walls and into pieces in frustration. I missed my best friend. I missed seeing him everyday, messing around with him everywhere we went, talking about our next vacation, everything. I didn't like that she was taking up all his time, taking over his mind. It angered me how she was the only thing on his mind, the one person he'd drop anything for.
The wall that used to be decorated in pictures of us and cheesy things we've made for each other growing up was now full of things that reminded him of Theo. Things like notes she gave to him, concert tickets, pictures, ect. Now all of our memories sat in a box in the corner of his closet. Only one small polaroid picture of Ethan and me was hung on the wall with the date July 4, 20xx.
(This story takes place in whatever year you're reading this in, okAy? This picture was taken a year before.)
"Hand me those." I instructed, pointing to a pair of sunglasses next to Ethan. He picked them up from the sand and passed them to me.
The two of us had separated ourselves from our families, pulling two beach chairs closer to the water. Our families had taken a trip to (popular vacation location) for (fourth of July/the summer). Despite the salty water activities we planned on doing, we still wore our necklaces around our necks, just a bit tighter so it couldn't come off. Ethan and I relaxed in our chairs, feeling the waves come up and submerge our feet when the water got close enough. The bright sun kept us warm while the water kept us cool.
"What do you think is in the undiscovered parts of the ocean?" Ethan asked over the crash of the waves.
"Oh, definitely (your opinion)." I nodded, confident in my answer. Ethan nodded in agreement, a smile cracking his lips apart.
I leaned against the armrest attached to my chair closest to Ethan, my vision darkened slightly by the sunglasses resting on my face. Ethan looked back at me, waiting for me to say something. When I didn't, he laughed. "What?"
"You should totally let me do your makeup when we get back to the house." I grin, pointing to the rental houses far behind us with my thumb.
Ethan raised a brow. "Oh, I should?"
I nodded, an excited smile on my face. "Oh yeah, definitely." I brought a hand up to grab his chin and move his head to scan his face. "A little eyeliner, some mascara-" My hand moved from his chin to his hair, running my hand through it. "-maybe put some small curls in your hair."
Ethan grabbed my hand, pulling it away from his face and let them rest in the gap between our chairs. "Okay, you can do whatever you want with my face, but don't touch the hair."
Before I could argue, a click sounded from behind us, pulling both of our attention away from our conversation and to the source of the sound. Behind us was Andrew grinning widely at the polaroid camera in his hand, waiting for it to spit the photo out. Ethan and I shared a glance of confusion before I spoke up. "Whatcha doin?" I asked, tilting my head.
Andrew slowly approached us, shaking the small photo in his hand as he waited for it to develop. "Just taking photos to remember this time together." He replied cheekily. He stared at it for a moment then handed it to Ethan before walking back to the family. Ethan stared at it for a moment, smiling at it in admiration. Curious, I leaned over to see the photo, only for Ethan to pull it away and press it against his bare chest. "Ah ah ah! You can't see it."
"Why?" I laughed.
"Because no." He giggled.
After minutes of playful arguments and chasing Ethan, I finally snatched the photo from his grasp. Instead of trying to get it back, Ethan giggled, watching for my reaction as I stared at the small picture. The sun shining bright in the sky and reflecting off of the ocean, creating a silhouette of Ethan and I. Our bodies placed in the chairs but leaning toward each other slightly, our hands intertwined and hanging between us. It looked like a photo you'd see online.
I smiled at the picture, thankful he still had at least that on the wall. After it was taken, he would always mention how it was his favorite picture of us and how he wouldn't let anything happen to it. It gave me some happiness knowing he kept that picture on the wall instead of ripping it down like the others.
My head turned to the window on the side of his bed, the view being the front yard of his house. Under the window was a small part of the roof, just big and sturdy enough for the two of us to lay down on. The many nights I have snuck in through that window late at night. The two of us would have trouble staying quiet when we snuck into each other's houses, but we managed to keep those times a secret and out of our parents' knowledge.
I pulled myself up with ease, careful not to step on the wrong part of the branch. Looking up toward the next branch, I had to shake my hair out of my face. Climbing up the familiar tree in the same routine as every other time, I got up to Ethans window quickly. Stepping off the tree, I placed my foot onto the roof and crouched down by the window with dim lighting. My knuckles tapped on the glass just loud enough for Ethan to hear. Not long passes before the curtain was pushed to the side and Ethan stood with a bright smile. He reached up to unlock the window and pushed the glass up.
Once the window was open as far as it could, he stepped out onto the roof with me. "Took you long enough." He giggled.
I rolled my eyes. "Well I'm sorry I'm not Quicksilver. I can only go so fast."
"Thank God you're not Quicksilver, I don't need you dead."
I slapped him in the arm. "Don't talk about my son's death. It's a tragic event that shall never be brought up."
The 17-year-old shook his head, laying down and staring up at the sky, me following his actions. The sky above us was covered in stars and a full moon, making the ground brighter than it usually is at night. It was dark, but it was easier to see whatever was around us. On normal nights, Ethan and I would bring a flashlight to prop on the top of the window to act as a light or keep Ethans bedroom lights on and the curtains pushed to the side.
"I like it better on full moons." I state, my hands folded over my stomach. "We should do this every night there is a full moon."
Silence passed through us for a moment. A smile plastered on my face, happy I could see Ethan again. Just a few weeks ago, he met a girl named Theo. She moved to our school and since then, I haven't been given the opportunity to see Ethan without Theo following him. After she came, our after school hangouts weren't just the two of us. What I hated the most is how much I felt ignored. It's like they were the only ones there. He claims they're only friends, but I'm sure "friends" is not what they'll call each other soon. Just the thought of it made anger fill my mind and a tightening feeling cover my torso.
"Something on your mind?" Ethan asked, breaking the silence.
I turn my head to the side, looking at Ethan, to see he was already looking at me with slight worry. I smiled. "No," I force out a giggle. "The only thing on my mind is how cows can moo in an accent based on which herd they're from."
Ethan giggled softly. "C'mon Y/n, I know you."
"I know you do, but there is nothing on my mind."
"Y/n," Ethan whined like a child begging for a cookie. "What's wrong?"
My face went from playful to serious. I turned my head to look at the sky again. "What if you replace me?"
Ethan kept his eyes on me. "What are you talking about?"
I turned my body to face him, Ethan doing the same. "I mean, you look like you're having more fun when Theo is around. When all three of us are together I feel ignored and you even blow me off sometimes to go somewhere with Theo. I can't help but feel like you've found someone better to spend your time with."
Ethan grabbed my hand, pulling it close to him. "I could never replace you. You're my best friend, Y/n, whether you want to be or not." Ethan chuckles, pulling his necklace out from under his shirt and dangling it between his fingers. "Remember? You can't leave me and I can't leave you."
I rolled my eyes, a smile growing. Ethan scooted closer to me, grabbing my necklace and connecting the two. "There's the smile I like to see." He mumbled, staring into my eyes.
I nervously giggled, staring back at him. Ethan pressed my hand into his chest, allowing me to feel his heartbeat quicken as if he wanted to show me how it sped up. Mine did as well, confusing me slightly. He stared at me with a look of hope and a little bit of admiration. His eyes moved from mine to the side of my head. With his free hand leading, he extended his arm and when I thought he was going to cup my cheek, he pulled something out of my hair and giggled, showing me a leaf.
"There was a leaf in your hair." He smiled.
I giggled, face burning a bright red. Silently, I hoped it was dark enough he couldn't see the crimson red crawling across my cheeks, despite the full moon.
All the memories coming back to me was becoming too much. Flipping my phone over, I checked the time. 12:34am. I stood up, giving up with waiting for Ethan to come back. It's late, I should've left earlier. It's not like I don't usually leave Ethan's house until late into the night, much to my parent(s) distaste. Anger and disappointment was all I felt as I shoved my phone in my back pocket and began making my way downstairs and out the door, tears brimming my eyes.
I should be used to it by now. Getting blown off, forgotten about, left alone. Most nights all I felt was anger toward Theo. I stomped home with a hate toward her. Tonight was different. I could finally say I was upset with Ethan. He said he wouldn't be long, he told me he would come back. My clouded mind for my best friend believed him. I really believed he wouldn't take long. Look where that left me. Crying and walking home alone at midnight. I felt stupid. Why would I believe him? He's done this on many occasions, all to the same result.
Out of habit, I reached up to my collarbone to mess with the chain I've worn for years. When I found nothing, I remembered I left it in Ethan's drawer with the one he'd forgotten about. He stopped wearing the necklaces he bought us that he wanted to wear so badly that he loved so much. It only made sense I stop wearing it. It was hard to accept that chain would no longer be around my neck again. It was weird not feeling the small item hanging around my neck. I hated this change.
Just as I stepped out of the front door, a car I assumed was Ethan's pulled into the driveway. Ignoring the vehicle, I continued my way down his driveway, shoving my hands in my hoodie pocket. It was hard to keep walking when Ethan's voice called out to me.
"Y/n! Where are you going? We could hang out now, you could stay the night if you want." Ethan spoke as soon as he stepped out of his car. A confused look was sent my way when I didn't answer or stop to look at him. "Y/n?" He asked, watching me pass him in a quick pace.
Realizing I wasn't going to stop, Ethan followed me, jogging to catch up to me. He grabbed my hand to stop me. I froze, not sure what to do. Do I keep moving or come back to Ethan?
"What's wrong?" Ethan asked, concern laced in his voice.
"Like you care." I mumbled, still facing the opposite direction of him. My voice sounded quiet and anything but steady for I was still trying my hardest to hold the tears behind my eyes.
"What?" Ethan asked, sounding hurt. "Of course I care, why wouldn't I?"
I slowly turned around to face him, pulling my hand from his and shoving it back in my pocket. "You haven't really been acting like it, now have you?" I said, glaring daggers into Ethan's eyes.
Ethan immediately noticed my tear filled eyes. "Y/n, oh my-" He reached forward to hug me but stopped when I stepped away. He glanced down at my neck, noticing the absence of the silver chain.
"Thanks for forgetting about me, Ethan. Again." I say, sarcasm pouring out of my mouth. Ethan stood in front of me, speechless. "Y'know, all day I thought 'he'll be home any minute' but you never showed."
"I'm so sorry about that, Y/n, Theo-"
He wasn't able to finish his sentence before I spoke up again. "Apparently you're sorry everyday! News flash, Ethan, 'sorry' doesn't mean anything if you don't act to change what you're sorry about!" I chuckled in anger, shrugging my shoulders.
Ethan's face held a hint of aggravation now. "Would you let me finish what I was gonna to say?"
"No." I stated. "I've heard many excuses and I'm done listening to them."
Ethan sighed. "Okay, how about we hang out tomorrow? Arcade and lunch?"
"Why even try? You're just gonna leave again. That, or invite Theo and make me the third wheel again." I shot down his offer.
Ethan crosses his arms. "What's wrong with her tagging along?"
"You guys ignore me! She pulls you around, sometimes into other areas then I'm left alone for minutes!" I shouted, reminding myself to keep it down. "I feel left out, Ethan. I feel unwanted or replaced, or-"
"I've told you this before: you're not being replaced." Ethan interrupted in a mixed tone of concern and annoyance.
I laughed bitterly. "Well it sure feels like it!"
"I'm sorry you feel that way then!" Ethan replied in the same volume as me.
I didn't say anything. I wanted to turn around and continue the short walk to my house, but something in me wouldn't allow me to move from my spot, my eyes glued to my feet.
Ethan shook his head, looking around at anything but me. "What happened to us? 17 years and we've never argued."
Unable to hold back, I answered honestly. "Theo happened."
Ethan's head snapped back to look at me. "Excuse me? Why would Theo be the problem? Are you sure it isn't you?"
"Me?" I asked, lifting my head to return his anger filled gaze. "Did you forget how everything was fine before she came? How both of us were always together, having fun, not arguing? If she never moved here, nothing would've changed, we'd be inside having our regular weekend sleepovers right now."
"How is any of this Theo's fault?"
"She pulls you away from me every minute of every day!" I shouted again. "She's the only person you spend time with anymore! You've forgotten about everyone else! Your family, my family, me?"
"What if I want it that way?" Ethan shrugged. "What if I didn't want to be around you or anyone else? Have you ever thought about that?"
A frown took over my features, feeling a pain in my heart. "It would've been much easier if you told me that." I mumbled, staring at Ethan through sad eyes.
"Think a bit, Y/n." He replied harshly.
Anger outweighed sadness now. "Well then I'm sorry I had hope you would soon come back like you said you would!"
"Maybe-Maybe you are unwanted here! Maybe I have replaced you! Maybe I did find Theo to be a better company than you." Ethan yelled. "But that's okay, because apparently you think the same." He stated, motioning toward my empty neck.
Finally, the first tear fell from my eye. I swallowed hard in attempt to get rid of the lump in my throat. "Goodnight Ethan." I mumbled, turning around and making my way back to my house as I wiped my eyes from any tears.
Ethan's face fell immediately. "Wait- Y/n." He called out to me, but soon stopped as he realized nothing could recover from what he had said.
There it was. 17 years of being friends. It was bound to happen at some point. Our first fight.
I just hoped it wouldn't be the end of us.
Oohh I'm having so much fun writing this! I haven't written in a while, and this is the first time in a long time that I've been super excited to write something. I just hope this means I'm getting back into writing how I used to ;-;
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