(Supernatural) Angels x Reader
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You could see angel wings, don't ask how or why because you had no idea. But you could, you always have been able to. You decided that you wanted to help angels, so you bought a little cottage and put out a sign, it read wing hospital in Enochian. Lucifer had taught you Enochian, what? He was actually really nice when he wasn't trying to destroy Earth. Eventually, you became the go-to person when the angels needed help with their wings. You had sort of became everyone's mother... Gabriel basically lived with you, Castiel visited when he could, Balthazar dropped in whenever he could, Samandriel baked you stuff and you loved it. It was nice to feel needed. So when a pained Castiel appeared in your living room with the Winchester brothers next to him you weren't really surprised. "Hey Cassie," You said, putting down your book. "What's the occasion?"
"Uh, my left wing hurts but there isn't any blood, so I have no idea what's wrong," Castiel replied, lifting his left wing, wincing as he did so.
"What were you fighting?" You asked, walking over, and picking up the wing, you riffled through the feathers, trying to find what was wrong.
"Uh, a colony of demons," Castiel replied, sitting on the couch, you noticed that the Winchesters were just standing awkwardly.
"There's beer in the fridge if you want one, and a batch of brownies from Driel," You said, turning to the brothers. "There might be a pie in the oven, depends on how Balthy was feeling." You gestured to the kitchen before turning your attention back to Castiel.
"Thanks," You heard Dean say. Then there was a loud crash coming from one of the bedrooms.
"I swear to Chuck Gabriel!! If you break anything!!" You yelled, causing Castiel to laugh, then you poked something causing him to flinch. "I think you dislocated something, Cassie."
"I know, nothing is broken!" You heard Gabriel yell back.
"Ah, that makes sense." He winched as you put the bone back in place.
"Go easy on it," you cautioned getting up. "Gabriel get your ass out here! Your boyfriend is here!"
"I don't have a boyfriend," Gabriel responded as he appeared in front of you.
"Not yet at least," you teased, ruffling his hair. "Anyway I'm not letting Cassie leave for at least a day and Sam and Dean came with so they're going to occupy at most three rooms. I think Driel's dropping in tomorrow and Balth said sometime this week. Zachariah said he would stop by for a couple of minutes on Wednesday and Luci's gonna stay for all of next week. And like, if anyone gets hurt they'll be here."
"So, there's gonna be a lot of angels dropping in, I need to know this why?" Gabe asked as the two of you walked into the kitchen where Sam, Dean, and Castiel were.
"You're not allowed to prank anyone, that's why you need to know. Luci's been doing better and you can't fuck that up." You respond, hopping up onto the counter. "Plus Driel doesn't like you that much and Balthy could care less. I don't need another angel war on my hands." Gabriel laughed. "Hey, Cassie, forgot to tell you but you're not leaving for a least a day. Samandriel's dropping in tomorrow so don't make a commotion."
"I won't," Castiel replied, smiling at you. "And I'm sure Sam and Dean won't." He sent a look at the two boys.
"We won't," Sam replied.
"There's also a chance Balthazar might stop by, but I don't know." You informed, hopping off the counter and grabbed a Coke from the fridge. "If you're still here on Wednesday Zachariah will be here for a couple of minutes."
"Wait, he's still alive?" Dean asked.
"Yeah, I don't know how but he is. Makes the best snickerdoodles ever." You laughed.
"So how did you help Cas?" Dean questioned.
"I can see angel wings and Lucifer taught me Enochian so everything's great." You shrugged. "I decided to help in any way I could, so now I run a sort of wing hospital."
"She also sort of turned into every angel's mother." Gabriel clarified. "Seriously, Micheal was in here last week making her food." You rolled your eyes, chuckling a little bit.
"Really? Is he a good cook?" Castiel asked.
"Yeah, he's actually really good, for someone who doesn't need to eat." You exclaimed. "He made the best tacos I've ever had." There was another crash and you rushed into the living room, the four male's hot on your heels. You saw a beat up Lucifer lying on your floor. "Shit Luci, you have to be more careful!"
"Yeah, yeah, just help me," Lucifer mumbled, sitting up slowly.
"You are so fucking lucky that you're one of my favorites and that I actually finished medical school." You chided, rushing forward and helping him onto the couch. "What happened?"
"I don't really know? Uh, angels, I think, maybe demons, maybe hunters. I couldn't tell." Lucifer shrugged.
"Gabe, go get the first aid kit... and anything else that'll help," you commanded, you watching him scamper off to do as you said. "Now, tell me exactly what happened."
"Uh, I was walking back from the tattoo parlor when I was jumped, you know god's limited my angel power so I couldn't really do anything about it. I think at least one of them was an angel cause they attacked my wings." Lucifer recalled.
"Next time I'm coming with you, I need a new tattoo anyway." You told him, smiling softly, "What'd you get anyway? Plus you need to take off your shirt so I mean." Lucifer pulled off his shirt, showing off the wings he had gotten. "Cute!" You chided, you saw the Gabriel had come back. "Thanks, Gabe." You grabbed the kit from the Archangel and got straight to work. Once you finished with his torso you moved to his wings. His beautiful, white wings that were stained red.
"Thanks (Y/N)," Lucifer breathed. "Do you think I could go take a shower?"
"Yeah, go clean up, we'll be in the basement. Join us when you're done," You said softly, smiling as he got up and left the room. "To the basement!" You cheered ushering everyone down your stairs.
"What the fuck just happened?" Dean asked, clearly confused.
"You just witnessed a mother take care of her son," Gabriel replied smirking, you threw a book at him.
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