(Star Wars) Olderbrother! Han x littlesister! Reader
As you danced you could feel the eyes of everyone in the room, especially the giant slug called Jabba the Hut. You had been Jabba's prisoner for a while now, so you knew not to try and escape. The song ended, "Again!" Shouted Jabba. The alien started to sing and you started to dance yet again. Just then a blaster went off, you topped to look at where the fight was coming from.
"I have come for the bounty on the wookie," The bounty hunter explained.
"Chewy!" You screamed, recognizing your brother's companion. Chewie let out a growl.
"At last we have the mighty Chewbacca," Jabba said laughing, tears ran down your cheeks. Jabba waved 3-PO over, he reluctantly walked over.
"Oh, uh, yes, uh, I am here, Your Worshipfulness. Uh... yes!" 3-PO stuttered out.
Jabba said something a 3-PO translated. "Oh. The illustrious Jabba bids you welcome and will gladly pay you the reward of twenty-five thousand."
"I want fifty thousand. No less." The bounty hunter demanded. Jabba was enraged and pushed 3-PO off of the platform. He pulled on the chain around your neck making you fall to the ground. Chewie growled at the slug.
"Uh, oh... but what, what did I say? Uh, the mighty Jabba asks why he must pay fifty thousand." 3-PO explained. You saw the bounty hunter hold up a small silver ball. "Because he's holding a thermal detonator." Everyone backed away from the hunter, a bunch of people screaming. The little ball began to glow and emit a high pitched noise.
"This bounty hunter is my kind of scum. Fearless and inventive." Jabba commented.
"Jabba offers the sum of thirty-five. And I suggest you take it." 3-PO said. The bounty hunter released the switch and the room sighed. "He agrees!" 3-PO sighed. The music started playing again and you started dancing, sending the wookie looks of sympathy.
You awoke from another nightmare. You looked around the room and saw a shadowy figure cross it. You saw it was the bounty hunter, he made his way over to where your brother was frozen in carbonite. The Bounty Hunter pressed something and the carbonite began to melt. Han looked dead, the bounty hunter leaned close to his face to see if he was breathing. Hans' eyes shot open and he started coughing. Han fell into the bounty hunter, he steadied him and brought him to the ground. "Just relax for a moment. You're free of the carbonite." The bounty hunter said you were crying, he was alive! Your brother was alive! Han toughed his face and moaned. "Shhh. You have hibernation sickness."
"I can't see." He cried You felt Jabba wake up and you froze.
"Your eyesight will return in time."
"Where am I?" He asked looking around.
"Jabba's palace."
"Who are you?" Han asked. The bounty hunter lifted off his helmet to reveal it was a girl, a pretty one at that.
"Someone who loves you." She replied, you smiled fondly but Jabba pulled on your chains gagging you.
"Leia!" He cheered.
"I gotta get you out of here," Leia muttered, she helped Han up. Then you heard Jabba emit a low chuckle.
"What's that? I know that laugh." Han worried. "Hey, Jabba. Look, Jabba, I was just on my way to pay you back, but I got a little sidetracked. It's not my fault."
"Come on, let him go!" You pleaded with the slug.
"(Y/N)?" Han asked. Jabba pulled you closer and choked you. He started laughing and let you go, you fell to the ground gasping for breath. "(Y/N)!" Han yelled as he heard you fall.
"It's too late for that, Solo. You may have been a good smuggler, but now you're Bantha fodder." Jabba explained.
"Look..." Han started.
"Take him away!" Jabba thundered.
"Han!" You screamed as the guards dragged him away.
"Jabba... I'll pay you triple! You're throwing away a fortune here. Don't be a fool!" Han screamed. One of the people in the crowd came out and tried to move Leia away.
"Bring her to me," Jabba commanded. The guy and a guard quickly brought Leia to him, 3-PO looked away in disgust.
"We have powerful friends. You're gonna regret this..." Leia argued
"I'm sure." Jabba laughed. He brought her face close to hers, she turned away in disgust.
"Ohhh, I can't bear to watch," 3-PO muttered looking away.
Jabba's asleep on his throne which gave you the time to talk with the girl next to you. "Hi!" You smiled holding out your hand. She smiled sadly and took your hand "I'm (Y/N) Solo! Who are you?"
"Princess Leia Organa. Solo?" She asked letting go of your hand.
"His little sister." You explained. "Someone, who loves you?" You asked her, smirking.
"Yeah. So how long have you been here?" She asked.
Your smiled faltered, "8-ish years." You said not quite sure.
"8 years! How did you survive?"
"I did whatever he asked, never fought back." You explained shuttering. You smiled again, "but I mean, it's kept me alive." Then Bib walked into the room with a hooded figure following him. Bib walked up to Jabba.
"At last! Master Luke's come to rescue me." 3-PO exclaimed.
"Master." Bib said waking up Jabba with a start. "...Luke Skywalker, Jedi Knight."
"I told you not to admit him." Jabba hissed.
"I must be allowed to speak," Luke demanded.
"He must be allowed to speak." Bib demanded. Jabba clobbered Bib and pushed him away, enraged.
"You weak-minded fool! He's using an old Jedi mind trick." Jabba thundered. Luke stared at Jabba, you noticed he was standing on the trap door and your breath caught.
"You will bring Captain Solo and the Wookiee to me."
"Your mind powers will not work on me, boy," Jabba explained.
"Nevertheless, I'm taking Captain Solo and his friends. You can either profit by this... or be destroyed! It's your choice. But I warn you not to underestimate my powers." Luke demanded. Jabba let out a hard laugh and 3-PO tried to warn Luke about the door.
"Master Luke, you're standing on..." 3-PO started.
"There will be no bargain, young Jedi. I shall enjoy watching you die." Jabba laughed. Luke reached out and a gun from one of the guards flew into his hand. Jabba raided his hand. "Bascka!" The floor let out under Luke, he and the guard fell into the pit, the blaster went off creating a hole in the ceiling. Everyone started laughing, Leia rased forward but you held her back and gave her a sad shake of your head.
The metal gate opened and a beast stepped out, the guard screamed butLuke just looked around calmly. "Oh, no! The Rancor!" 3-PO yelled.
The guard scrambled for the exit causing the Rancor to go after it, he ate the pig thing in one bite. Everyone started laughing and cheering.
Luke fought the beast, he was winning which gave you hope, maybe, just maybe, you would finally be free. He threw a rock at the switch and the door fell on top of the Rancor. Everyone gasped and looked at Jabba, who was really mad. You could see Leia grinning and you smiled softly. Jabba uttered something and his guards rushed off. "Bring me Solo and the Wookiee. They will all suffer for this outrage."
Han and Chewie were dragged into the room, as well as Luke. "Han!" Luke exclaimed seeing his friend.
"Luke!" Han yelled back, looking around for the younger man.
"Are you all right?"
"Fine. Together again, huh?"
"Wouldn't miss it."
"How are we doing?"
"The same as always."
"That bad, huh? Where's Leia? And (Y/N)?" Han asked. Luke looked over at the two of you.
"I'm here!" You and Leia said in sync. Jabba started stroking you like a cat. The guards brought Luke to the center of the room, right next to Han.
"Oh, dear. His High Exaltedness, the great Jabba the Hutt, has decreed that you are to be terminated immediately." 3-PO translated.
"Good, I hate long waits," Han replied.
"You will, therefore, be taken to the Dune Sea and cast into the pit of Carkoon, the nesting place of the all-powerful Sarlacc."
"Doesn't sound so bad," Han said to Luke.
"In his belly, you will find a new definition of pain and suffering, as you are slowly digested over a thousand years." You let out a little cry, scared for your brother, You didn't want to lose him again. Jabba harshly pulled you back into his side.
"On second thought, let's pass on that, huh?" Han said. Chewie made a noise in agreement.
"You should have bargained, Jabba. That's the last mistake you'll ever make." Luke said menacingly.
Jabba cackled and the guards dragged Han, Chewie, and Luke away from the throne room.
Time skip again
The Sail Barge moved along the desert, to the Sarlacc pit. You and Leia were huddled around a small window watching Han, Chewie, and Luke on the skiff. Jabba pulled on both of your chains pulling the two of you to his side. "Soon you will learn to appreciate me," Jabba told Leia, "like her, I've had her since she was 16. It took two years for her to learn not to fight back." Leia looked at you with wide eyes. You smiled sadly and showed her the scar that went from the back of your neck to your bellybutton.
Time skip to once you reach the pit
Jabba, you, and Leia were all at the railing watching the skiff over the Sarlacc pit. You watched as the guard pushed Luke into the plank. Jabba whispered something to 3-PO. 3-PO walked up to the comlink and said: "Victims of the almighty Sarlacc: His Excellency hopes that you will die honorably. But should any of you wish to beg for mercy, the great Jabba the Hutt will now listen to your pleas."
Han stepped up, "Threepio, you tell that slimy piece of... worm-ridden filth he'll get no such pleasure from us. Right?" Chewie agreed.
"Jabba! This is your last chance. Free us or die." Luke warned. You saw one of the guards move slowly, You also saw R2 roll up to the railing. Jabba laughed, once his laughing subsides he said:
"Move him into position." He then made a thumbs down gesture and You looked at Leia, worrying. You saw Luke give R2 a salute and a little flap opened in the droids head.
"Put him in," Jabba commanded. The guard poked Luke and Luke jumped off. And before you knees what was happening Luke turned around and grabbed the plank by his fingertips. The plank bends under the sudden weight and flings him into the air where he does a full flip and lands where he was previously standing only facing the skiff. He calmly holds out his hand and a lightsaber falls into it, which you were guessing came from R2. Then he struck down one of the guards and chaos erupted.
Jabba started ordering people around as Like struck down another guard in one of the guys started fighting another one. It was chaos all You could see was the guy that you were guessing was in your side fell off the skiff and Chewie was hurt. Plus Boba Fett had joined the fight. You looked over at Leia and saw that she had wrapped her chain around Jabba's neck and was choking him. You watched as he finally went still, for good. Leia started to struggle with the chain around her neck.
You stared at her in shock, You couldn't comprehend the fact that you were finally free. You felt tears fall from your eyes. You leaped up and tackled the young woman in a hug, sobbing into her shoulder. "Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you!" You exclaimed.
"You're welcome, now let's get these chains off of us and outta here." She said You jumped off her. Then R2 zipped over to the two of you. He produced a little blaster and shot off Leia's chains. "Take off her chains!" Leia demanded, pointing at you. R2 beeped and did so.
"Come on. We gotta get out of here quick." Leia explained grabbing your hand and pulling you as she ran. You passed 3-PO who was having trouble with a little creature.
"Not my eyes! Artoo, help! Quickly, Artoo. Oh! Ohhh! You beast!" 3-PO shouted. R2 raced over to him and shocked the little thing making it run away. The four of you ran onto the main deck and were met with Luke, he pointed and the huge gun.
"Point it at the deck!" He yelled as someone shot his hand. Leia rushed over you still attached to her. She dropped your hand and pointed the gun at the deck. You saw the two droids jump overboard. Luke ran across the now empty deck to you and Leia. "Come on!" He called grabbing into the rigging rope from the mast. Like grabbed Leia and You grabbed onto his other side, he kicked the gun trigger and it shot the deck as the three of you send into the skiff. You arrived just as the pulled up the man who had fallen overboard. "Let's go! And don't forget the droids." Luke commented You say on the edge of the skiff processing everything that has happened.
"We're on our way," the man said. He flew the skiff away from the exploding Sail Barge, he picked up the droids.
Time Skip
You hobbled through the sandstorm, supporting the injured Chewie, no one had noticed your presence yet, well other than Like and Leia but they didn't really make a point of it, You guessed they were just happy to be with their friends again. You saw your home, an X-Wing and a two-person X-Wing up ahead and sighed in relief. "I don't know. All I can see is a lot of blowing sand!" Han commented.
"That's all any of us can see," Leia replied.
"Then I guess I'm getting better," Han said, blinking. Everyone was huddled under the bulge of the Falcon, You patted its leg,
"Miss me, baby?" You whispered, smiling fondly. Chewie let out a noise, meaning that he missed you.
3-PO hit a switch causing the gang-plank to lower. Han turned to Luke, "I've got to hand it to you, kid, you were pretty good out there."
"I had a lot of help. Think nothing of it." Luke replied modestly.
"No, I'm thinking a lot about it. That carbon freeze was the closest thing to death there is. And it wasn't just sleepin'. It was a big wide awake nothing!" Han explained You shuddered at the thought. Chewie growled in appreciation and ruffled his hair, still leaning on you. Leia gave him a warm hug, and you just have him a nod of appreciation.
"I'll see you back at the fleet," Luke said moving towards the X-Wing.
"Why don't you leave that crate and come with us?" Han suggested.
"I have a promise I have to keep first... to an old friend," Luke responded. He and R2 left on the X-Wing. You walked into the Falcon with Chewie and brought him to the med bay. You wrapped up the place he was injured and sighed,
"That's all I can do for now," You commented, getting up. " I'm home, " You whispered, taking in the scenery. "I'm home!" You shouted and started laughing with joy. Chewie let out a loud bark, clearly happy with your presence. You heard the others walk onto the quicksand close the gang-plank. You ran out to the cockpit and smiled fondly. You heard everyone walk in.
"(Y/N)?" You heard Han ask.
"Who else would it be? " You asked turning around with a huge smile on your face. You saw the tear fall down his cheek.
"I thought you were dead! I thought I imagined you when I heard you say you were at the palace, I thought it was carbon fever!" He cried.
"You thought wrong, " You smiled opening your arms. He ran to You and pulled you into a home crushing hug, lifting you off the ground. He let go of you suddenly, a concerned look on his face as he stared at you.
"Did he do anything to you? You've been there for 8 years." He asked You averted your eyes.
"He didn't do anything," You replied. You heard Leia clear her throat and You sent her a glare. She sent you an apologetic look.
"Actually," she started, Han turned to her. "He did do something, I don't know if it was the only thing, " she said, looking at her feet.
"What did he do?" Han demanded, turning back to you, You could see the hurt in his eyes.
"It wasn't really anything! I just didn't do something he wanted me to do! And he hurt me! It wasn't that bad! I got off easy! He gave the other girls to the Rancor! So at least I'm alive right?" You rambled.
"It's pretty bad," Leia commented.
"Not helping," You muttered, glaring at the princess.
"Show me," Han demanded. You lifted up the scarf covering your stomach and back, revealing the scar. Han traced the scar, a murderous look in his eye. "I'll kill him! I'll feed that slug to the Sarlacc!" He yelled, your eyes widened in fear.
"I already killed him," Leia explained, "Now do You have any extra clothes? I'd prefer not to show up at the rebel base wearing this."
"I should have something that'll fit you, in my room." You said, pulling her away, out of the cockpit. Once the two of you were in regular clothes you walked back to the cockpit. Han pulled you into another hug.
"I'm just so happy you're ok." He murmured.
"I know," You responded petting his hair.
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