(NCIS) Brother!Clay x Sister!Reader
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You looked up at the man sitting in your desk chair, he was staring down at you. "Why'd you leave me?" You rasped out, voice raw from crying, you broke down into tears again. He got up from the chair and hugged you.
"You know I couldn't let Abby die," He justified, wiping your cheek.
"You were my only family! You were all I had left!" You whisper shouted.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to leave," He sighed, giving you another hug. "Just, stay with the people here, they make you happy and that's all that matters." Then he was gone, and you just kept sobbing. You looked up as you heard your chair move. It was Nick, your best friend.
"How are you doing?" He asked, sitting under your desk with you.
"It hurts Nick," you whispered, tears running down your face.
"I know," Nick responded before pulling you into a hug and letting you cry into his shirt.
"He was all I had Nick, I don't know what to do!" You sobbed.
"Hey, you have us," Nick said, "And there is no way any of us are leaving you." You smiled weakly at him before standing up, helping him up along the way.
"Thanks, Nick," You said, smiling.
"Anytime," Nick replied, smiling back.
"I think I'm gonna go bury him in London..." You told the Hispanic next to you.
"Yeah, I guessed as much, just come back eventually ok?" Torres cautioned, patting your shoulder. You smiled warmly at him before making your way to Vance's office. You knocked on the door, getting a come in, in response.
You entered the room and immediately got to the point, "sorry to bother you but I was wondering if I could get two weeks off once we finish the case and Abby's out of critical condition."
"Um, ok, that's reasonable," Vance said. "But you have to tell the team."
"That's fair," you responded smiling weakly, you turned to leave.
"Agent (L/N), I am sorry about your brother," He said.
"Me too," You replied walking out of the room. You walked into the squad room and resumed your position under your desk you stuck in your earbuds and played the playlist Clay had made for you, you slowly fell asleep listening to I Want To Break Free by Queen.
You woke up with a start when Gibbs yelled, "Okay, give me an update!" You jumped up, hitting your head on the desk in the process.
"Ow, ow, ow, ow," You muttered staggering to your feet, you looked up to see a startled Sloane and Vance.
"Update, on it," Nick said standing up from his chair, "Since Abby still can't remember anything from the shooting, (L/N), Bishop, and I are looking at every single one of the cases she's worked on, but no one matches Sloane's profile so far."
"That's all you got?" Gibbs asked.
"It's a long list, Gibbs. We're talking 16 years worth." Torres defended.
"Do better," Gibbs commanded.
"Uh, a little rest might help," Jack suggested.
"Your team could use a break, Gibbs, they're running on fumes." Vance piped up. Gibbs walked up and stared into Nicks' eyes.
"Looks fine to me." He concluded, he turned and walked back to his desk.
"I moisturize," Nick commented, earning a chuckle from you.
"Gibbs, found something," Ellie said, marching into the squad room. "I was digging more into our shooter Kent Marshall," She started.
"Wait you found the shooter?" You asked. Ellie nodded in confirmation.
"And discovered he was deployed to a security post in Afghanistan in 2008, the same time as Tom Reese, aka Marine Sergent Robert King. " Ellie finished.
"Who the hell's he?" Jack asked.
"Black ops soldier that tricked Ms. Sciuto," Leon answered. "Into developing a bioweapon."
"She tracked King down before he could sell it." Gibbs continued.
"Well, he fits our profile," Sloane concluded.
"Where is he now?" Nick asked.
"Serving a life sentence at Danville Correctional since 2009," Ellie informed.
"Bishop, you are with me. Torres, you're on protection detail, get over to Abby's, relieve McGee. (L/N), you stay here and get more information." Gibbs commanded grabbing his go bag and walking to the elevator.
"Hey, I've never been there. What's it like?" Nick asked you.
"It's hard to explain, but you'll like it." You said, patting his cheek. You went back under your desk and slipped your earbuds back in, you fell asleep shortly after, this time to the toon of Blackbird by The Beatles.
Different POV + Time Skip
"I've have literally never seen her so peaceful," Sloane said as she stared at your sleeping figure under the desk.
"Me neither," Gibbs replied.
"Doesn't that concern you?"
"Not really," Gibbs replied.
"I've seen her this peaceful," Nick whispered, startling the other people.
"Really?" Sloane asked the Hispanic.
"Yeah, Clay, her, and I were watching the Marvel movies," Torres explained. Then you started to fidget before waking up with a scream. You were breathing heavily and horror washed over your face. Nick rushed forward and gave you a hug, you flinching at the sudden human contact. "You ok?"
"Uh, yeah, just a bad memory." You said, sighing and getting up, pulling Nick with you.
"I don't know. Maybe it's apologizing for locking me in a coffin!!!" Nick exclaimed, causing you to chuckle.
"Not exactly." Abby said, stepping around the corner, "But... I am sorry about that, Nick."
"All right, so..." Jimmy started, "what is the big announcement?"
"Well... Reeves wanted to be buried next to his mother in London, so... I'm gonna escort his body there tomorrow and make the arrangements." Abby stated. You froze, you wanted to do this alone. Plus no one but Gibbs, Vance, and Torres knew you were his sister.
"I know he would like that, Abbs." Bishop comforted.
"And when are you coming back?" McGee asked.
"Um, I'm not coming back," Abby said, a guilty look on her face. Everyone gave her a questioning look.
"Wh... you mean not till after the funeral, right?" Palmer asked.
"I-I mean... I'm leaving NCIS." Abby confirmed.
"Leaving?" Ducky asked in disbelief.
"Clay died saving my life and I owe him a debt, and I intend to see it through," Abby concluded.
"What do you mean by that?" Nick asked.
"Clay always wanted to start a charity in honor of his mom. And since he's not here to make that happen, um... I will. I know you may not understand, but it's something that I have to do. And not just for him, but for me." Abby clarified.
"I guess this is a good time to say that I'm leaving for two weeks to bury my brother." You said.
"How did your brother die?" Abby asked. You chuckled. Classic Abby putting others before herself.
"Saving your life," You said smiling sadly at the happy goth. Abby gasped covering her mouth with her hands. "So I'm going to join you."
The team shared a big group hug, and that's when you realized that you were never leaving this family.
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