(Glacias) Juka x Reader
Request? No
You smiled up at the water Dragon in front of you. "Hello," you said softly, so you didn't scare it away. It made a growl like sound, you just took a step closer. "My name's (Y/N), what's yours?" You took another step closer. "Maybe you could write it?" You suggested, gesturing to the sand that the two of you stood on. It started writing to your surprise. First, an L, then a Y, accompanied by a T, and finally an H. "Lyth, what a pretty name. And I allowed to touch you?" It gave a nod, so you reached out your hand and started to pet it's snout. "You're very cute, are you aware of that?" It made a sound that sounded like a laugh.
"(Y/N)!!" You heard your father shout, causing you to freeze up.
"Uh, I've got to go! Sorry, I would stay longer but that would make my father hit me more so what am I to do? I'll come back tomorrow though!" You called as you ran towards your home, you waved at the Dragon and you grew farther away. You slow once you got closer to your house, dreading the beating you were going to get. You open your front door and there stood your father, and he looked angry.
Different POV... Sorta
Juka walked back to where he and Myth were going to camp for the night. "Hey Lyth, hope you didn't miss me while I was gone. I brought some firewood and a couple of rabbits so we can eat dinner." He exclaimed as he set the wood he was carrying on the ground.
He turned around and watched as the young water Dragon looked that the forest with a sad face. "What is it?" Juka asked, looking in the same direction. "Do you want to show me?" He got an eager look in return and then Lyth took to the sky, Juka hot on his tail.
They arrived at your house in a matter of minutes and was met with shouts. Juka looked a bit concerned, why was there telling coming from the house. Lyth immediately ran to the front door and knocked it down, surprising Juka. Why would he do that? Juka followed his Dragon into the house and to the source out the shouting. His ice blue eyes widened in shock once he saw your father hitting you. Lyth burst forward and tackled the grown man, freezing him in a block of ice.
The Dragon turned his attention to you, you sat up slowly, trying to be careful. "Hello!" You croaked out. "I didn't think I would see you again."
The Dragon appeared at your side and let you use his as a support. You patted his head, "you're a nice dragon, Lyth."
"How did you know his name?" Juka asked you rounding the corner to face you. You jumped in surprise, groaning a bit at the sudden movement. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you!" He exclaimed coming closer.
"It's ok, I know his name because he told me. Well, he wrote it." You explained. "I guess he likes me? I don't know."
"That's amazing!! My name's Juka, Lyth is my dragon." Juka exclaimed practically vibration in excitement.
"Hi Juka, I'm (Y/N)," You replied, smiling softly.
"Would you like to travel with Lyth and me? We're going to see the king to get permission to build a city for humans and dragons to live in peace!" Juka exclaimed.
"That sounds wonderful, I would love to travel with you Juka," You said, grinning wildly.
"Yay!" He exclaimed. You quickly pecked him on the cheek, causing him to stop in his tracks and blush.
"I'll see you in a minute." You chuckled.
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