(Criminal Minds) Spencer Reid x Reader
Request? No
You were pregnant, 9 months pregnant to be exact. You and Spencer had been married for 1 year now and you were about to deliver his child. The rest of the team was out on a mission at the current moment. You were stuck behind with Penelope, not that, that was a bad thing, you just didn't like being cooped up and non-active. You were sitting in an extra chair in Garcia's office as she did her thing. You winced as another wave of pain passed over your uterus. "What's wrong kitty cat?" Garcia asked giving you a worried look.
"Nothing Penny, just." You smiled at her reassuringly. Penny's phone rang, she clicked a button with one of her fun pens and Spencer's voice came from the phone.
"Garcia I need you to run background checks on someone named Jason Brick." (Brason? Anyone?)
"Sure thing, Reid." She types a few things on her computer and a picture of a man with blond hair and blue eyes appeared on the screen. "Looks like he had a normal life, his mother Debra Brick, died last year from cancer and his father, Nicolas Brick, is still alive but lives in Washington. Let me dig up some more dirt or whatever I can find. Say hello to your wonderful wife Reid."
"Oh, hi (Y/N)! How are you?"
"I'm ok," you reply grunting a little as another wave of pain hits you.
"You don't sound like it. Sure you don't need to go to the hospital?"
"Yeah... No," you reply deciding to go to the hospital as another wave of pain hits you. "I'll go because I swear to god, I'm either going into labor or something hates my uterus. Penny take me."
"Be safe!!! I'm sorry I can't be there! Call me when you can!" Spence tells you.
"It's fine honey, we both know work comes first, Love you!! "
"Love you too!" You hang up the phone and turn to Penelope.
"Penny, drive me to the hospital this instant, this minute. " You demand walking out of the room.
"Y-yes ma'am," she replies grabbing her purse and running after you. As Penny drives you to the hospital your contractions become more frequent and more painful.
"Hurry your ass up Penny!" You yell at her, she turns the siren on and speeds down the road. A few minutes later you were running into the hospital. You were quickly carted off to another room. She tried to follow but the doctor stopped her telling her that only the father could be in the room. "Doctor? Can she be in here, please? The dads out on a mission." You asked looking him with a pleading look.
"Fine," he sighed, knowing better than to fight with a pregnant woman. Garcia immediately ran to your side and holds your hand.
"It's going to be ok kitty cat," she tells you as you grunt from the pain.
"(Y/N), I'm going to need you to start pushing really soon so hold on a little longer."
"Tell that to the baby," you hiss.
"Ok, when the next contraction comes I want you to start pushing." Another wave of pain hits you and you do as the doctor asked, you push. Two agonizing hours later there's a little pink bundle in your arms. The little girl in your arms had your (H/C) hair and Spence's brown eyes. "Congratulations Mrs. Reid, what will her name be?"
"Maeve Penelope Reid." You respond smiling at the baby in your arms.
"Oh, you named her after me?" Penny asks from beside you.
"Spence and I agreed to it, I got to choose the first name though. Would you like to hold her?"
"Would I? Of course!!!" You hand the bundle gently to Garcia and she almost squeals. She stops herself before she does though, as to not wake the sleeping infant. "You named her Maeve, Spencer is going to be so happy."
"I thought it was time she finally got to spend her life with him."
"That's the sweetest thing I've ever heard." She starts cooing at the baby who had just opened her eyes.
"Penny, can you call the team?"
"Yeah, we must share this bundle of joy." You laugh at her antics. She pulls out her phone and presses her speed dial.
"Hey, pretty mama, you're on speakerphone, the whole team is here"
"I know Derek. Hey Guys!!! Before you say anything I didn't call about the case so no talking about murders and stuff."
"Why did you call then?" Asked Hotch
"Is Reid in the room?" You ask
"No, not at the moment, he's getting coffee. And Hi Kitty cat!" Emily replies.
"We need Reid though!! Can someone get him?" Penny whines.
"I will," Rossi says, you could hear him leave the room. You gesture for Garcia to give back the baby, she pouted as she handed Maeve back to you. You laughed at her face.
"Why are you laughing?" Asked JJ, everyone on the other side of the room was pretty confused you guessed it was because Spencer didn't tell them about you going to the hospital to give birth.
"You'll soon find out." Garcia replies, "We just need Reid!!"
"Quiet down Penny, she's waking up!" You scold
"Oops, sorry, I just can't wait to tell them!"
"Who's She? And tell us what?" You heard your husband ask from the other line.
"The new little Reid that just came into this world 15 minutes ago." You respond smiling.
"Really? It's a girl? What's her name?" Emily asks
"Not telling till you get back! Now go get the bad guys!" You cheer
"Come on Kitty cat! Tell us, please?" Derek pleads.
"Never! Come back safely, please? Love You, Spence!"
"Love you too (Y/N) and the little Reid!!" Garica hung up the phone and placed it on the table next to your bed.
"When do I get out of here?" You ask Penelope.
"The doctor said you were cleared to go in the morning." Then a nurse walked in.
"Honey, we're going to have to put the baby in a different room to monitor her health, just for tonight." You sigh, handing over little Maeve.
"Just protect her please?"
"Will do honey."
"Well, (Y/N), I have to go back to the BAU, but I'll bring you some JELL-O first, I know it's your favorite, you're just like Reid." Garica then got up and let the room only to come back in 5 minutes with three things of JELL-O.
"Thank you soooo much, Penny. I really needed this. Now go back to the BAU and help the losers finish the case faster!"
"Will do Kitty cat!" She then left you to your JELL-O. Once you were done with the JELL-O cups you saw that it was ten o' clock at night. You went to sleep.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~TIME SKIP TO MORNING~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
You woke up to the sound of shuffling feet. When you opened your eyes you saw the nurse, "Honey, you can leave whenever you like. Your child is in room 216." You quickly got up and took a shower. You changed into the pair of clothes Penny brought with her. You quickly walked to room 216 and looked through the glass.
"Excuse me, sir?" You asked one of the doctors by the door.
"Yes, ma'am?"
"Can I go in and get my child?"
"Sure, which one's yours? I'll get them for you."
"Maeve Penelope Reid, the little girl with (H/C) hair and brown eyes." The doctor walked into the room and picked up your little girl. He handed her to you and smiled.
"Where's the father?" He tried making a move on you.
"Out on a case with the FBI. And I would appreciate if you didn't flirt with me, I myself am one of the fittest FBI agents on my team. Good day." You walked away in a huff. The little girl in your arms opened her eyes and you melted. You held out your finger for her and she grabbed on. "Hi there Maeve, your dad and I are going to take such great care of you, even if you have schizophrenia." You walk into the elevator and coo at the baby.
Once you reached the parking lot you remembered the Penny had driven you there and had the car. You quickly called her telling her to pick you up. She parked the car in front of you and drove you to the BAU. Once you got there Penelope covered your eyes and walked you somewhere. "Penny, where are you taking me?" You ask holding onto the baby tightly. "I have cargo that I would like not to drop."
"I know, it's just a little farther." You heard a door open and Garcia took her hands off your eyes. You saw everything needed for a baby.
"I don't know what to say, Penny! But, I already have all this stuff, you know that."
"I do! This stuff is for the Batcave, when you're gone on a case Maeve can stay with me here! So you don't need a babysitter. I know you don't trust them." You felt tears welling up in your eyes.
"Thank you, Garcia! This is the best this I could ever ask for! But are you sure you want to do this? You won't have to for the first 9 months though, I'm taking maternity leave."
"Don't worry, I'm sure I want to do this when you get back from your maternity leave and have to go on a case. Oh! And good news, the team just landed in the jet!"
"Tell them to come in here, please? I'm still tired and I don't want to walk to the roundtable room."
"Sure thing," She said sending a text to Hotch. A few minutes later Spencer burst through the door and immediately sat down at your side.
"What's her name?" He asked as you handed her to him.
"Maeve Penelope Reid, I thought it was time Maeve spent her life with you." You could hear the others walk into the room.
"What's her name Kitty cat?" Morgan asked walking over to you and Spencer.
"Maeve Penelope Reid."
"That's so sweet." JJ said, "can I hold her?"
"Sure," Spencer said handing the baby to JJ.
"She's a little fiorire," Rossi said cooing at the small child.
"Isn't she?" Emily asked
"Hey, Em? Rossi?" Spencer asked
"Yeah," they said in union, creeping you out.
"Could you be Maeve's godparents?" You asked them
"I would be honored to," Emily replied
"She'll be my little fiorire," Rossi said, JJ handed Maeve to Hotch. Spencer came up to you and wrapped you in his arms, kissing your forehead.
"Thaks (Y/N)," Reid whispered.
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