(Criminal Minds) Penelope Garcia x Reader
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The gunshot rang through the air, you clutched your stomach in pain. You hunched over and fell to the ground. You pulled out your gun and shot the unsub. You had gone out for a coffee run but saw the suspect on your way there, you decided to just follow him and see where he was going. Then he spotted you and you, of course, didn't notice that he had. Once he got to an empty lot he shot you. You shot him back, killing him. You slid down the wall, you weren't going to make it, and you knew that. You pulled out your phone and leaned against the wall. You dialed the number of your loving girlfriend. "Hey kitty cat," you said once she picked up.
"Hey, darling!! Why'd you call?" She asked, knowing the case was a really tough one.
"I just wanted to talk to my most favorite person in the world!! You know take a little break from the serial killers and stuff."
"Aww! I love you too. So what did you want to talk about?"
"Whatever you want, love."
"Love? That's new."
"Just trying something out." You said, pushing your hand into your wound. "Do you not like it?"
"What?! Oh no!! I love it!!"
"Good, love." You said, tears gathering in your eyes.
"Hey, when you get back do you want to go see a movie or something? They're doing a screening of The Sandlot and I know how much you love that movie."
"Sure, yeah, sure. We can do that once I get back. You know I love it when you remember the little things." You said smiling, a tear escaping your eye. You knew You didn't have much time left. "Hey, love. You know that I love you right?"
"Yeah of course!! Why are you being so lovey-dovey?"
"The case is just getting to me. Seeing all the couple's being ripped apart."
"You know I love you too right?"
"Of course! Wouldn't have it any other way. So tell me about that cute cat video you were so excited by this morning?"
"OMG!! It's the cutest thing in the whole world!! The little kitten pops or of a tissue box and scares the old lady. The kitten is the cutest thing in the world." You chuckled at her enthusiasm, the edge of your vision going black.
"Hey, I gotta get back to work. Talk to you later?"
"Yeah, talk to you later!! Solve the case quick so you can come home!!"
"I love you," you whispered before hanging up. And once you did you started full on sobbing. Never again would you see her bright smile, never again would you go on a cute little date with her, never again would you stumble into the roundtable room apologizing for being late because you and she had a long night of binge-watching Voltron. And never again would you be able to kiss her soft lips again. "I love you," you whispered for the last time before you closed your eyes for good.
Meanwhile at the local P.D. Office
She's taking a really long time, Reid thought.
"What are you thinking about? I can hear the high pitched whine of your IQ from over here." Rossi said turning to the young man.
"(Y/N) is taking much longer than she should." He explained.
"Your right, wanna go look for her?" He asked. Reid nodded and got up from his chair. He exited the police office and headed to the coffee shop nearby. He entered it but didn't see you anywhere. He then decided to walk down the street, maybe you had gotten distracted. Once he reached the lot he looked around and his eyes widened in surprise. There was the unsub dead on the ground, and then he saw you, slumped against the wall. He quickly rushed over and took in the blood, he checked your pulse and didn't find one. What he did find was that your body was fairly cold. He let out a sob and pulled your dead body into a hug. He started crying into your shoulder, wishing it were all a dream. Here was his best friend, dead in a lot. He pulled out his phone and dialed his speed dial.
"Hello?" Came the voice of JJ. "Spence what is it?"
"It-it's (Y/N), she's dead." He choked out.
"What?" JJ asked, her voice cracking.
"I-I found her dead. Come quick, please." Spencer sobbed.
"Yeah, we're heading over." JJ said before hanging up. A few minutes the team showed up. They stopped dead in their tracks once they say your body. "Spence, what happened?" JJ asked, walking over to the young man, tears pooling down her cheeks.
"I-I think the suspect shot her then she shot him." He said. JJ hugged the man, sobbing. A single tear ran down Morgan's face. Rossi's face was covered with a grief of stricken look. Hotch was silently crying. Prentiss also had silent tears streaming down her face.
That night the team returned, only with a coffin at their side and dead eyes. Penelope rushed to meet them once they arrived giving them all big hugs, not knowing about you just yet. "I'm so sorry baby girl," Derek said pulling her into a hug.
"For what? And where's (Y/N)? " she asked cluelessly.
"I'm sorry Penny G," Prentiss said bringing her to the plane where they were unloading your coffin.
"Nononononononononono... " Garcia sobbed collapsing into a sobbing mess.
Time skip to a few days later
They sat in chairs facing the stage, your coffin off to the side. Your parents were sitting in the front rows next to your teammates. Everyone quieted once Hotch made his way onto the stage. "Thank you, everyone, for coming to the funeral of (Y/N) (M/N) (L/N). I'm sure she would appreciate it. I know your wondering where the priest is. Well, there isn't one coming, you see (Y/N) was never one for formalities. " Hotch the told the story about the time you were assigned to the team, and what a fool you made of your self when you address him for the first time.
"(N/N) was the bestest friend any person could ask for. She was there for me, especially when I needed it the most. " Reid the told the story about how after Maeve died, and how you never doubted him for a second.
The rest of the team and a couple of cousins went up it was Penelope's turn. "(Y-Y/N) was the best girlfriend in the whole world. Her favorite book was The Fault In Our Stars so I have a segment to read from the story, I, of course, modified it a little bit. "There is an infinite between 0 and 1. There's .1 and .12 and .112 and an infinite collection of others. Of course, there is a bigger infinite set of numbers between 0 and 2, or between 0 and a million. Some infinities are bigger than other infinities. A writer we used to like taught us that. There are days, many days of them when I resent the size of my unbounded set. I want more numbers than I'm likely to get, and God, I want more numbers for (Y/N) (L/N) than she got. But, (Y/N), my love, I cannot tell you how thankful I am for our little infinity. I wouldn't trade it for the world. You have me a forever within the numbered days, and I'm grateful." Garcia finished, a single tear escaping her eye.
That night your body was lowered into the ground, never to be seen again.
Time skip to the next week
Penelope stared at your smiling face on the fallen staff wall, tear makes staining her cheeks. "Garcia? What're you doing here?" Spencer asked walking over to her. She could see the bags under his eyes had grown darker.
"Just looking." She whispered, a line tear escaping her eyes.
"I know." He said, pulling her into a hug.
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