(Camp Camp) Max x Reader
Request? No
"Can you believe it, kids!!! Today's the day!!!" David exclaimed jumping in the air.
"The day where you finally die?" You ask.
"Chrissmaaaassss!!!!" Nikki cheered
"What? No- Nikki, it's parent's day."
"We put up flyers and everything this time," Gwen comments gesturing at the mess hall which was covered in flyers.
"Oh, why did I think it was Christmas?" Nikki questioned
"So wait, our parents are showing up here? Today?!" Neil asked looking around nervously. You mentally scoff, like he had anything to be afraid of. At least his dad didn't take pleasure in seeing his daughter cower at the mere sight of him.
"You betcha! We'll get to show off everything you've learned this summer and even do some fun activities together as a family! How fun is that?!" David explained cheerfully.
"It really depends on which of my parents show up," Neil explained
"Welp! I guess I'm going to go die in a corner!" You say starting to walk off. Gwen grabbed the hood of your hoodie making you panic for a second before gaining compositor.
"Oh no, you don't." She hissed
"You losers enjoy your family bonding time cause there's no way my folks are coming. I guess I just get to relax. Maybe I'll order a pizza." Max said taking out David's phone. Then Mr. Campbell (my cousin's last name is Campbell...) appeared between Gwen and David.
"Did someone say Christmas?!" He asked taking off a Russian hat.
"Santa!!!" Space Kid yelled
"Mr. Campbell you're back!" David cheered, his eyes sparkling. You just rolled your eyes, parents day was stupid. It's not like your dad was going to come.
"Back?! Why I've been here the whole time Davey!" He laughed nervously
"But you were in Russa," Gwen said
"The. Whole. Time."
"Well, that's perfect! Because you're just in time for parents day!" David explained.
"In time for what now?!"
"Parents day! We'll get to show off everything you-" Mr. Campbell cut David off by lifting him up by the scarf.
"But there can't BE a parents day! Because if there's a parents day, then all the parents will find out that they didn't send their kid to whatever stupid camp they thought they sent their kid to!" He yelled shaking David around.
"Davey for the sake of Camp Campbell... you've got to cancel parents day! This. Instant!" Just then the bus honked and pulled up. The door opened to reveal the Quartermaster.
"Parents are here." He said pointing into the bus.
"Fuck." Cursed Mr. Campbell.
(Cue the Camp Camp theme song.)
You looked around the room and saw Nikki tugging on her mom's arm, Nerf's mom being escorted by a cop, Harrison's parents freaking out, Neris's dad playing with her while her mom stood off to the side, and Neil's dad bugging him. Max was sitting next to you on a bench. "Who's bright idea was it to put together a parents day anyway?" Mr. Campbell asked.
"Who do you think?" Gwen asked pointing at David who was smiling like he won the lottery.
"Well, everything seems to be going well so far, don't you think?" He asked. You looked around the room and saw Nikki's mom flirting with Neil's dad.
"Max, look!" You whispered pointing at the scene.
"Oh my gosh, that's fucking funny." He chuckled quietly.
"I know! What if they actually hook up? Nikki and Neil would be so fucking embarrassed."
"All I know is that it's going to be a catastrophe." He turned to the adults behind the two of you. "See, this is why I'm grateful my parents don't show up to shit like this."
"Me too!" You piped up raising your hand.
"Now, now, just because they're late, doesn't mean they're not coming. Right, Mr. Campbell?"
"I know for a fact, that my dad's not coming, and you know my mom's dead so she can't come," You state
"Shut up Davey." Mr. Campbell hissed. Two government agents walked over.
"Mr. Campbell. Allow me to introduce myself. I'm agent Miller, and this is my partner agent Miller."
"I bet you ten bucks they're gay." You whisper to Max
"W-Well, gentlemen... whatever brings you to this completely legitimate summer camp?" Mr. Campbell stuttered out.
"Why, our precious daughter Merideth, of course." They explain stepping to the side reveling Ered.
"I fucking called it! Hand over the money!" You cheer. Max sighed in defeat, forking over the change.
"I said, call me Ered!" Ered complained
"Oh! So you two are...?" Mr. Campbell questioned
"My cool gay dads!" Ered replies. They did this little handshake which made you smile at the family. "Aw, yeah."
"Oh thank god. You're just gay." Mr. Campbell sighed in relief.
(Skipping all of the speech and complaining parents part)
The kids and parents started leaving for the family activities Mr. Cambell had 'planned'. "Have fun!" Max called after them.
"Oh no, you don't !" Mr.Campbell said lifting you and Max by your hoods. He set Max down in between Gwen and David. " This parents day needs to go off without a hitch. That means good times and happy families." He said pushing the three together.
"What?! And what about (Y/N)?"
"Until this one's parent's show up she'll just have to wait in her tent. And until your real parents get here you three are going to be the perfect nuclear family." He said dropping you. You hit the floor, twisting your wrist and Max helped you up.
"We're going to have so much fun!" David exclaimed, picking up Max and hugging Gwen. "Family!"
"Yep, you do that, I'll be in my tent, reading my book. Bye Max, see you when this whole thing is done!" You said waving while walking off.
(Time skip to after the whole episode a.k.a when Max gets back to your's and his tent)
You had been crying the whole time. You didn't know why you didn't even want your dad to come. Maybe because you didn't even get to pretend that you had a family? You didn't know. You heard the tent flaps rustle, meaning someone was coming in. You quickly whipped the tears off your cheeks. Turning to face a smiling Max. "Why are you smiling Max?"
"I may have found a new family." He responded not noticing your red eyes, or tear-stained cheeks. Scratch that, "Have you been crying?" He asked moving a little closer.
"N-no," you lied, fighting back more tears.
"Don't fucking lie." He said sitting on the bed next to you.
"I guess I never got to do what I was signed up for." You said smiling sadly
"What were you signed up for?" He asked realizing that you never did any activities.
"Fucking killing myself." You replied holding up your registration paper. On it, under the activity section, in messy handwriting were the words, 'killing herself'."
"Why would you write that?" You laughed quietly
"I have much better handwriting than this." You said quietly. Your dad had written it while drinking, which wasn't a surprise. He was either drinking, hitting you, or raping you.
"Oh..." he said not really knowing what to do.
"Don't worry about it, he'll still pick me up at the end of the summer." You spat, "He would never leave his little fuck toy behind." You started muttering things about pedophiles and stupid fucking dads. Then you felt a pair of warm arms wrap around you. You melted into the hug crying onto Max's shoulder. Once you were done Max released you from the hug. "Sorry about your hoodie," you sniffled.
"It's fine, let's just deal with one shitty thing at a time." He said smiling warmly.
"I'm shocked, Max the devil, being nice?" You gasped
"Shut up, you dork." He said hugging you again.
"Fine, but you're going out with me once we're 14."
"Whatever you say." You spent the rest of the night cuddling with Max. In the morning when David came to wake you guys up he saw the scene. He smiled fondly at the both of you and left the tent.
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