(Be More Chill) Michael Mell x Squip! Reader
"Please excuse the mild pain," you said as you booted up. The brown haired kid groaned in pain?
"Mild?" He asked, giving you an incredulous look. He got over the pain s moment later and sat on his bed facing you.
"I'm sorry that was painful, it's sort of unavoidable. Anyway, I'm (Y/N), your SQUIP. I'm here to help you with whatever you need." You recited, smiling warmly at the boy in front of you.
"You're not evil right?" He asked.
"No, I'm the mistake." You responded sadly. "I'm 'too emotional' or whatever." You huffed. " I'm not like Jeremy's SQUIP, or Rich's. I'm completely non-evil."
"Good." He stated, smiling back at you. "Do you mind helping me get Jeremy back?" He asked.
"No," you responded.
You and Michael had gotten closer while you two planned to get Jeremy back. Honestly, whenever you were around him, which was all the time, you got a strange sensation in your stomach. "You're sure this will work?" He asked, holding up the Mountain Dew Red.
You nodded, backing away from the drink. "Uh-huh. Just get him to drink it, it should de-SQUIP everyone."
"Everyone?" He asked, placing the bottle in his pocket.
"Just the people who Jeremy's SQUIP infected," You lied, looking down at your lap.
"Good," He smiled, you smiled back weakly. "You wanna play Mario Cart?"
"Yeah!" You cheered, brightening up.
"This is way too good for a school play," Michael muttered. You nodded in confirmation.
"Be careful, they're all SQUIPED." You cautioned.
"I'll be fine with you watching my back," Michael responded making you blush.
"Yeah, now let's go, de-SQUIPIFY everyone!!" You cheered. Pumping a fist in the air.
The two of you stepped out of the P.T. Cruiser. Well, he stepped out, you more of phased. You two walked into the school and sat down in the auditorium. You two watched the play rehearsal. "This is too good for a school play..." You muttered.
"Yeah," Micheal agreed.
"Wait... They're all SQUIPED!!!!" You exclaimed, startling Michael.
"Let's go save my best friend!" Michael said, getting up from his seat. You followed behind him. "Michael makes an entrance!" He sang, holding up the Mountain Dew Red bottle.
"Michael!" Jeremy exclaimed, hope brimming in his voice.
"I was just in the audience thinking, "This is pretty good for a school play." Then I was like, "This is way too good for a school play!" They've all been Squiped, right?" Michael asked.
"Wait, you came to see me in the play?" Jeremy asked, looking up at his friend.
"Even brought my own refreshments!" Michael explained, showing him the bottle.
"Is that?" Jeremy asked.
"Mountain Dew Red! Told you I did my research." Michael smiled. You froze as you spotted Jeremy's SQUIP staring right at you. You saw Michael's eyes flicker over to the SQUIP.
"Hello, (Y/N). Escape did you?" It asked, looking at you.
"Leave her alone!" Michael yelled.
"Leave who alone?" Jeremy asked.
"His SQUIP, (Y/N)." The SQUIP explained, Jeremy focused on you, he could see you. "And let's see, what're you feeling today?" The SQUIP stared off into space for a couple of seconds before regaining focus. He had a smirk on his face. "Now, that's just pathetic."
"Shut up," You muttered, looking at your feet.
"Michael? Really? There are way better men out there." He continued, ignoring your comment. "You did tell him though right?" You continued to look at your feet.
"Tell me what?" Michael asked.
"You didn't tell him? Oh, that's priceless!" The Squip exclaimed, laughing. "Once you force Jeremy to drink the Mountain Dew, every SQUIP in a ten-mile radius will be deactivated. Including (Y/N). It's a safety protocol."
"What?" Michael asked, his voice cracking.
"I'll be gone, but that doesn't matter! My purpose will be over, you won't need me anymore." You explained, trying to reassure him.
"But-" Michael protested.
"But nothing!" You responded, grabbing th Mountain Dew and throwing it at Jeremy. He quickly chugged it, causing the rest of the cast to scream in pain and collapse, including him.
Michael curled in on himself, the pain almost unbearable. You kneeled in front of him, lifting his head so he was looking at you. "I love you Michael Mell." You whispered bringing him into a kiss.
He kissed you back, his head falling once you disappeared. Tears poured out of his eyes as he lay there, black dots clouding his vision. "I love you too." He responded weakly as the world faded out of existence.
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