(Avengers) Peter Parker x Reader
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Bold: Describing the video
You and Peter had been dating for a while now. You were there for him when Ben died and when Tony had taken away his suit and when he had faded, and finally for May's death. After May's death, Peter had been adopted by Tony and you had become an Avenger with your boyfriend. You had powers sort of like Wanda, you had the telekinesis and you could turn invisible, but you could also videotape anything that happened in the world. So you and Ned had made a Spider-Man tribute video.
Before you panic yes you guys got permission from Peter to reveal his identity, you and he were going to do it at the press conference next week anyway. So here the three of you were, sitting in the auditorium waiting for the presentation to start. The SOS video started and you gave Ned the signal. He quickly hacked into the thing, causing it to go black. Then the video started. It was a piece of video Peter had taken, it turned to face Tony Stark and the room gasped. "Actually we should make an alibi video for your aunt, anyways you ready?" You gripped Peters' hand and smiled up at him. "You have it rolling? Kid get in the frame." The camera shifted and there was Peter Parker sitting next to Tony Stark. "Hey May! How are you doing? What're you wearing something skimpy I hope," Tony joked, bursting out into a light laugh at the end. The Peter looked at him accusingly. "Forget it, that's inappropriate. We can start over. We can edit that right?" Peter nodded in confirmation. "Three, two one."
The footage changed to Peter walking on a sidewalk in the metro, "I'm just stressed, things with the internship and I'm tired." The scene changed to him and May in a restaurant.
"The Stark Internship, I have to tell you," The scene changed to Peter walking through the hallway then back to the little shop, "I'm not a fan of that Tony Stark. You're distracted all the time," It switched to Peter sitting in detention. "What's happening in your head?"
The scene changed to a beat up Tony holding up his Stark Phone, it projected a scene of Spider-Man saving the day, "That's you! Right?" The room gasped.
"Um, no," Peter replied. The camera switched to see Peter was also in the room. "What do you, what do you-"
"Yeah," Tony flipped the phone, "Look at you go. Wow! Nice catch, 3,00 pounds," The scene switched to show Peter zipping up his jacket over his suit, "40 miles an hour. That's not easy."
The camera showed Liz walking down the hallway looking beautiful as always, then to Peter talking to her in her bikini. "I was uh, I was gonna go study um, in the business center."
"Peter you don't need to study, you're like the smartest guy I've ever met. And besides rebellious group activity before the day of the competition can get you kicked off." The scene changed to Iron Man flying in front of Peter who was in his costume.
"What were you thinking?!" Tony asked.
"The guy with the wings is obviously the source of the weapons! I gotta take him down!" The scene changed to show Delmer's sub shop and then Peter on the side of a building.
"Take him down? Huh," The Tony voice-over said. The scene changed to Peter sitting on the edge of a building and Iron-Man behind him. "No thanks to you." Peter looked at him.
Then Peter was trapped under the building, "No thanks to me?" He let out a gasp. "Those weapons are out there and I tried to tell you about it but you didn't listen! None of this would have happened," Peter was back under the building. "If you would just listen to me!"
"Help!" The Peter in the video screamed, it broke your heart so you cuddled into his side, he wrapped his arm around you. The scene changed again to Peter on the alien ship.
"Yeah! Right where I didn't want you to be!" The Tony in the video scolded. The scene changed to Peter putting on his mask and climbing out of the school bus, you following and him carrying you. Tony said something you couldn't catch. The scene changed to Peter skimming the water and towards the spaceship with you in his arms. "You hear me? Don't pretend you thought this through!" Peter started protesting, "I know you didn't think this through!"
"I did think this through!"
"You could not have possibly thought this through!" The scene changed to the Spaceship again.
"You can't be a friendly neighborhood Spider-Man if there's no neighborhood." the scene changed to Tony talking to Pepper.
"Last night, I drempt we had a kid." The scene changed to show Peter walking into Midtown high. "It was so real." Then it showed Peter walking into his apartment and seeing tony on the couch with May. "Hello Mr. Parker," Tony said, waving a little.
"Um." Then the scene changed to Liz again.
"What is going on with you?" She asked into the phone. Then it was Peter scaling the empire state building.
"It was a catastrophic event," The news lady said.
Then it changed to Peter watching someone leave the room, then back to when Tony was sitting next to May, "Hey, I'm-I'm-I'm Peter" The video Peter Stuttered out.
"Tony," Tony said. The scene changed to some monster attacking Iron-Man who was on the ground, Spider-Man caught the hand.
"Hey man, what's up Mister Stark?" The scene changed to Tony in Peter's room.
"You're the Sider-ling," Tony said, the video changed to Peter running across a highway, "The crime-fighting Spider, you're Spider-Boy? S-Spider."
"Spider-Man," Peter corrected the scene changed to Iron-Man carrying Spider-Man. Then to the burning sandwich shop. "Mrs. Delmer." Spider-Man ran in.
"I called 5, police stations, 5!" The video changed to Peter talking to May, "I called 5 of your friends."
"I'm fine."
"I called Ned's Mother," She kept rambling.
"May, I'm ok. Honestly just relax I'm fine!" Peter said. It showed Peter staring into the water. Then back to May.
"Cut the bullshit," She demanded. Then it was Tony and Peter on a roof.
"Do you know that I was the only one who believed in you?" The Peter was sitting on the jungle gym, "Everyone else said-," Then it was Peter's mask in the dirt, "That I was crazy." It showed Peter being crushed. "To believe in a fourteen-year-old kid." It was Peter and Tony back on the roof, Peter backing away from the approaching Stark.
"I'm fifteen," Peter corrected.
"No! This is where you zip it, ok? The adult is talking," Tony argued. It showed Spider-man pulling Mr. Delmer out of the burning building, "What would have happened if someone died today?" It showed May on the hospital bed. "Different story, right?" It showed Tony and Peter on the roof once more, "Because that's on you," Tony poked Peter in the chest. "And if you died," It showed Peter climbing up the side of the spaceship with you wrapped around his torso. "You gotta let go I'm gonna catch you," Tony said.
Then it was back to May, "Peter you have to tell me what's going on!" She exclaimed. Then they were on Titan, you shuddered, you had faded after Peter so you had to see this first hand.
"I don't feel so good," Peter breathed, stumbling forward looking at his arms, you were in the background, blood running down your cheek. You gripped Peter tighter. It showed Peter talking to May, "I lost the Stark internship." He confessed. It showed Peter being beaten up by the vulture, you flinched as he screamed. "You don't understand! This suit is all I have! I'm nothing," It showed Peter under the building than fighting the Vulture again, "without this suit!" IT was back to him under the building, "come on Spider-man, come on Spider-Man," He took a sharp inhale.
It showed him and Tony on the roof, "If you're nothing without this suit," It showed Peter and the vulture again and back to the roof, "Then you shouldn't have it."
"I just wanted to be like you," Peter confessed. It showed the vulture again. Then the building, he screamed as he lifted it off of himself.
"Why are you doing this?" Tony asked as he sat in Peters room. Then he said something else. "Then I want you to be better." It then switched to Peter sitting on his bed staring at an Iron-man figure.
"But how can I be better then Iron-man?" He asked in a broken voice. Then it switched back to Titan. "I don't, I don't know what's happening," He stumbled into Tony's arms. The screen showed you rushing forward. Then you and Peter were sticking to the building. He took off his mask to breath better, then you started to fall off of him. It showed Tony's face inside the suit.
"Come on, you're running out of air," Tony said. Then it switched to him jumping through something attaching it.
"Spiderweb!" He exclaimed. Then it was him in Titan with the big mechanical legs, "I got you, I got you," He said grabbing some people who were floating. It showed him jumping a bit then when you and he fell off of the ship. Then it was him and Tony on the roof.
"Ok, it's not working out, I'm gonna need the suit," Tony demanded. Then back to Peter falling, it showed the Iron Spider landing on him. Then Thanos throwing him to the ground.
"You can do these things I can't," Peter said as the scene changed to him and Tony on the ship. You were in the background. It showed Tony touching Peter's shoulders, then the Iron Spider suit building itself around Peter. Then back to Tony.
"You're an Avenger," Tony said and the room cheered.
"And then the bad things happen," Peter said, Then the scene changed to Peter catching onto the Ship and webbing you into his grasp. Then it was Peter playing with the light. "They happen," It was the ship again than him looking at the light in wonder. Back to the ship, back to the light, back to the ship, then to Peter gripping onto Tony on Titan. You could see him fading. "I don't want to go, U don't wanna go Mister Stark, please, please I don't want to go," Tony set Peter on the ground and you were by his side, you could see the little flakes of dust coming from your skin. "I don't wanna go." The scene changed to Peter sitting next to Tony on his bed and Tony hesitantly patting his shoulder. The video was back on Titan. You and Tony were leaning over Peter. He looked at Tony, "Sorry," Then at you, "I love you," Then he faded. The camera panned in on you sobbing over his dust then becoming nothing more than ash.
Then it showed Peter standing in front of the Avengers logo looking really regal, then it was over. You let out a sob, clinging onto Peter. He just pulled you into a tighter hug.
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