(Avengers) Peter Parker x Reader
Request? No
Yes, I'm doing another one, sue me. P.S. The animatic made me cry... so don't watch if you don't want to cry.
The last thing you remember before fading was sitting on your couch hoping and praying the Peter was ok. You were scared, you were scared that Peter would get hurt, that Thanos might do something, that he might be dead. And then you faded, you disappeared in a pile of ashes.
Now here you sat, on an orange floor in an orange world. Talking to people who passed searching for loved ones. It's not like you could move anyways, you were paralyzed from the waist down, and you didn't have the energy to drag yourself. So you sat and waited for people to pass.
You lay on your back, staring up at the orange clouds, contemplating your existence. Until someone cleared their throat. You sat up quickly, smiling. "Sorry, I would get up buuuttt..... I really can't."
"How come?" The man asked.
"Sorta paralyzed." You remarked tapping your leg, "Did anyone ever tell you, you look like Jesus?"
He chuckled, "Actually yeah, this kid. I was waking him up when he appeared and he went 'Jesus?' and my other friend Sam laughed."
"Sounds like something my boyfriend would do..." You remarked before trailing off.
"Sounds like a nice guy." He chuckled, squatting down to your height, "would you like to travel with me and my friends? It'll be fun, we could all take turns carrying you."
"Sure why not Mr. Stranger!" You exclaimed lifting your hands so he could pick you up. "But if I get too heavy or too annoying promise me you'll leave me behind."
"I promise, and my name is Bucky." He said, picking you up and giving you a piggyback ride.
"Hello, Bucky, my name is (Y/N)," You responded, latching your arms around his neck. He started walking, "So where are your friends Bucky?"
"Just over there," He said pointing ahead, "they sent me to scout ahead."
"Cool, so you have a metal arm... what's up with that?" You asked, struggling with conversation.
"Well, Spider-man made it for me, it's pretty cool," Bucky explained.
"Oh! So that's the arm that Peter made! That's so cool. He's really proud of that arm you know, he wouldn't stop talking about it for weeks, it was cute. He really tried to make it as comfortable as possible." You rambled, talking about Peter made you happy. So you kept rambling. Until you heard a bunch of people talking, that's when you shut up.
"Hey, Buck!" A black guy yelled. "Who's that?"
"Hey Sam, this is (Y/N) I found her sitting over there," Bucky replied pointing behind him.
"(Y/N)?!" You heard a voice exclaim.
"Peter?!" You yelled back. You saw the crowd moving, to reveal the said person looking dumbfound in his Spider-man costume. Bucky put you down and Peter rushed to you,
"Oh my gosh! (Y/N)! You're here! Are you ok? Where's your wheelchair? How did Bucky find you?" Peter asked, checking you for injuries.
"Slow down Pete," You laughed, then you kissed him, you heard a couple of wolf whistles in the background. "Now you can bombard me with questions."
"Where's your wheelchair?" He asked.
"I was sitting on my couch because they wouldn't let me come to the frickin' field trip, when I faded, not in my wheelchair. Which completely sucks, cause I can't really move." You explained, then you remembered, "OH MY GOSh, Pete are you ok, did Thanos hurt you? Did anything hurt you?"
"I'm fine, he didn't hurt me that much, nothing I can't handle," Peter reassured. Someone cleared their throat.
"You gonna introduce us, Parker?" A weird guy in a red jacket asked. Peter blushed dark red before picking you up bridal style.
"Guys, this is my girlfriend (Y/N), (Y/N) this is the Avengers/Guardians of the Galaxy/other people that are superheroes." Peter introduced.
"Hello!!!!" You exclaimed waving. They waved back. "Peter's told me so much about you guys!"
And so the introductions commended, you met every superhero who faded, and you were fangirling internally. It. Was. Awesome. I mean, they're the Avengers for God's sake!!
Time Skip
Everyone had started to fade back into existence. First Sam, then Bucky and so on. Then it was just you and Peter sitting on the grey earth of the soul world. You pressed your foreheads together, tear running down your cheeks. "I love you, Peter Parker," You whispered as you faded.
"I love you (Y/N) (L/N)," was the last thing you heard before you were back on Earth, surrounded by your newfound superhero friends. You smiled as they reunited with their loved ones. Then Peter was in front of you, you smiled widely.
"PETER!!!" You heard a male voice shout, you an Peter whipped your heads around to see a devilish Tony Stark bounding towards Peter. Peter quickly stood up and tackled the man in a gigantic hug. You heard the two of them sobbing as you shed a couple of tears yourself. You watched as the two boys reunited, remembering that you had no one to rejoice at your existence.
You felt someone pick you up and place you on their shoulders, you looked down and saw Bucky smiling up at you. "Who's this Buck?" Steve asked.
"This is (Y/N), I met her in the soul world." Bucky explained as you waved at the super soldier.
"Hello!" You exclaimed from your perch on Bucky's shoulders.
"Why are you here? Everyone appeared with their family? We figured that's how the soul stone works. And it's true. T'Challa's back at Wakanda with Shuri and people." Steve asked.
"I did appear with my loved one though, Peter's right over there." You replied pointing at the boy still wrapped in Tony's arms.
"What about your family?" Bucky asked.
"Dead," You deadpaned. "Died when I was 13."
"Oh," You heard Bucky say apologetically.
"Its ok though, I have three jobs so I can afford an apartment so it's not like I'm in the streets or anything." You reassured.
"I'm then, it's settled. I'm adopting you." Bucky exclaimed.
"Bucky, what the fuck?" You asked.
"Language!!" Steve yelled. You looked at him tilting your head in confusion.
"I'm adopting you, we got close in the Soul World and I would miss you, plus I'm not letting you go back to three jobs and a run down apartment." Bucky explained.
"Ok," You replied.
"Really? I thought you'd be more against it." Bucky confessed.
"Nah, You look like Jesus anyway. So that's a plus, also your Like really cool and dorky." You explained patting his head.
"GUYS I FUCKING HAVE A KID!! " Bucky yelled in excitement, You just laughed and hugged his head.
"LANGUAGE!!!" Steve yelled back, "And congrats!"
"Yeah, congrats Buck, (Y/N)," Wanda exclaimed in her accented voice.
"So who is this?" Bruce asked.
"I would put her down to meet people buuuuttttt, she can't walk so everyone this is (Y/N) (L/N), my new child." Becky explained.
"Hii!" You called to the people who hadn't faded.
"(Y/N) This is so awesome!!!! Now I'm technically dating the daughter of a region's assassin!!!!" Peter exclaimed pulling you off of Bucky and into a big hug, You just laughed and hugged back.
"I guess so Peter, I guess so."
"Wait?! Peter you have a girlfriend?!" Tony exclaimed.
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