(Avengers) Peter Parker x Reader
Request? No
(I know people use the field trip thing a lot but whatever, deal with it) Plz watch the video, it cured my depression.
Peter stared out of the bus window practically jumping with excitement. Ned was sitting next to him also vibrating with excitement as the bus nears their intended destination for the field trip. "You guys are losers," MJ commented as she watched the two boys sitting next to her.
"But aren't you excited?!" Peter exclaimed.
"Yes, but why are you? You live there." She asked.
"I get to see (Y/N)!!" Peter cheered.
"You see her every day. She is your girlfriend," MJ said conffuzled.
"I don't see her during school hours," Peter explained.
MJ just rolled her eyes, Ned smiled, "I'm just excited. It's not like I haven't been there before but I've never done the tour!"
Then gasps filled the bus as they pulled in front of the huge building. "Please exit the bus in an orderly fashion," Mr. Warrner said exiting the bus. The students rushed off of the bus ignoring the teacher's guidelines. Mr. Warrner led the students into the lobby where you were waiting.
The students crowded around you as the teacher instructed. "Hi, you're the kids from Midtown high right?" You asked getting a chorus of yeses back.
"Hi, I'm going to be your tour guide today! My name is (Y/N) (L/N), I'm 14 and the youngest Avenger. I have fire powers." You said lighting yourself on fire, laughing, as all of the students scattered away, all but three. Your smile instantly brightened. "Hi, Peter! MJ! Ned!" You exclaimed waving wildly, resisting the urge to go tackle your boyfriend.
You passed out the clear guest passes, they had a white light on the top.
Peter, Ned, and MJ pulled out their own. Ned and MJ's had little red lights on the top signaling they were Alpha 7 clearance. Peter's had a black light like yours signaling the two of you were Alpha 10. A kid raised their hand. "Why is your light black?"
"Well, each light signals how high of a clearance you have, there are ten levels. White or Alpha 1 is for guests and press, Orange or Alpha 2 is for press, Purple or Alpha 3 is for low-level interns, Blue or Alpha 4 is for high-level interns, Pink or Alpha 5 is for Stark industries workers, Yellow or Alpha 6 is for guest important people like for the companies sponsors, Red or Alpha 7 is for friends and personal guests of the Avengers and/or Pepper, Aqua or Alpha 8 is for family members of the Avengers and/or Pepper, Gray or Alpha 9 is for SHIELD agents and government officials, and finally Black or Alpha 10 is for the Avengers and Pepper." You explained taking a deep breath at the end. "Now will everyone follow me?" You said turning to the elevator. You heard everyone following behind. You passed through a scanner and swiped your card.
"Welcome back (Y/N), "FRIDAY chirped, "Mister Stark would like me to remind you to make popcorn for the movie tonight, Peter's pick."
"Thanks, FRI," You smiled, "Now everyone does the same thing." You instructed watching the kids get into a line.
"Eugene Tompson, Alpha level 1," FRIDAY said. Soon everyone but Peter, MJ, and Ned were through the scanner. MJ scanned her card. "Welcome back MJ." The Ned, "Welcome back Ned," and then Peter, "Welcome back Peter, Mister Stark would like me to tell you it is your turn to pick the movie tonight."
"Thank you," Peter replied to the AI. You continued walking into the elevator, not noticing an angry Flash grab Peter roughly by the arm and whispering threateningly at him. (That sounds weird). Once everyone was in the elevator you said:
"We have a busy schedule today, first we're going up to the training deck to watch some of the Avengers train and take a basic self-defense class. Next, we're going to look around the intern labs, followed by lunch and after that, a little Avengers meet n' greet. FRI take us to the training decks." You commanded. The elevator started moving. Soon the doors opened to reveal a little hallway.
You walked down it until you got to a window showing the training deck in its full glory. There in the center were Steve and Bucky doing hand to hand combat with Thor watching on the side. They noticed the group and motioned you to bring them inside, so you did. "Hello, tiny people!" Thor thundered. Everyone but Peter, Ned, MJ, and you just stared in awe. "Parkerson!! You are here with your companions! How wonderful! We shall feast on the delicious Poptart!"
"Hello to you too Thor," He replied, fidgeting with the hem of his shirt.
Steve clapped his hands grabbing the attention of everyone in the room, "We are here to teach you self-defense so everyone pair up." You saw Flash head over your way but Peter making his way to you first, you breathed a sigh of relief as you gave your boyfriend a thankful smile. "Peter, (Y/N) come up here and demonstrate, Peter you're offense, (Y/N) you're defense." You heard Flash mutter;
"Penis Parker? Offense? Please!" He said under his breath.
"What the fuck, did you call my boyfriend?!" You yelled turning to the dark-haired boy, catching on fire. Flash looked at you with a shocked expression, no one should have heard him, fear clouded his eyes as you approached him. "Fucking apologize." You commanded pointing at Peter.
"S-sorry Peter." He stuttered, cowering away. You smirked, backing away, calmer now. But you looked into his eyes and saw simplest and utter terror, causing you to spiral back into a flashback of when HYDRA told you what to do.
Your vitals increased, and you started to hyperventilate, curling in on yourself and sinking to the floor. You collapsed into a mess of heavy breathing and tears. You felt someone make you face them, You opened your eyes and saw Peter's chocolate ones. "Hey, breath with me, in, out, in, out." You complied trying to even out your breathing, eventually doing so. You let out a strangled sob and buried your head into Peter's chest. "It's okay," he muttered into your hair as he pressed his face to it.
"FRIDAY, call for a tour guide," Bucky commanded. A few minutes later around woman walked in and led the rest of the class out, the teacher protesting.
Peter picked you up bridal style and crafted you out to the elevator, You curled into him breathing in his sent. "FRI, take us to the Avengers common room." He whispered.
"Going to the living room," FRIDAY replied. Once the elevator reached the floor Peter set you down on the couch, him lying next to you. You quickly got on top of him and just played there, listening to his heartbeat. Eventually, you turned on the TV and watched it while Peter stroked your hair, also watching the TV.
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