(Avengers) Peter Parker x Reader
Request? No
(I haven't actually seen homecoming or anything so if I get something wrong don't blame me. I also have never been in high school. I'm thirteen, what do you expect?)
You had fire powers, meaning you could control and create fire. You were a hydra test tube baby. You also had enhanced hearing, speed, a photographic memory, and sight. You were an Avenger and you were dating the amazing Spiderman, otherwise known as Peter Parker. Which also made the incredible Tony Stark hate you. It was 1:00 on a Friday when it happened. Tony was yelling at you about Peter, which made you mad. "You are not right for him!" He yelled. You were getting increasingly mad, causing your powers to flare up.
"How do you know what's right for him?!" You yelled back, you didn't notice that you had set the couch on fire.
"Because I'm his father!!"
"No, you're not." You said in a dangerously low tone. Tony froze, then started sniffing.
"I smell something burning." He said, you looked around and saw the couch on fire.
"Oh, no!" You whispered.
"F.R.I.D.A.Y.!! Put out the couch!!" Tony yelled at the A.I. A fire extinguisher was used on the couch.
"The fire is out sir." F.R.I.D.A.Y. said.
"And you!" He said turning to you, "Get out, go and walk around, I'll come to get you once I'm ready for an apology." He said pushing you out of the tower, into the December snow, without a coat. He went back inside without a backward glance.
You shivered and tried to get back inside, but the doors wouldn't open. There was a bench right next to the doors though, so you sat on it and huddled yourself closer together. After about ten minutes you looked at your hand, seeing that your fingers had already turned blue, the cold was killing you. Since you had fire powers the cold killed you quicker than normal humans, no one but Peter and Bruce knew this about you. It was now around 2:30, most of your body was blue and you were shivering uncontrollably. Peter rounded the corner, coming home from school, then he saw you, practically blue, and dying. "(Y/N)!!!" He yelled, running over to you. "Oh my gosh, what happened?!"
"I-I set the c-couch on fire and T-tony kicked m-me out. T-the doors w-won't let me b-back in." You explained teeth chattering.
"Here," He said taking off his coat and giving it to you.
"N-no," You said pushing the coat back to him.
"Why not? You're going to die without it." He said still trying to give it to you.
"B-but you'll be c-cold," You explained pushing the coat back at him.
"At least take my hat a scarf," He said handing the items to you.
"O-okey." You replied putting on the hat and scarf. He sat on the bench next to you and wrapped you in his arms, and you snuggled into him. "W-why does T-tony hate me?" You asked him.
"He doesn't hate you," Peter said.
"Y-yes he does, he's a-always yelling at me a-and telling me I'm n-not good enough for y-you. A-and he kicked m-me out, h-he doesn't k-kick out C-clint when h-he destroys t-the couch."
"Don't think about it, love," Peter replied, kissing your forehead.
"H-hey, at l-least I'm n-not dying a-alone like I-I thought I-I would!" You said smiling weakly.
"You are not dying," Peter demanded.
"I-I will I-if I d-don't get t-to go i-inside soon." You explained.
"Mr. Stark will start to worry about me, he'll come and look for me soon, then we'll bring you inside, get you to the med bay," Peter said tears running down his face.
"Y-you think s-so?" You asked, hope evident in your voice. It killed Peter, seeing you like this.
"Yeah, I know so. After we get you inside and fix you up. You're going to high school with me, meet Ned and MJ."
"R-really?! Sounds g-great, can't w-wait." You said smiling, you closed your eyes, more tired than ever.
"No, keep your eyes open for me ok?" Peter said frantically, shaking you. "You gotta stay awake. For me ok?" You looked up at him, he was crying.
"O-ok." You said. Just then you heard the Stark Tower door open, "P-peter." You said gesturing at the door.
"Peter!! What you doing out here?!" Tony exclaimed, he didn't notice you.
"Waiting for you," Peter replied looking down at you, you smiled.
"Out here? In the freezing cold. Are you crazy?" Tony yelled rushing over to him, then he noticed your shaking figure in his arms. "You're out here because of her?!" Tony yelled, enraged with your presence.
"Yes, I'm out here because of her! I'm trying to keep her warm! Trying to keep her alive!" Peter yelled back. Tony froze.
"What?" Tony whispered.
"Yeah, now let her back inside!" Peter said picking you up.
"Fine," Tony said pressing something on his watch. Peter ran inside, he ran all the way to the med-bay where Bruce was doing something with a machine.
"Bruce!! She needs help!!" Peter yelled laying you on one of the beds.
"What happened!" Bruce asked rushing over to you.
"She's been out in the cold for about 2 hours." Peter explained, "Without a coat."
"Why the heck would she do that?"
"Tony locked her out."
"What?!!" Bruce yelled, his face going green.
"Bruce, rage later, help now," Peter said.
"Right, Right. We need to get her to an incinerator." Bruce explained.
"There's one in the basement," Peter said, he picked you up and ran with Peter to the basement incinerator. He lit it and threw you in. Bruce and he watched your skin turned from blue to back to normal. They watched you slowly get better. You climbed out of the incinerator smiling.
"Thank you thank you thank you!!" You exclaimed hugging the father-like figure. You turned to Peter, tears running down your cheeks. you kissed him, hard.
"I love you, Peter Parker," You whispered.
"I love you too." He said. Bruce cleared his throat. You jumped away from Peter.
"Now, where is Tony?" Bruce demanded.
"F.R.I.D.A.Y. where is Tony?" You asked the A.I.
"Mr. Stark has told me not to tell you."
"Damn it F.R.I.D.A.Y!! Where is he?" Bruce yelled.
"In his lab." Bruce stormed to the elevator, you and Peter following close behind. The elevator started without a command. Once the elevator reached the floor Tony was on Bruce stormed off again, heading straight for Tony. Once he saw Tony he stopped. "What the hell was that Stark?" Bruce yelled.
"What was what?" Tony said turning to the raging man. You hid behind Peter when you saw Tony.
"Locking (Y/N) outside!" Bruce exclaimed pointing at you.
"She set the couch on fire!!" Tony yelled.
"Uh and? You don't lock Clint outside when he destroyed the couch!"
"She could have set the tower on fire!"
"F.R.I.D.A.Y has a safety measure against that!"
"I- uh." Tony stumbled, trying to find a valid argument.
"See! You almost killed her and you don't have a good reason as to why!"
"I almost killed her?" Tony asked.
"Yes! My God Tony! How stupid are you? She has fire powers and you put her outside without a goddamn coat!!!" Bruce yelled, turning green. You rushed out from behind Peter and gave Bruce a hug.
"Calm down, he didn't know!"
"But-But," Bruce said, still green.
"It's fine." Bruce's skin turned back to normal and you went back to behind Peter. "Can we go, Peter?" You asked burying your head into his back.
"Sure," Peter replied, leaning down as you climbed onto his back. He walked out of the lab and to the elevator. "Can we go to the living room?" Peter asked F.R.I.D.A.Y.
"Sure thing Mr. Parker," F.R.I.D.A.Y replied. The elevator started, once it reached the floor Peter walked over to the couch and set you on it, he then sat next to you. You snuggled into his side and picked up the TV changer. You put on The Goonies, your favorite movie of all time.
Time skip to the end of the movie
During the movie, Steve, Natasha, Bucky, Wanda, and Clint had joined the two of you. Then Tony walked into the room, you flinched once you saw him, Peter pulled you closer to him. "What type of pizza does everyone want?" He asked. Everyone started yelling their preferences, well everyone but you and Peter. "Peter, (Y/N), what would you like?" He asked.
"Sausage and olives please," Peter responded. Tony nodded and exited the room, you relaxed. Then Bruce walked into the room.
"Da-Bruce?" You asked.
"Do you think I could go to High School with Peter?" You asked hopefully.
"I don't know. Why?"
"I-I don't want to be here all day, with Tony. Plus I want to meet Peters' friends."
"Ok then, yeah, we'll sign you up tomorrow and you can go in on Monday. We'll make sure all your classes with Peter." You jumped out of Peter's arms and gave Bruce a big hug.
"Thank you." You sobbed.
So that's what happened. That weekend you and Peter went and bought your school supplies. That Monday you walked into Midtown High, hand in hand with Peter. The two of you walked to the front office. "Excuse me?" You asked.
"Yes?" Asked the secretary, looking up from her computer.
"Um hi, I'm here for my schedule."
"(Y/N) (L/N)."
"Ah, here you are." She said handing you your schedule. "Have a nice day!!!"
You and Peter walked out of the front office, into the sea of loud teenagers. "God Peter, how do you deal with all this noise?" You asked wincing as someone yelled in your ear.
"You get used to it after a while." Then a chubby kid walked up to Peter, they did a secret handshake, making you laugh. Then the kid noticed you.
"H-hi! Who are you?" He asked rubbing the back of his neck.
"Greetings and salutations. The name's (Y/N) (L/N)." You said holding out your hand.
"Ned Leeds. And that's a Heathers reference." He replied shaking your hand.
"Indeed it is, indeed it is. By the way. Peter talks about you all the time."
"He does?!" Ned said looking at the boy next to you, who was blushing profoundly.
"We gotta go find your locker!" Peter exclaimed dragging you away from Ned.
"It was nice meeting you!" You yelled waving.
"You too!" Ned yelled back.
"So, what's your locker number?" Peter asked. You looked down at the paper in your hand.
"531." You replied looking up at him.
"Good, cause mine's 530," Peter replied dragging you to his locker.
"You can stop dragging me you know. I can walk next to people." You said.
"I know, I know. Just don't want to lose you in the crowd. Now put in the combination." You did as he said, the locker opened on your 5th try.
"Why is it so hard to open these things?" You complained. Stuffing the stuff you didn't need into it.
"Because the universe wants people to be late to class," Peter replied, then the 5-minute warning bell went off. "Now let's go to our first period, honors calculus!"
"I already know this stuff, they fed it into my brain when I was still at Hydra!!" You exclaimed, throwing your hands up.
"I know all this as well, but you don't see me complaining," Peter replied walking into the class.
"That's because you're too... what is that word?"
"Self-effacing?" Peter suggested.
"Yes, that one. You are self-effacing. And I love you for that." You said kissing his cheek and sitting in the seat next to him. "Is this someone's seat?" You asked.
"No, neither Ned or MJ have this class with me."
"Good." You replied. The late bell rang and the teacher walked into the room.
"Good morning class! Today we have a new student!" The teacher exclaimed. She motioned for you to come up to the front of the class, you did so.
"Hi, I'm (Y/N) (L/N). I've never been to school before and Peter Parker is my boyfriend." You said turning to the teacher.
"You may go sit down where you were." She said. You walked to your seat.
"Why did you say that?" Peter asked blushing.
"Say what?"
"That I was your boyfriend."
"Should I not have?" You asked.
"No, no. I was just surprised." He replied. The rest of the class was boring. The teacher gave out homework and that was it. "To the next class!! Honors Science!!" Peter exclaimed happily.
"Yay!!" You yelled back. The two of you made your way down the crowded hallway. You reached the room someone pushed Peter and the two of you fell in, Peter on top of you, you gave him a quick peck and he got off of you. "Love Ya." You said.
"Love ya too."
"Oohhhh!! Penis has a girlfriend!!!" Someone exclaimed.
You turned around. A murderous look in your eye. "What? Did you call him." You said looking at the kid who had said that.
"Penis Parker," the kid replied cockily.
"What is your name dickhead?" You asked walking closer to him.
"Flash Thompson but you can call me anytime." He said winking. You scoffed and rolled your eyes.
"I think I'll stick to dickhead. Now you will apologize to Peter and you will never call him penis again." You demanded. The boy gulped, you saw that and smirked.
"(Y-Y/N)." You heard Peter say.
"What?" You asked turning to him.
"Your hair." He said.
"Huh? Oooohhh!" You said putting it down, putting out the fire that had started. Luckily no one had seen the tiny flame. You turned back to Flash. "Apologize," you demanded.
"I'm sorry Peter." He said cowering away from you.
"Thank you!" You said smiling wildly. You skipped back to Peter and kissed his cheek, there was a little sizzle when you did so.
"I swear you're bipolar." He remarked laughing.
"Me too." You said, sitting down next to Peter. "Anyone sit here?" You asked again.
"Nope, still no Ned or MJ."
"Goddddd, I really want to meet MJ!! She seems so cool!!" You whined.
"The two of you would be unstoppable." He remarked. Then the teacher walked in.
"Hello, class." Unenthusiastic hellos were helloed back. "We have a new student. Miss (Y/N) (L/N)." He said pointing at you, you waved a little. "Ok, today we're going to do an experiment. And we're going to use fire, so no horseplay. Now go get your supplies." He said.
"Yes! Fire!! My specialty!" You exclaimed pumping your fist in the air. "Peter go get the supplies since I have no idea where anything is." You said.
"I can't carry it all, you come with." He said grabbing your hand and pulling you to a cabinet. The two of you got everything you needed and started setting up. The teacher had said you could start once you had all of your stuff. Peter picked up the lighter to light the candle but you stopped him.
"Let me," you said lighting your finger. The two of you had fun with the experiment. All too soon you had to put the supplies away and head to your next class. "Our next class is Gym right?" You asked, smiling. You loved to exercise, which people find weird.
"Yeah, both Ned and MJ are in that class." He said smiling fondly at you as your eyes lit up in excitement.
"Really!! Yay! I get to meet MJ!!! And hang with Ned... well sorta." You said you began rambling about how fun Ned seems. And before you knew it you were at the gym. "We're here!" You squealed. It amazed Peter how excited a person could get over gym class. Neither of you changed for it though. And neither Med or MJ showed up, which made you sad.
"Good morning cadets." The P.E. teacher yelled. "Today we have a new student (Y/N) (L/N). (Y/N) please stand up and tell us a bit about yourself. You stood up and faced the class.
"Hi, I'm (Y/N). I've never been to school, like ever. I have a boyfriend aaannndd I'm adopted." You said, then you sat back down on the bleachers next to Peter.
"Adopted?" He asked.
"Well yeah, I don't actually have parents." You explained.
"I guess, that is quite accurate."
"Ok, Cadets, today we are going to do an obstacle course. It will be timed so good luck. I will call you alphabetically." The teacher said looking at a clipboard. He started calling out random names.
"Eugene Tompson!" He called. Flash walked the start and the coach blew the whistle. He completed the course in 9 seconds flat. He was the fastest kid so far. "(Y/N) (L/N)!" The coach yelled. You walked to the start and bolted one he blew the whistle.
You completed the course in 4.7 seconds. A new record. "Peter Parker!" The coach yelled. Peter started at the whistle. He got 5.1 seconds. You do have him a fist bump. Doing the Baymax thing.
"Good job Parker!!" You exclaimed smiling widely.
"Not as good as you though." He said sheepishly.
"Ehh, it was nothing. Remember, superpowers, trained since birth. No one can beat me!" You reminded him.
"Keep forgetting that. You act so normally!"
"Normal!!" You exclaimed. "Excuse you, sir. I prefer the term unique!! As opposed to normal! What an insult!!" You yelled.
"Yeah, yeah. You love me." He said, kissing your cheek.
"You're right, I do." You said, smiling warmly. The other kids finished the obstacle course. Then the end of class bell rang. " Lunchhhhhhhh!!!!!!!! " You yelled.
"Mmhm! Today's lunch is mystery meat! Yay!!" Peter exclaimed sarcastically.
"Haha, sucks to be you! Steve made me lunch!! He even baked cookies!" You said, opening your locker to reveal a packed lunch.
"No fair!! How come you get a good lunch?!" Peter whined.
"Because I'm awesome. And just because I'm the best girlfriend in the world I got him to make two of everything, so you could have a decent lunch!" You said, smirking.
"Now this, is why I love you." Peter sighed, kissing you.
"Now to lunch!!!" You exclaimed pulling Peter down the hallway.
"The cafeteria is the other way," Peter said.
"Oh... I knew that!" You said turning around and walking the other way. Peter chuckled. The two of you made it to the cafeteria with all of your limbs intact. "Direct me to the table. You sit at." You commanded, interlacing your hand with Peters.
"Yes, Ma'am," Peter said saluting. You giggled at his actions.
"You sound like Steve." You pointed out. Peter laughed and started dragging you across the lunchroom. He plopped down next to Bad and you across from him. Next to a girl reading a book. Who you assumed was Michelle. "He Ned." You said unpacking the lunch and handing Peter his half.
"Hey (Y/N), how's your first day of.school so far?" He asked trying to steal some of Peters food.
"Pretty good. I scared Flash pretty badly. I'm also the fastest kid in the school. Oh and I'm pretty sure I saw a positive pregnancy test in one of the hallways." You said, biting into your sandwich.
"Why'd you scare Flash?" Ned asked.
"He called Peter Penis. No one calls my boyfriend names but me." You exclaimed.
"What did his face look like?" Michelle asked suddenly.
"Do you have a piece of paper?" You asked.
"Yeah I do," she replied, digging through her bag and pulling out a paper and pencil. You did a quick sketch of what his face looked like at the moment. "This is perfect!! I can add it to my crisis notebook!!" She exclaimed. "Hi, my name's Michelle. But everyone calls me MJ." She said holding out her hand.
You took it. "(Y/N) (L/N)." You replied smiling. "Peter said we would be a force to be reckoned with."
"Seems like it." She said smiling and going back to her book.
"Woah, (Y/N) did you make MJ smile?" Ned asked.
"Yes, yes, I did." You responded smiling. The rest of lunch was filled with laughter and smiles. The rest of the school day was also relatively fun. The two of you were picked up by Happy at the end of the school day.
Time skip to after Happy drops you at the tower and Bruce asks you all about your day
The two of you were cuddling on Peters bed talking about anything and everything. "You kept your promise. " You mumbled, feeling sleepy.
"Hm?" He asked.
"When you promised I could go to school with you, and meet MJ and Ned, " you responded.
"I guess I did." He said. Just then Tony Stark walked into the room. You hid behind Peter at the sight of him.
"Hey kid, I need you down at the lab," Tony said, ignoring your presence.
"Why?" Peter asked sharply.
"So we can upgrade your suit! Why else?" Tony asked, throwing his hands in the air.
"I don't want to," Peter responded grubbing your hand tightly.
"What do you mean you don't want to?" Tony exclaimed.
"Because you almost killed my girlfriend," Peter responded. You could see Tony was getting really mad.
"Damn! This is her fault? Why does she mean so much anyway! She's just a dumb girl!!" Tony yelled. You flinched at his exclamation.
"I happen to love that dumb girl!" Peter yelled back getting up from the bed and walking closer to Tony. "And if you can't see that then I can't have anything to do with you!"
"Love?! What do you know about love?! You're 16!!" Tony yelled.
"What I know is that I want to spend the rest of my life with her! And yes I'm serious! And no it's not just a teen thing! I've seen her almost die more times than I can keep track of! I've almost lost her, so many times. I can't live without her." Peter exclaimed, finishing in a broken whisper. Tony stood there in shock.
"Fine, whatever," Tony replied leaving the room. Peter said back down on the bed, tears running down his cheeks. You lifted up his chin, wiping away his tears.
"He really is a jerk sometimes," Peter chuckled out.
"Yeah. Is what you said true?" You asked softly.
"Yeah," Peter replied, looking into your eyes.
"Good because I feel the exact same way." You whispered pulling him into a passionate kiss. You pulled away from him and just stared into his eyes. "I love you." He whispered.
"I know." You replied, smirking.
"Did you just Han Solo me?!" Peter asked.
"Yes, yes I did." You replied, kissing him.
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