Alpha V
"Cousins are cool to see, impossible to forget, and true to your heart."
"We didn't realize we were making memories, we just knew we were having fun."
V is for Victoria. Victoria is my oldest cousin, whom I spent a lot of my time with. We have a five year age difference, but that didn't stop us from liking similar things.
Victoria and I often hung out at our grandparents' house. My mother would drive the few minutes over to spend the day visiting. While over at our grandparents, Victoria and I would watch T.V., play hide n' seek, go swimming, or sleep.
The things I remember most about those times were when Victoria and I were able to go on fishing trips with Opa. Most of the time It would just be Victoria, Opa, and me. Victoria and I would scramble around the house before the sun was even to be seen, just so we were allowed to go fishing.
For a couple of years, Victoria lived with Opa and Omi because our Aunt Tracy needed help with her rambunctious daughters. Victoria and I then included Madison and Anna, Aunt Tracy's daughters, in our visiting more and more during my visits.
Victoria, Aunt Tracy, Madison, Anna, and Uncle David later moved a couple houses down from Omi and Opa. Victoria and I had fun walking between those two houses.
I was upset when I found out that Victoria was moving to Texas to be with her sisters and mother. I occasionally saw her over the summer, sometimes on the different breaks. Spending most of my summers and breaks at my aunt's and grandparents' houses, I hoped to see Victoria.
Recently, Victoria moved back to Louisiana. Aunt Tracy needs more help than ever with her three daughters and one son. Since I can't leave school, Victoria made a decision to switch schools and help Aunt Tracy when she can.
Victoria was one of my closest cousins because of how much time we have spent together. She is an amazing person through and through. There is no doubt that I would probably be lost without her by now.
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