There are many people out there, many with bindings made of words and pains wrapped around their brains. Some inescapable, others only able to be loosened with time. The bindings around my own mind are confusing. I cannot tell if they came from elsewhere, or were of my own creation. They get tighter and looser constantly, sometimes switching within minutes of themselves. Whatever it is I'm telling myself, whatever it is I am remembering.
I worry my memory is fallible, that it creates a bigger mess of what truly happened than what did. I cannot tell anymore, perhaps it's both. Perhaps the over dramatization of my faliable memories is what creates three bindings over my mind. Or perhaps it's the inadequacies that are so clear within me, ones that I highlight so brightly in my own mind.
Here I am so tight in bindings of my own creation. Wrapped up in a way that almost makes it look like I don't want to leave them. Then I look over to the side, the person next to me tied up tightly in their own. So clearly in a worse state than I, their bindings not of their own creation but the creation of their life. Those right next to me in much tighter restraints, they are still trying harder than I.
It's a wonder I haven't made it out on my own yet. Maybe I really don't want to, and there is something deeper. Maybe I've decided to just accept it in my life, or maybe I'm just not strong enough to push through. Perhaps it's just weakness that can never be erased. I'm truly not sure anymore, so for now I'll stop. Stop and let my mind go wherever it finds itself.
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