If you could be a lover who will hold out their hand
He watched from the window as the girl was running up to her room
Why was she covered in bruises?
He watched when the door bursted open and took a step forward towards the transparent glass, hoping to catch a better look
His heart sped up. He pitied the girl
She was being hit again and again. It didn't faze him, he was used to it, but it still made his heart just a tiny bit tighter. The girl screamed as her back hit the wall and pita hand over her now bleeding forehead only to look up right at him
Her eyes were half lidded and confused, scared like an animal trying to escape their pray. For the few seconds her eyes focused she opened her mouth to speak, just slightly above a whisper
"Help me"
He frowned as he looked at the girl. How had she seen him? Humans weren't supposed to be able to see the creatures that lurked in the shadows at night, much like he was now
Demons they called them. The humans were creative but not so right. With their inaccurate stories that made him want to laugh every time he was forced to listen to one of these mortals he now remembered the others
Of angels
Even with his glowing red eyes and features covered by the darkness of the night he took a step forward and shook his head once the door closed, the man leaving the helpless teenager behind
He sighed. He was gonna get in trouble for this
He walked inside the room using the shadows, the very things that ran in his veins since he was a child and picked her up before placing her gently on the bed
He went to search for a first aid kit, finding one hidden behind the bed. The demon wiped the blood away and took care of the wound so it wouldn't bleed again
He was gonna visit her once more he promised himself
Once he made sure she was properly taken care of her he retreated back to his world with only the faint whispers to keep him company
"Are you done?" His mother Izabel as she went by that human name raised an eyebrow
He nodded "Yes"
"Good. Now go off Hiro. Join me for the pits later?" She smiled softly when he put a thumbs up "Fabulous"
It was the next day or night perhaps once he could go and see her again
The shadows started to part as he saw the brief edge of her room, a hazy picture before becoming clear. He stayed at the back, watching and observing as she layed down on the ground again
She was crying now and his heart squeezed. No one deserved this
Slowly he walked forward, questioning with every step of this was for the best. She didn't look up not even when he put his hand on her shoulder and she flinched
Finally her head snapped up. The girl frowned and pointed around the room "Who the fuck are you and why are you in my room?!"
He widened his eyes. Somebody was going to hear
Quickly her put a finger over her lips, their eyes locking as he shushed her to silence "I'm here to help. Or try at least it's up to you if you accept it or not"
She raised an eyebrow and removed his finger from her lips "Riiiight it just so happens that a complete stranger shows up in my room from where? You even smell of smoke. I bet you are drunk huh?"
"What? No! Just, listen"
Then he explained. He could only watch as her expression turned from shock to horror then finally to amusement
"Oh really? This just proves my point that you are drunk. No wait, high. Yeah. I mean what other exp-"
She stopped when his eyes turned a bright shade of red, illuminating the wall behind the girl. The room was dimly lit since one of the lamps was broken leaving it only partially dark
"...I take it back"
He scoffed "I told you. You humans never believe anything even if someone hits you in the face with it"
"In my defence you didn't hit me with it so it doesn't count" She smirked and stuck her tongue out
He rolled his eyes and sighed "Whatever, I have more important things to discuss anyways"
"Like what? World domination? A blood drinking contest?" She raised an eyebrow, her eyes gleaming and clearly amused my his face
"No, who do you think I'm I? The devil?" He rolled his eyes "I want to teach you how to draw a sigil"
"You technically are- wait what? What's a sigil?"
"Every demon has one. You can draw it with anything anywhere. Here, I will show you"
He bend over closer to her and gently took her hand. It surprised her that he was being so gentle to her. They were strangers and more importantly, he was a bloody fucking demon. Like you know about the ones you read about in books and fiction?
The demon took out a pen and a piece of paper before helping her draw the symbol. It represented a circle with his first initial from his first and last name along with the symbol of his power. His, was a flame covered in shadows
She tranced the circle with her finger. Hiro wondered what she was thinking. He couldn't read her expression nor her aura which was odd even for him
Usually humans were as easy to read as a piece of paper but she was...not
"It's...pretty" She mumbled mindlessly and looked up at him
He nodded "I suppose"
The girl looked back down and grinned "I should tattoo it. You know like one of these tattoo promises that always end up with a break up disaster kind of thing?"
Hiro snored "Please don't that would be the worst idea you can have dear"
"Really? Why is that?"
He looked in her eyes for a moment. Should he tell her?
On one hand it would bind him to her for eternity until someone can remove it but he wasn't about to tell the girl that. She was better off not knowing or either, safe. For both of their sakes
He stood up and walked back towards the corner of the room "I have to go" he mumbled as the shadows circled around him
"Wait! Did I say something?" She asked her brows furrowed in confusion
He shook his head, not quite looking back at her eyes "No. No you didn't I just have to go. If you ever need my help just draw it and I will come. Got it human?"
"Evalin" She muttered
"That's my name. Evalin"
Her eyes were firm, calculative yet passionate in a way. Like a spark was hiding behind the corner
A small smile broke trough on his face "Hiro"
"Hiro" she mumbled thoughtfully and smirked "Nice to meet you Hiro"
"Nice to meet you too Evalin" The demon said while he tried to straighten his expression once more
Bit he was as straight as a circle sooo
"Well it was nice seeing you human but I need to go now or I'm gonna get slaughtered by my mother"
The girl flinched a bit before clearing her throat "Uh yeah, of course. I'm sorry for keeping you here or whatever"
"Don't worry, it won't be the last" The corner of his mouth turned up before he turned around and walked out of the room and back to his kingdom
It wasn't going to be the last indeed
Only if they knew what awaited them
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