I think we could do it if we tried, only to say you're mine
Part 2 from the last one
Evalin layed down on the floor, panting as her vision was clouded by droplets of red
She tried to breath in but the sharp pain in her stomach and chest made her gasp from the sudd n jolt of pain going trough her body
She moved her head slightly to the side, her vision darkening as she spotted a piece of paper tucked away on her desk. She looked down at the floor and with all her strength she had left she drew the symbol the demon had given to her a couple of days ago
She breathed in a shaky breath once she was done and smiled faintly when the drawing began to glow, only fo her vision to blur
Then she was out, her heart stopping completely
(A couple of days ago)
Hiro walked back home and took over his duties with running the kingdom and whatnot
He didn't like it, not one bit. He preferred to stay home with his cat and lay on the bed watching some weird thing called "anime"? He still didn't know exactly but it entertained him enough
A cloud of dust appeared in front of him and he stopped once a figure materialised from it
Anyone would have mistaken him for a real person had she not been the colour of the ashes
"What do you want Nadia?" His tone was bored when he spoke. He loved his sister but she was annoying sometimes. She actually liked to rule her part of the kingdom
"Show some respect brother in the oldest remember?" She smirked and shook her head "Anyhow I need you to the northern east. Now"
"Do you want me to rip your head off? I said I need you. Now"
He sighed "Fine I'm coming. This better be important sis"
(Time skip)
"This was for nothing" Hiro exclaimed and groaned as they were walking down the snowy hill
"I don't think an escaped soul is a problem Hiro" She shook her head and glared up at her ignorant brother
"What? It's true"
"It isn't"
"It is"
"I'm not having this discussion"
Nadia started walking faster and practically ran down the rest of the stairs. She looked around to see if there were any Intruders before dissapearing behind the vines of the cave
Hiro followed and said sorry to the plant before trying to catch up with his sister
She had created a ball of fire in her hand and was now looking up at the glyphs written on the walls. She traced her fingers over one of them before continuing on her way
Hiro was behind her and stopped in front of the one she had just touched. It was a beautiful carving he had to admit
It was of a woman. Hair made of fire and a sceptre in hand she rose up above the people below, a former aura surrounding her figure
The words beneath the picture read "The ruler"
It was the first ruler of hell, long before Lucifer himself. She was and angel and a demon, a hybrid but something not many knew of was that she was also fae
You see everything exists here. Fae, angels,demons, vampires, werewolves. Every legend you had ever heard was out there. Everything was real
They were just the same species with different fond. People with less Fae blood were witches who had access to every element unlike the full blood Fae. Their magic was stronger but they only had access to the earth's magic
Where as to vampires and werewolves they were just another type of demon. They all live in different sections of hell chilling and living their lives. Some managed to escape, and others decide to stay here
So back to the girl. She was a primoral Goddess, the one thought to be able to control anyone, said to return in their greatest hour of need
But she was nowhere to be found. While the war between the worlds was starting she was still nowhere in sight
"Hiro" Nadia called out and walked back to him before grabbing his arm and roughly tugging him forward "Come on we have a spirit to catch"
He sighed and followed behind her. There was nothing much really it was just another normal day of catching spirits in hell
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