First day
I observed the school building, the walls old and already worn out by time. Different people passed me by, teachers and students alike waiting to see their friends or just survive another shitty day of a life they didn't ask for
I looked down at my white oversized blouse and black jeans, wondering if I should have gone with something different since everyone seemed to wear more colour on their clothes until I got approached by a cheerful brown eyed redhead
"Hey! You must be new here right?" She practically burst out as she said that, her big chocolate eyes staring into my soul as she awaited her answer
I nodded "First day"
She grinned and interlocked my arm with hers, quickly leading me away from my car and towards the entrance with a pace even a federal agent like me struggled to keep "Do you know anyone here?"
I shook my head "No. No one currently"
Her grin only seemed to grow bigger and she opened the doors, revealing your normal teenage high school drama inside. I could see people randomly making out in the corner by the bathroom doors, a giant group of people laughing while pointing at the people passing by and the...cleaner?
"What's your name?"
"Mila. You?"
"Georgia. Oh, I can't believe it! Finally someone cool came along" She looked at me when she said that and I couldn't help but wonder if she was ok
"Thank you I guess?" I wasn't sure how to reply so instead I just decided to change the topic. My eyes darted around the halls, desperately trying to figure out something to say "The school looks nice"
Idiot. Really?
"It is! Just a tip tho, don't eat the food in the cafeteria" She put her hand next to her mouth and whispered it in my ear like it was some top secret information
"Noted" I said as simply as possible and smiled down at her. All of my paperwork was already filed and ready the night prior so all I had to do now was find my locker and head over to class
I read each of the numbers while Georgia was telling me about everyone in our class
"And Frankie is the queen bee of the class so you probably should stay away from her for today. She hates bees too"
"Haley is the complete opposite tho. She's like the sweetheart of the school and I heard that we will have a new student too. Well, beside you"
With my mind still half processing what she had just said I walked over to the locker and took out my key. I opened it, found my program an-
"I think you will really like Michelle. She's really kind. And if you don't I know her brother would do you just fine"
Uh rude I was trying to WRITE here! 🙄 Damn people have no respect these days
- author
I stopped reading the piece of paper and returned my attention to Georgia. My brain was struggling to comprehend the situation I had found myself in "How did you know I'm bi?"
Georgia shrugged "You practically ooze bi vibes. I bet everyone at the school is going to be simping for you, especially in that shirt"
I looked down at my clothes and frowned "It's just a normal shirt" I raised a questioning eyebrow at her meanwhile she just smiled and shrugged it off
"Anyways, classes are about to start"
And just like that the bell rang, indicating the starting of classes. Everyone was moving from their spots and heading in a different direction for their next class
I blinked at Georgia who waved and gestured for me to go with her. I punched the bridge of my nose, already knowing that school was about to be as bad as it had been last time
I could feel the gazes of everyone upon me, both girls and boys or whatever gender they would prefer to be called looking at me as I walked by. Georgia just glanced at me and winked, walking slightly in front of me
I held my head high and locked eyes with one of the girls. Feeling brave I winked at her and she blushed. I could only chuckle once she turned over to her friend and practically started freaking out
I walked in chemistry class and took my seat beside Georgia. She put her head on her hands and wiggled her eyebrows "Good job Mila you already have half the school simping for you"
I looked at the wooden desk with an unimpressed expression and started massaging my temples, already knowing was I was going to get a headache "I know"
She punched my arm and frowned "Come on girl, you need to lighten up a little"
I shook my head "Nope"
When I stopped shaking my head I noticed a blurry figure out of the corner of my eyes, white hair and piercing blue eyes walking over to our seats with an antorage of people behind her. I lifted my head just slightly to look at her, not really feeling the need for proper contact
"So, this is the new girl? I'm not impressed" She crossed her arms while addressing one of her friends
I leaned over on my elbows and shook my head "Sorry, I didn't realize I was holding a mirror. I'm Mila and you are?"
She gasped and put a hand over her chest like she was some stuck up girl in 3rd grade that thought she was sent by god or something "Do you know who I am? I can ruin your whole life girl!"
I rolled my eyes and laughed "Be welcomed to try. I would love you to find out where I hide my knives at night"
That seemed to have taken her back as she stepped away and angrily gestured to the others "Let's go. She's not worth my time" With long and fast stride she practically ran away from me yet still somehow managed to seem half decent and unbothered
Georgia turned around and grabbed my arms, shaking my body until I thought my brain would fall out of my head "Oh my god girl you did it! You turned down Frankie!"
"That queen bee girl you were talking about earlier?" I tried to search my brain for any other information about her but it all came out blank. I suppose I had plenty new information already from our recent encounter
"Exactly her. I'm so proud of youuuu"
I slowly put hands over hers and removed them from my arms, my body already feeling uncomfortable with the close proximity "Thank you Georgia but I have a bigger question. Where the hell is our teacher?"
That seemed to lessen her bubble of excitement as she sat down and thought "I don't know"
"Hey bitches! She's going to be missing for the first class so we have 50 minutes to ourselves!" A random boy I supposed was from our class burst trough the door only to make everyone else scream and get up from their seats
Some left but most of the students stayed in the classroom to talk with one another. Two boys were even flirting in the corner
I smiled slightly at them. I have a feeling they would last. Call it a gut feeling
"Hey!" Georgia whispered loudly and poked my arm "There's the new girl I told you about earlier"
I had not been informed about another transfer student beside myself who would be attending the school. Who could it possibly be that I would have no information about- no
As the thought tried to form in my mind I managed to push it away, my heart speeding up just at the bare thought. But once my gaze landed on her honey coloured eyes that I knew she had been staring at me from across the room. My suspicions were, indeed, correct
I pursed my lips "Jasmine"
She grinned and stalked over to me and leaned against the desk. She briefly looked over at Georgia before saying "Mila. Fancy seeing you here"
"Oh don't play dumb Jasmine, we both know you are above school age"
"Wait, how do you two know each other?" Georgia looked just as confused and lost as I felt while at the moment while she pointed between the two of us. Jasmine just shrugged and put her famous grin on
"We grew up together. Right Mila?" She looked over at me and I couldn't help but form a fist with my hand, quickly hiding it under the desk. I forced a neutral expression on my face and smiled, my bubbling anger slowly reaching beyond the surface
"Yes. We just love each other sooo much. Right Jasmine?" I raised a questioning eyebrow at her and a sly smirk plastered over my lips as I watched her try to keep her cool, her leg barely bouncing up and down which no one seemed to pay attention to
Too bad she was a great actor who let nothing slip by. Almost "We even used to date. Right Mila?"
I could barely keep my mouth from hanging open. This bi- "Oh totally. But she cheated on me with my best friend so we don't talk as much anymore. Isn't that right Jasmine?"
"Oh but you surely enjoyed my company at night. Right Mila?" Jasmine lowered her voice just slightly and trailed her hand down my shoulder and up my neck, her eyes never leaving mine as if to say 'now what will you do princess?'
I clenched my jaw and blew her a kiss "But of course princess. How can I forget when you practically begged every time for me to take you?"
Georgia coughed and held her hands up before slowly begining to rise up from her seat "I think I should leave..."
Jasmine smiled before putting a hand on her shoulder and pushed her down gently "No no, please, stay. I would hate for Mila's new best friend to leave" At theta her eyes found mine once again
Then, an idea came to mind
"So, Jasmine..." I began and looked down at my nail, full well knowing that this was going to irritate the live out of her "Where is your boyfriend Ted?"
She frowned and took a step back "What boy- oh Ted. We broke up a year ago. You might have known if you had made an effort to contact me"
"You have plenty of resources babe, don't even worry about it" I looked up at her before standing up and turning over to Georgia "If you will excuse us"
Before she could respond I took Jasmine by the arm and dragged her out of the classroom. I was practically glaring daggers at the floor and I could feel her smug expression and light smirk staring at my back as I closed the door behind us
I turned over to her and crossed my arms "What the hell Jasmine?" My tone was cool, too cool to be considered normal but it didn't seem to faze my dearest "ex-girlfriend"
"What? I was just bringing in the fun. What else was I supposed to say?"
"The truth?"
"Oh yeah? And what, was I supposed to be like oh hey I'm a federal agent hey we actually try to kill each other on the daily and murder people for a living instead?"
"No but you should have stopped and not made a whole fat lie out of everything Jasmine! Now Georgia thinks we were dating!" I bawled my fists and took a step closer to her, too consumed by my anger to even know what was happening
"And that you made me scream at night which we still need to figure out" Jasmine chuckled at my expression which only made me that much more angry
I took another step and leaned forward, anger that I so rarely felt rising up in me like an inferno and even tho I tried to push it away, I just couldn't. All the suppressed anger from years ago was coming back. I pointed at her, my finger staying on her chest as I leaned closer to her face "Why did you really come here Jasmine? Tell me"
I don't know if it was the cold anger behind my voice or the sheer look in my eyes but something made her resolve crumble just for a split second before she put her flirty persona back on "Please. I came here for the same reason you are"
I narrowed my eyes and let the silence hang for a while, seeing if I could draw anything out. But of course, I didn't "Oh?"
"For the nuclear weapon princess. Do you think we are just gonna let something like that slip by?"
"But we are already working on the case. So tell me..." I took another step towards her, not fully aware of the proximity our bodies had seemed to find each other in and said "Why Jasmine? The truth. Nothing else"
She looked in my eyes and I looked at hers. I was lost. So utterly lost. I couldn't look away. It was like she had me under a spell, twisting and wrapping it around my mind, forcing me to be near her. To want her. And yet no matter how much I hates to admit it, I enjoyed it
Jasmine leaned in just a tad bit closer, her warm breath tingling against my lips. I looked down and admired her for a second. It could have been seconds or much more, maybe less
I wanted to lean in and kiss her, to ditch the whole mission this once and bring her back to my apartment. I wanted to forget our sides, our jobs, our differences just for a minute. Just this once. But before I could act on my thoughts a new voice interrupted
"Uh ladies? Class is about to start"
We both turned around to look at the old woman, probably our chemistry teacher as she beckoned us in "Come on we don't have time. Get in class or I'm writing you absent"
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