High Koy
In case anyone forgot, Koy does smoke weed sometimes
Anyway, back to the story
Koy: *coming out of his room, high*
Bakugou: Oi
Koy: Hm...? *looks at him* Oh..heyyy, Katki...
Bakugou: ...you smokin' again?
Koy: I was, felt pretty good...gonna get a snack *walks to the kitchen*
Bakugou: Just don't let Iida know you're on the grass
Koy: Ohhh, I'll be okay *gets to the kitchen*
Denki: *making something*
Koy: Hey, Lighting Bug!
Denki: Hm? *looks over at Koy* Oh, hey Koy! What's up?
Koy: Just got the munchies, whatcha making?
Denki: I'm just making some soup, it's a recipe I found
Koy: Hm, soup ey?
Denki: Yep! I'm just making the bone broth now
Koy: ...The what?
Denki: Bone broth...? The recipe says to make it first before adding the other stuff
Koy: *walks over, examining the pot* ...
Denki: *blinks in confusion* ...
Koy: *looks at Denki, looking serious* You're telling me someone boned this broth?
Denki: Pff- *covers mouth*
Koy: *Glares up at the cabinet* Must be the same bastard that unvirgined the olive oil...
Denki: Heheh, are you high, dude?
Koy: Denkii, this is serious! *grabs his shoulders* We...have a food fucker among us...
Denki: *bites his lip to hold back his laugh* Mhm...?
Koy: It could be anyone...I'm not sure if Mineta is up to his grape antics again...but we can't trust anyone! *narrows eyes* ...Did you bone the broth...?
Denki: *shakes his head* No, never!
Koy: Good...I can't lose you...you mustn't be the enemy, you're all I have!
Iida: Denki! How's the bro- *sniffs the air* ...I smell CANNIBIS!
Koy: IIDA! *grabs him* Dude...there's a problem...
Iida: I'd say, you reek of marijuana! *covers his nose*
Koy: *shakes his head* No no no no no, drugs aren'tt the problem, there's someone fucking food!
Iida: ...Huh? *glances at Denki*
Denki: *snickering, making a weed gesture*
Iida: *narrows his eyes* ...Koy, I think you need to go lie down...
Koy: But, Iida! The food fucker!
Iida: *sighs* We'll find this...person, after you nap, alright...? You...need your strength in a situation like this
Koy: Oh, you're right...I'll rest up, then we find the criminal! *nods before stumbling to his room*
Iida: Ugh...
Bakugou: Did he think someone was fucking the food again?
Iida and Denki: Yeah
Bakugou: Figures
I haven't really been around a high person, so I don't know if this is accurate or not...but I thought it was funny
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