Em's strange tag... O_o
Oh yes, you heard me EmTheMinecraftTurd.
But I suppose we're doing this anyway...because why the heck not??
Alrighty, here we go:
When did you mess up, but no one ever found out about it?
Believe it or not, I can't actually think of any.
Have you ever broken the law?
Um, once. On accident when I was younger. I was shopping with my Grandma and Mom, and they told me to hold something they were gonna buy. But while we were about to check out, they had to go get something out of the car, and told me to stay in the store since they were only gonna be a second. Well, little O'l mini Lex's anxiety and fear kicked in as I realized that I could totally be kidnapped. So I followed my Mom out the door out of fear, bringing the merchandise (that we hadn't paid for yet) with me. Don't worry, we paid for it.
If you could be a character from any video game/TV show/movie or one of your OCs, who would it be?
Hmmm..that's kind difficult because there's a lot of characters I love but wouldn't necessarily want to be.
Ah, screw it. Lukas.
What is your fav gemstone?
Oh come on, you know I'm a gem nerd, Em. That's just evil. But I suppose that if I had to choose...
Peridot. And I'm not just saying that because of Steven universe, I swear. Though, she is awesome.
What's one of the dumbest things you've ever done?
The granola bar story...
(Ive talked about it on that book if you wanna hear it)
If you had a disability, what would it be?
Uh, I'm perfectly content with staying healthy, but I guess that I agree with my sister. It'd be to be able to eat like an elephant but not be able to gain any weight. That would be awesome.
What is one of the craziest things a teacher has done in front of you?
Honestly, I only ever went to an actual school for 1st grade-4th grade so...I got nothin.
What is the dumbest injury you've ever had?
I fell down the stairs. That's not what was stupid. It's WHY I fell down the stairs. When I was about six and in Turkey, my brother was in the states and we could frequently Skype him. But one day, I was SO excited to talk to my brother, that I slipped on our marble stairs and busted my lip open XD.
What is the worst injury you ( or a close family member) ever had?
Uhhhhh....Oh! My cousin got hit by a drunk driver once, and had to get a couple metal rods in his legs. I don't think there's much else to add to that story.
Would you rather sing in front of a crowd or get walked in on in the shower by a classmate you dislike?
Um...I don't...have any classmates...I'm homeschooled....so...sing? And even if I did, I would choose sing because UH, EXUSE ME, IM SHOWERING HERE.
What's the most useless talent you have?
I can roll my R's. Not everyone can do that apparently and some find it very hard to do. But I lived in Turkey for 7 years of my life so rolling my R's was a necessary skill if you wanted to learn the Turkish language. Also, because I've learned a second language, pronouncing and reading difficult names/words is much easier for me than most.
Do you have any extra body parts?
Not that I know..of. Uhhh....Why do I feel a little worried now?
Do you have that one person who makes your blood BOIL with rage?
YES. I won't say her name, obviously, but omg she pisses me off sometimes. Let's just say, she's an 'ex-best friend' that I have to see every Sunday morning and Wednesday evening...*animal growling noises*
If you could have one superpower, what would it be?
To be able to tell when someone's lying. That-- that would be useful.
What is the longest you've gone without sleep?
I believe that my record is 56 hours. Save your freak outs/judgements, I've no doubt heard it all before.
If you could live in a game/TV show/ movie, what would it be and why?
I believe that you've underestimated how large my library of media entertainment is.
But seriously, uhhhh....I think...Id have to say....Voltron or MCSM.
Because if I live in Voltron's universe, I could marry Keith. But if I live in MCSM's universe, I'd get to battle to the death to win Lukas' hand in marriage against Jesse and the rest of the Lukas Fangirl community.
I'd be fun either way :)
As for who I'll be tagging, sorry Em, but I'm gonna be a rebel and only tag one person 😎.
My sister, A-General-Mess 😈
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