Its Time To Stop
This is a rant about the show Young Justice. Season 2 spoilers ahead.
Ok, this is something that I have noticed, and I know I'm going to offend someone during this rant, but oh fucking well.
What's with all the fucking L'gann hate?
I've asked about seven different YJ fans, and they all hate him! When I asked why, they responded with the following four reasons:
§ Broke up OTP (Supermartian)
§ Is annoying
§ Was rude post breakup w./ M'gann
§ Looks weird
Let's break this shit down, shall we?
1.) I will scream this from the Watchtower until people will fucking listen to me: L'GANN DID NOT BREAK UP YOUR OTP! L'gann was merely a rebound guy. In technicality, Konnor was the one who reked Supermartian, not L'gann! That's right! Superboy dumped her, and M'gann rebounded with my Smol Green Bean! More on that later.
2.) He. Is. No. More. Annoying. Than. Wally. There, I said it. Wally, Bart, M'gann, Cassie, hell, even Jaime are all considered annoying by fans, and they get no shit! I don't think personally that those characters are annoying, though. So don't give me shit in the comments!
3.) Let's put this in perspective. Say you really, really, really like this person. You ask them out, and they say yes. You date them, buy them gifts, shower them in affection, and generally treat them like a king/queen/royalty. Then, out of nowhere, they decide to dump you. They tell you they still have feelings for their ex, they were only dating you to make said ex jealous, and you are nothing more than their rebound guy/gal/nb pal. You'd be pretty salty too. Not to mention this is all taking place during a goddamn ALIEN INVASION! So you're already stressed out as fuck, and then this person drops that little fun nugget on you.
4.) Imagine the scenario in 3, but in addition, you look like a literal demon. Everyone looks at you terrified. Your face scares people, and you can do nothing. L'gann probably has terrible, terrible self-esteem issues after coming to the Surface World. And now, after all that, he thought he finally found a girl who loved him despite of his appearance, only to learn that she didn't love him at all. Imagine what a crushing blow that must have been.
All in all, please stop this senseless L'gann hate. He's just a heartbroken lil green bean who needs love and acceptance. 💚
Alright, since no one is requesting jack shit for the Hogwarts Challenge, I'm just going to leave it open a tad longer. Then I'll just do random.
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