Playing GTA V
Gluskin: Who's James?
Me: Have you ever watched TheGamingLemon?
Gluskin: No.
Me: I'll have to force you to watch his videos sometime. Anyway so the guy at the Internet Cafe is named James.
Gluskin: Makes sense.
Me: Medic?
Medic: Ja?
Me: Let's go get a tank and a jet.
Medic: Zat sounds fun!
Me: Dibs on tank!
Medic: K
Gluskin: What about me?
Me: Take your pick, tank or jet.
Gluskin: Kk
Me: This is my tank and anyone who tries to take it *blows up many things* gets blown up.
Me: Need help Medic?
Gluskin: It does look like you need help.
Medic: Can one of you create a distraction?
Me: On it. *starts blowing up everything*
Gluskin: *starts blowing up everything*
Medic: Danke
Me: You're welcome.
Gluskin: You're welcome.
Medic: So Shark, vat are ve doing?
Me: We go back to the city and rain fire and destruction!
Medic: Sounds fun.
Gluskin: If I find a wife
Me: Eddie, no just no
Gluskin: You don't know what I was going to say
Me: You were going to ask if you could use my apartment, the answer is no.
Gluskin: You know me too well.
Me: Hi Medic!
Medic: Hallo Fraü.
Me: Wanna blow up stuff in the city?
Medic: Sure.
*many explosions*
Medic: *muttering curses*
Me: What happened?
Medic: I am now vanted for ze "accidental" murders of a section of ze city.
Me: What did you do?
Medic: Ze police vere shooting at me so I jumped out of mein jet und zen it crashed into a gas station und exploded.
Gluskin: You killed me!
Medic: Sorry!
Me: That sounds epic.
Gluskin: Me dying isn't epic.
Me: I meant the explosion.
Gluskin: Oh okay then.
Medic: Shall ve go back to ze apartment?
Me: Why do you want to go back to the apartment? Is it for the charges?
Medic: I am currently hiding near your apartment Fraü.
Me: I'm coming. Eddie, watch my tank please.
Gluskin: Sure.
Medic: Danke.
Me: You're welcome. *enters apartment*
Medic: Nice apartment.
Me: Thanks.
Medic: Is it hard to keep it clean?
Me: Not usually.
Medic: Zink ze charges haff been dropped?
Me: One way to find out. *steps outside*
Medic: *walks over to officer* AM I UNDER ARREST?
Me: Dude there's no need to yell. It's not Mario Kart.
Medic: Whose game of GTA V is zis anyvay?
Me: Eddie's.
Medic: Speaking of vhich, vhere is he?
Me: Eddie where are you?
Gluskin: Looking for a wife.
Me: Don't stay out too late.
Gluskin: I won't.
Me: BIRD!!!
Medic: Really?
Me: Yes really!
Gluskin: Why do you do that?
Me: I don't know.
Medic: Who vants to play MineCraft later?
Me: I DO!!!!!!!
Gluskin: Sounds fun.
Medic: Fraü... Vhy are you following people vith a tank?
Me: *blows up stuff* Better?
Medic: Much better.
Gluskin: Guys I found a wife!
Me: Congrats.
Medic: If you need help vith dismemberment, call us.
Gluskin: I don't think that will be... GET BACK HERE!
Me: She ran away didn't she?
Gluskin: Yes.
Medic: Shark let us go und dismember her.
Me: Actually let's get you a jet and you can blow her up.
Gluskin: You two are so supportive.
Me: Yes, yes we are.
Medic: *blows up stuff with a jet* Vat did she look like?
Gluskin: Found her. She's with me.
Me: I have the tank if she gets away.
Medic: Alright. I am going to fire you two may vant to move.
Gluskin: K *runs off*
Me: K *drives off*
Medic: *fires gun* I zink I got her.
Gluskin: You did. Thanks guys.
Me: You're welcome, now let me blow her up.
Gluskin: *leaves*
Me: *starts blowing up stuff* Alright we're done here.
Medic: Ice cream anyone?
Me: Me!!
Gluskin: Me.
*everyone gets ice cream*
Medic: Vell zat vas fun.
Me: Yes, yes it was.
Gluskin: Why can't I ever find a good wife?
Me: You still have us.
Medic: Ja, ve vill not marry you though.
Gluskin: At least I have supportive friends.
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