MineCraft diasasters
Me: I found a village.
Medic: Vait for me.
Gluskin: What are you two going to do?
Me: Murder all the villagers and claim the village as our own.
Medic: Care to join ze fun?
Gluskin: I'm looking for a wife.
Me: We're not online though. We're the only one's here. Except for the villagers.
Gluskin: Aww man.
Medic: Hallo Fraü.
Me: Hi Medic. Do you have the stuff?
Medic: *smirks evilly* But of course.
Me: I have some additional diamond armor. Want it?
Medic: Zat vould be wunderbar. Danke.
Me: You're welcome. Now let's get to murdering villagers. I brought my dogs and ocelot with me.
Medic: Vat happened to Bonnie?
Me: The horse or dog?
Medic: Ze horse.
Me: I built him a small stable to stay in for the time being.
Medic: Okay.
Me: *lighting villagers on fire and laughing manically* THIS IS MORE FUN THAN IT SHOULD BE
Gluskin: I blame Medic for this.
Medic: Blame me for vat?
Gluskin: Shark is crazy. I blame you.
Medic: She learns from me you know.
Me: Medic?
Medic: Ja? Vat happened zis time?
Me: *trying to not laugh* I got all of our stuff out and now look at the village.
Medic: Vat did you do?
Me: Well I put TNT around a few villagers and trapped them in it. Then I lit stuff on fire. Then I blew up most of the village. Finally I put lava around the villagers trapped in the TNT which caused it to explode and a waterfall of lava. It was fun!
Gluskin: See what I mean?
Medic: Ve should do zat. It sounds fun!
Me: *throws buckets of lava* Here's some lava. *throws flint and steel* and here's some flint and steel for fire.
Medic: Danke! ^_^
Gluskin: You two are insane! I'm out!
Me: Killer of fun has left the room!
Medic: YAY ^_^
Me: Let's prank him and take all his stuff and take it to the Nether and put it in a chest there.
Medic: Zis is vhy ve are friends. Vell best friends.
Me: Exactly. *takes Eddie's stuff* Alright now we need a portal to the Nether.
Medic: I'm on it. *builds Nether portal* Zere ve go. Onto adventure!
Me: Yay adventure! *jumps into portal*
Medic: *follows into portal*
Me: Where are we in the Nether!
Medic: I haff no idea. Do you see ze Zombie Pigmen anyvhere?
Me: There's some over there.
Medic: Did you bring a chest vith you?
Me: No need. I found one. And it has gold horse armor too!
Medic: Zat reminds me, do you haff a spare horse spawner?
Me: I'm in Creative so yeah.
Medic: Can I haff it? *goes into creative mode*
Me: Sure. You went into Creative didn't you? *throws horse spawner*
Medic: Maybe. Zank you for ze horse spawner.
Me: You're welcome *puts Eddie's stuff in a chest* We should be going now.
Medic: Is Eddie coming?
Me: I don't know but I'd rather not have that chance. *leaves Nether*
Medic: Vait for me. *leaves Nether*
Gluskin: What have you two been up to?
Medic: Ve went on an adventure in ze Nether und I got a horse spawner. *spawns tan horse*
Me: *rides over on black horse*
Gluskin: What happened to your other horse?
Me: Bonnie ran away :(
Medic: I am so sorry to hear zat. *hugs*
Me: Yay hugs! *hugs*
Gluskin: This is kinda awkward.
Me: Eddie do you have a rope I can use for my horse?
Gluskin: I think so just let me check... Where's all my stuff?!
Medic: *trying not to laugh* Ze Nether
Gluskin: Why is all my stuff in the Nether?!
Me: You left the room and you were kinda asking for it.
Medic: You vere asking for it.
Gluskin: You two can't be left alone unsupervised can you?!
Me: Not without pranking you. *high fives Medic*
Medic: *high fives me*
Gluskin: I thought you two were supposed to be mature.
Me: We are.
Medic: Ve just love to prank you.
Gluskin: *goes to Nether mumbling curses* I can't believe you two sometimes.
Me: By the way there are Zombie Pigmen by the chest with your stuff.
Gluskin: Are you kidding me?!
Medic: Nein.
Gluskin: *retrieves stuff from chest* Go away Pigmen I'm not in the mood.
Me: This has been quite the adventure.
Medic: It has. Vant to go vatch Anchorman?
Me: Sounds fun! *logs out*
Medic: *logs out* Let's go zen.
Gluskin: Have fun with that. I'm gonna play online and see if I can find a wife.
Me: Have fun getting reported and blocked.
Gluskin: What do you mean by that?
Me: That's how you freak people out.
Gluskin: Whatever.
Me: Don't say I didn't tell you.
Gluskin: *puts on headset* Hello darling~ OH COME ON WHY AM I BLOCKED FROM EVERY SERVER?!
Me: I told you so.
Medic: Come here bitte. Ze movie is about to begin. Are you coming Eddie?
Gluskin: Sure.
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