Bored, so Newt (TMR) Imagine! Yay!
A/N: Hey guys! I was bored, so here's an imagine/preference thingy. Tell me how you like it as I am thinking of writing preferences in the future or something. Thanks! 💖
(This is also in In the Name of Love, I just copied and pasted 😂)
*Y/N means 'your name'
Newt looked over at you and smiled. He snuggled deeper into your shoulder, piling the blankets over you two. You turned over and smelled his sweet hair.
"Newt!" you groaned.
"What?" he said with a grin. He knew that you hated being woken up, even though you were a light sleeper.
"I'm shucking awake now!" you said with a yawn. You kept your eyes closed, but went closer to him. It was warm under the blanket.
"Well, I'm sorry Y/N," he said in that accent you loved so much. He kissed your shoulder bone, making you smile.
"It's ok, I'm gonna go back to sleep," you said with a sigh.
"Ok," he said. In a few minutes, you had both drifted off again.
"WAKE UP SHANKS!" Minho burst through the door and yelped, but then smirked. "Sorry did I interrupt something?" You sat up and threw a pillow at him.
"Shuck shut up, Min!" you said. He rolled his eyes.
"Someone's grumpy."
"I wonder why."
"Oh hey, Minho," said Newt. He rubbed his eyes.
"Hey. Alby just told me to tell you two shanks that the new greenie is coming up, and also that you slept through breakfast." You groaned.
"Shuck..." Minho shrugged.
"Ok see you two!" He ran out of the room. You two had gotten one of the better rooms in the Homestead, as 1) you were a couple, and 2) you had awful nightmares that kept you up all night unless Newt was there.
Speaking of Newt, you turned to look at him and smiled. He looked back at you with his sparkling chocolate eyes and grinned back.
"What are you smiling about?" you asked with a laugh.
"What I'm about to do."
"And what are you about to d-" He cut you off with a kiss, and you melted.
"There we go." He kissed you one more time and then got up.
"No I wanna stayyyyyy," you whined.
"Cmon, Y/N," he said, pulling the blankets off. "The Gladers'll get bloody angry if we don't get out."
"Alright..." you grumbled. He smiled and kissed you cheek.
Please give me feedback, it's much appreciated.
Ahhhhhhh Newwwwwtttt 😍
Ok bye everyone!
-Dalvie ;D
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