Taurtis in Dream smp idea
So as yall know I love Taurtis- Also in this au Taurtis is half zombie half watcher because how else would he be alive after yhs? Also in this au he always keeps splash harming potions on him because he heals from them and no one else does
Also heres his design :>
So I went: "Taurtis in dsmp" and now we have this
Basically when he first comes people greet him but they're all like: "go back to where you came from now is not the time" but y'know... he doesn't.
Eventually Bad gets him to see the red egg so Taurtis can join the eggpire, but when Taurtis realizes what's going on he goes: "But I'm in the Taurtis Republic!" Epic fight scene ensues.
It ends up with Taurtis flying away and dodging all the tridents thrown at him- also Taurtis definitely makes fun of the eggpire while flying away.
Eventually he finds Techno's home. No one's there at the time, so he just claims it as property of the Taurtis Republic and moves in. But dun dun dun, there actually is someone there, and its Ranboo. Ranboo is like: "you can't just claim this as you're own.." and Taurtis is like: "what's stopping me?" And with perfect comedic timing, Techno gets home. Here's how it goes.
Techno: im stopping you from taking this
Taurtis: how? Are you gonna kill me?
Ranboo: don't pick this battle-
Techno: I have two stacks of wither skulls
Taurtis: well they're mine now
Ranboo: plEASE-
Techno: *pulls out sword*
Taurtis, shaking: IM SORRY I TAKE IT BACK
Anyway that happens and oh yeah Philza come eventually. Taurtis lives in the basement where Tommy did, and yeahhhh
He probably tries to set up the 'Republic' but Ranboo vetos it.
So anyway angst- basically the egg takes control of Taurtis and makes him think he's in the Downside up. He starts frantically searching for a portal that isn't there, and also whoever he sees is Sam. (Like if Ranboo walked up to him Taurtis wouldn't see Ranboo, he'd see Sam)
It wears off after like a day, maybe longer, but once it does Taurtis freaks out because he probably hurt someone he thought was Sam.
Thanks for coming to my ted talk.
Also heres a drawing of Taurtis in the Downside up-
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