^ new fave video omg
dalvie is officially sick rip
i was like congested all day ugh and then i got a cough after rehearsal so that was fun and now my voice is half gone so that's fun and i just feel like crap ugh
my day was kinda boring again lmaooo
i had bio which was kinda fun because we did nothing well ok we watched this documentary but by the end of it no one was paying attention and i just showed my friend the wreck it ralph 2 trailer yessssssssssSSS *im such a child what* oh also some peeps were arguing creationism vs evolution so :))))))))
in spanish we did nothing aha buT SOME KID PUSHED MY CHAIR ALL THE WAY TO MOVE UP THE ROW AND I WAS LIKE A H E M SHUCKFACE YOU CAN JUST ASK???? ugh i wanted to slap his face
in math my math teacher was chill as usual lmao he told me he knows my mom WHICH ISNT AS CREEPY AS IT SOUNDS - HIS MOM AND MY PARENTS WORK AT THE SAME COLLEGE OK? OK LMAO so yeep
i didn't talk to many peeps but whatever
no boys still ;-;
HOWEVER MY PIANO TEACHER CANCELLED LESSON CUZ SHE GOT SICK AND I WAS LIKE HALLELUJAH (but dont worry i prayed for her to get soon better ok I'm not that mean)
so basically i got a whole relaxing evening to myself cuz my bro and dad were are basketball practice eheh i wrote a bunch woot woot (the upcoming superheroes chapter.......;-;)
QOTD: something that sirisuly bugs you when you read online stories / fanfics?
ohmyhaylee EchoAllison Hellcatpat EarthsMightiestMoron ororotchalla radicaliz the_talking_sword tribecky bowtruckIe achromous Iaufeyson -varchies tomsbella dragxnqueen -AnAngelsGrace teamsophie- MaddieThePurpleCat @ anyone else!
AOTD: I HATE WHEN PEOPLE DONT DO THEIR RESEARCH ARGHHH MAYBE ITS BECAUSE I PUT TOO MUCH EFFORT INTO MY STORIES LOL BUT LIKE SIRIUSLY PEOPLE DO YOUR RESEARCH LIKE FOR EXAMPLE: KURT WAGNER HAS PERFECT ENGLISH WTF ahem ok also i hate stories that have no plot line like ok they have a plot line but it's horrible and basically skips over every scene until their characters fall in love and then they fall in love in like two seconds ughhhhhhhhh
ok anyways lmao
^ why can't ours be changed to that qhkdqkld
^ yes percy good observation
^ i love hercules qkdkkqld
^ classic tim
^ 👏🏼👏🏼
i should really sleep earlier especially since im sick ugh
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