# find my papa
^ the title is an inside joke and no one on here knows what it means except me but i want yall to guess because it's hilarious
^ but also please watch the video above it's my new favourite video ever #BEEPBEEPIMASHEEP
i don't really have anything to say today lol nothing interesting happened
well i mean
ok i had another late start aha and it was super fun because my bff and i went to starbucks since we have one super close to our school (like ten-fifteen minute walk away) and then two of our other friends appeared randomly and we had a lit time obsessing over star wars ehehe
that was the only interesting part of my day ahahahahah
i also got boba woooot (it's boba wednesday)
rip tomorrow isn't a late start
oh wait i have something kinda exciting ish: i've actually been ok this week (as in emotionally lol)!!! i started a "mood tracker" thing (inspired by Maddie- ), and so far for the whole week, my mood hasn't been below half the lil circle thing which is great. i'm probably jinxing it right now but whatever
HEY BUUUUT it's thursday tomorrow and that means one more day till friDAY MY FAVE DAYYYYYY
QOTD: what is your favourite day of the week and why?
ohmyhaylee kalopsiascity EarthsMightiestMoron ororotchalla tribecky bowtruckIe siIversable achromous the_talking_sword tomsbella -varchies Hellcatpat egotistics -AnAngelsGrace radiance- MaddieThePurpleCat @ anyone else!
AOTD: FRIDAY! i love friday's because they mean the end of the school week AND youth group, my two fave things lol. i can never wait for yg like omg i loki wish it was everyday (but not really cuz that'd be too intense lmao)
ok welp
here are some random pics / gifs ahaha we haven't done this in awhile
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
^ i watched all the asdfmovies today and i don't regret a single second
^ um we don't say texas as a slang term ðððððð
^ i think ive posted this before but oh well
ok byeeeeeee sorry my life is boringgggg
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