4 days and 4 nights
Day 1
I'm left with my sister and 3 month old brother while mother is at the doctor's office. Everything is going well and baby bro is taking a nap.
Night 1
Just got off the phone with mother and now have to watch sister and baby bro for a few days. I wonder how it'll go.
(Later that night around 3 in the morning)
Baby bro: Wah!!!!
Me: *gets up and lazily makes a bottle*
Baby bro: *eating*
Day 2
I'm a little tired because of lack of sleep but I'm doing well enough to care for them today.
Night 2
*trying to get baby bro to sleep* sleep already...
(Few hours later)
*still trying to get him to fall asleep*
Day 3
All went well today but I've lost my chief's touch. *taste some food* too much salt.
Night 3
Everyone is sleeping so may as well read. *reads a boon called Eragon*
Day 4
So tired.... Heavy bags are seen under my eyes due to lack of sleep. Passed out a few time but woke up immediately.
Night 4 final night
Baby bro just finished his bottle and J's laying in his bad. Sister is playing the Wii, Mario kart to be exact. Mother came back from the hospital shortly after baby bro drifted to sleep.
And that CakesFurEver is why I've been gone.
I also had to miss a few days of school because of it too.
I hope this cleared things up.
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