Shipys? - 12/10/16
So, I'm looking at keyshipping (YumaXAstral for those who don't know the ship) and I just thought "I ship many things and don't know the names of them, why not ask people to name them and identify the fandom they're from?" I have a book in my library that I added that has Yu-Gi-Oh! ship names, and I'm too lazy to go into it right now and see if it's just from has Duel Monster (original season of Yu-Gi-Oh!) or has ship names from the other series as well. So, I'm just going to put things I know, well, ships that I now ship because I didn't know what shipping was in 5th grade when I first watched Yu-Gi-Oh!
Also, I may put in ships from other fandoms, but mainly Yu-Gi-Oh! since that is what I'm currently reading/obsessed with at the moment. So, let's see what I got. Also, I will be using the character names if I either don't want to say the ship name, because auto correct is an ***, or I don't know it. So, here's the list. Also, the characters will be in their original gender, so no gender-bender ships.
AtemXHeba (I don't know if Heba is from the fandom or not. Someone please help me know! I like being knowledgeable of things, it helps with writing)
MarikXMalik (Someone please explain the difference, please!)
JoeyXMai (Okay, I believe that I shipped this when I was younger, without knowing)
JadenXAlexis (only when I was younger and hadn't been introduced/corrupted {depends on your view} to fanfiction)
YuseiXAkiza (I know that I defiantly shipped this when I was younger)
YumaXAstral (keyshipping for life!!!!!)
YumaXTori (again, when I was younger. I don't ship them anymore)
YuyaXYuzu (when I first attempted to watch the anime. Sadly, I only got to about the start of Yuya's and Declan's duel)
Zarc counterparts X Ray counterparts (simple, I still am used to straight pairings. I was introduced to Yaoi when I read either R27 or Yullen. Yuri came along, but I haven't read many Yuri fanfics. Also, I don't really like it when people make one half of a Yaoi pairing female. That just ruins it for me, a bit)
DipperXMable (probably one of the only incests/twincests on this list. I have no idea why I ship this)
DipperXBill (okay, I'll admit. These two are cute)
AshXSerena (amorshipping for life. The others with Ash just don't have the same appeal to me)
BrockXSnake Queen (I honestly forget her name and am too lazy to look it up. Someone please help!!!)
TsunaXKyoko (I shipped them as I watched the anime. So sue me {please don't. I believe that I'm underage})
MukuroXHibari (if they were alive, and real, they would probably be trying to kill me now. :P But I don't give a rats arse if they would)
RyouXMalik (I think I got that right? Again, I'm lazy and don't want to look it up)
And I can't name any others off the top of my head at this moment, so I guess that concludes the list for now?
Anyway, I want your guys' help. I want to make a story that has Yu-Gi-Oh! in it as the main part, and include crossovers, but I want to know something. Who the 'main' good guys are out of all the series, who the 'side/support/helper' good guys are, and who the 'bad' guys are. I have my own list that I'm working on, but I want input from everyone else. I'm socially awkward, I'm not that great at talking to people, and I don't know how to write a story that people will comment on and give me feedback on. I just write stories when I want to, and it's normally for my own enjoyment. I want to let others look at it, because I want to be an author when I grow up, but I know that that won't be able to give me a stable income in the future. So, the point is, I want people's input on my stories so that I can improve them, and hopefully get out of my 'shell' that I've been in for who knows how long.
Wow, I just turned my list of ships into a completely unrelated rant/tangent. I'm sorry. *bows in apology* I tend to get wordy when I'm ranting on an electronic device. Anyway, I seriously doubt that you people who follow me will read this book in general, or even take the time to read my chapters, if you've even added this story to your libraries at all. *sighs in sadness*
Anyway, I would like to know how many of you have added this story to your library. All you have to do is comment on any part of this paragraph and say "I did". I won't do anything with it, I just want to know how many people have added this story to their libraries.
Anyway, I'll just go and watch Yu-Gi-Oh! Season 0 now, then try and watch the other series in all Japanese/English sub. So, until next time? *mutters* you most likely do not want to know what I just thought/what my inner or dark part of me said/thought at this moment.
This is one Crystal PrettyGem, signing off until next time. See ya. *mock and lazy two fingered salute*
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