[more may be added later]
Nation Name: 2p!Toltec
Human Name: Yaotl (meaning "war" or "warrior")
Age: older than the Aztecs yet slightly younger than the Mayans
(Appears to be about 38)
Sexuality: Akoiromantic Graysexual
Appearance: standing at 5'9 with a sturdy and athletic build and a near permanent scowl and glare Yaotl can come across as rather intimidating, if not in stature than in aura. His once darkly tanned skin has become rather pale when compared to his siblings though he is still tanner than most people. Yaotl, back in his heyday, used to wear highly decorated warriors attire, as he'd gained many achievements in battle. Though in modern times he has taken to wearing simpler clothing. A black long sleeve with a red trim, worn out black pants (shredded at the ends), and black fitted gloves are his usual attire. He wears dark red strapped sandal with a rather obvious leather covered steel toe. He has long black hair that ends just below the shoulder blade when down with two pointed locks of hair and jagged bangs framing his face and has dyed the ends of it a dark red (resembling the color of blood). His hair is normally put up in a spiky shaggy bun. He can be seen constantly wearing dark sunglasses at dawn, dusk, and during the day though never at night. He has a long scar on his left shoulder running from just behind his neck, past his collar bone, and ending about the middle of his chest. He has piercing dark red eyes that appear almost black in dim lighting and they are ever watchful.
Personality: observant, calculating, and unafraid of taking risks Yaotl was a born warrior from the start. He is even more deadly in battle than his counterpart, and isn't afraid to let that be known. While Ueman, though an excellent warrior himself, will back down if necessary Yaotl shows no such mercy or compassion to anyone who dares challenge him. He is ruthless, brutal, and shows merciless on the battlefield. The only honor or mercy he is willing or compelled to show is if an opponent is completely unable to defend themselves, if that is the case he will simply leave them where they lay.
Through all his coldness, however, he is kinder to close family though will still put them in their place should they go against him.
Yaotl is wary and skeptical of any new face he meets and becomes highly suspicious of any friendliness shown to him by those he has no connection with.
He is very hard to get respect from, and any he has to give must be truly and painstakingly earned. (In fact the only known people he truly respects are A'Tabai, Kimi, and Shenandoah. With Shenandoah being the only first player Yaotl has ever been known to respect in any form or fashion that he will, under certain circumstances, obey willingly).
Yaotl can easily hide his true emotions under nearly any facade though to those who know him well his mask can be uncovered smile by looking into his eyes, which will always give hint at what he is feeling. Wily and proud though faithful and loyal Yaotl is an eccentric and aberrant man with little to no code of honor. Yet he retains a certain protectiveness over family, and will go to great lengths to defend them should the need arise. He is a very patient man and normally has a rather high tolerance level, though if he snaps be warned he is prone to violently striking out, no matter who you are.
Centuries of war and violent (sometimes unnecessary) bloodshed has hardened his heart and mind. While he is usually somewhat docile in temperament and bears a somewhat unreadable expression, mention to him anything of the Spanish and you will likely find yourself face to face with an enraged Yaotl and a knife in your arm.
History: [editing in process]
Other: Though highly unusual for nation-beings both Yaotl and his first player, Ueman, share the same rank and title in their society: they're both Coyote Warriors.
He has a strong upholding of something akin to karma believing that you get what you deserve, and will not interfere with another's punishment for wrongdoings, even if begged, if he thinks they are deserving of it.
Unlike his counterpart Yaotl is capable of magic. Though only two spells. One is a type of teleportation spell, activated by putting one's magic's energy into a specific design (one he made up himself to remain more inconspicuous to outsiders). He has a tattoo of this design just below the back of his neck, having done this after getting tired of drawing it over and over due to losing or breaking what he'd drawn it on. The symbol can be drawn, whittled, etched, or used in various different ways as it doesn't matter how or what it is on, it's only requirement is that it can be inputted with magical energy and that it has enough space around it for him to appear. Otherwise it will not work.
The other, though it may or may not seem like such, is a type of curse, allowing the cursed soul to use hemokinesis. But at a price. While performing the technique the user seems fine, but any blood cast out of the body (be it their own or another's) cannot be returned nor self-healed. Thus one must be careful and considerate of how much blood is used (if performed upon oneself or someone of close connection). This particular technique also leaves he user very fatigued and it is likely they will collapse and sleep for hours, sometimes even days, afterwards.
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