I don't like Parks With Rides Anymore
So! Today I'm talking about what happened to me today! And it's what happened at this type of theme park that I went to.
So, I was on a trip with my school Band, Choir, and Orchestra. After all of us had played, we all went to a park that had all kinds of rides, games, concessions, and all of that kind of stuff.
I was in my best friend's group, it was literally just me and her. And because of that! Guess what! She dragged me onto most of the rides! Well, not all of them because, 1. the first ride we went on was a type of rollercoaster. It went up, down, loopy doopy, and then it went backwards! I was so scared! She forced me on it! So, the next ride we went on was like a merry go round. I love those things. I'm childish, I get it, but we were going to ride the water ride thing. I've wanted to always ride one.
Wait, I forgot to tell you exactly what happened too. I kinda actually wanted to ride the rollercoaster, but this one went backwards. I freaked, I even tried to get away, but it didn't work. I always got dragged back into line with her. Once near the second steps, I saw one of my teachers, and I told her that my friend was torturing me. She said that I should do it as well. I hated both of them for only a little bit. As soon as the ride started, I closed my eyes. I was so scared! The best part was on the way back. I felt like I was going to DIE! I was upside down, going BACKWARDS! Hahahahaha, you call me a scaredy cat? Do it all you want. I'm scared of heights, going upside down, fast rides, and what most of you call all the fun. Today just proves that I can't handle any of that. I was sooooooo happy to finally get off of that rollercoaster. I ran, I mean, RAN, away from the thing!
After the rollercoaster, we were going to ride the water type ride. The one where you get wet, but there was a long line, so we didn't even try. I decided to try the carousel, aka the merry go round, and I dragged my friend on with me. After that, we headed to the ride, Tornado! Hehehe, I kept my eyes closed at first, then opened them, and looked up. But, once we got off, I had a headache. I took an IBprofen, and then we started to walk on. We headed to the ferris wheel, another thing I don't like, but I couldn't even make it onto the ride without not feeling well. So we headed back, and my friend went to a ride. She was gone for practically an hour-an hour and a half. I was worried, and same with her grandma, so we set off to find her. Eventually we found her, she was still in line at the same ride, not even to the actual ride yet. So, me and her grandma ended up going and sitting back down, while her grandma went to check somewhere, I sat down and almost fell asleep.
After my friend's grandma came back, she went over to wait for my friend, and I guess I fell asleep, because the next thing I knew was that my friend was there. After that we headed to a cafe thing, and ate, it helped my headache, and my tummy. We ended up doing one more ride before heading to the gift shop thing. After a few minutes, we bought a type of friendship necklace, but it was two, but they were whole. We also got a bean boozled. Lol, that was fun on the way home. I lost my taste for a little bit. But ever since we left, I was soooooo happy! I never wanna go back to one of those things again! Even if I do, I won't ride any rides anyway.
Thank you all for taking time and reading this book. Also, you all should check out my friend Ojamaster's books! They're really good! Well, from what I've seen so far. You all should check them out! Also, a thanks to everyone of you who have been reading my book since the very beginning! You all are amazing people, and I just want you to know that you have at least one person that cares about you. Don't forget that. Alright, gotta get. It's time for me to head to bed. Morning, Afternoon, Night everyone!~
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