Even more, gosh, you don't know how many I have that I didn't even realize, like my God.
Tag one:
Sexuality? Straight
Gender? Girl
Happy? Meh
You know what they say, could be better, could be worse.
Last Song? Money Talks by AC/DC
Hair Color? It changes, in the winter it's a dirty blond at the tips and a brown at the top, in the summer it's just blond. No, I don't die it either.
Zodiac? Pisces I think.
Last person you kissed? Umm... don't remember
Fave color? Black, maroon/burgundy, and British racing green
Fave food? Again, does coffee count? If not, grits, lettuce, apples or baked french onion soup.
Battery %? Why does this even matter? And 87%.
Celebrity crush? Uhh, I mean they are all musicians and over the age of 50, but I guess it still counts as a celebrity???
Fave vegetable? So I love vegetables (fun fact: the definition of a vegetable is the edible part of the plant, so all fruits are vegetables but not all vegetables are fruit) but I love lettuce (weird), broccoli, peas and beans, cucumbers, onions, carrots, corn, okra (well I like how it smells, not so much taste). I don't like tomatoes (though tomato soup is amazing and so is ketchup) squash, celery or beets/radishes.
Eye color? It changes with lighting and body temperature. Technically hazel, but they look yellowish/orange or green most of the time.
Shoe size? 9, 9 1/2
Dream Job? Radio Announcer, guitarist (most unrealistic one), journalist or (don't kill me) politician. Though I wouldn't mind being a historian, I love history, that's for sure.
Tag 20 people: Again, do it if you want, I don't want to annoy anyone with tagging them.
Tag two: This one is very long.
Name: Not putting it here.
Height: 5'8 should be 5'10,11 but I have freaking scoliosis. If I decide to have surgery (which I wont) I'll grow another few inches.
Weight: Currently 105.6 lbs. but it fluctuates between 105-110lbs.
Age: In my bio
Birthday: February, same day as Kee Marcello and Kurt Cobain.
Girl BFF: Somebody I've known for a very long time and is always there for me.
Boy BFF: Someone who I somewhat like, and was the singer for a band I was in.
Crush: Don't really have one
Ever fell in love: With musicians, yeah. Personally, nah.
Favorite food: I count coffee as a food, end of story.
Last text: From my friend
Longest relationship: Never really been in one (hard to explain), and the one that could count as one I guess would be three years and still running.
Battery percentage: Again with this, 87%
Eye color: Hazel, yellow, green
Addiction: Music and caffeine (I've had actual withdrawals before from it, and trust me, it stinks. The headaches, nausea, body aches and cramps just aren't worth it.)
Favorite song: So. Clucking. Many.
Favorite animal: Cat
Sing in the Shower: No, but if musics up loud enough and I'm alone (so no one hears me fall), I'll dance.
One wish: To go back in time
Best time in your life: When my father would take me and our Chihuahua riding in the back of his truck or on his Harley through the neighbor hood.
Country you live in: America, but I've lived in Germany and a few others.
Pets: Two cats (was three but one just went missing) and three dogs.
Plan on getting married: Yes. I'm weird so the second I can, I will.
Favorite subject: History
Who you love: I don't even know anymore.
Miss anyone: Yes
Hair color: Changes with season and sun, but blond (dirty/gold) I guess.
Relationship status: Hard to explain, single but not at the same time.
Last song you heard: Stranglehold by Ted Nugent
Biggest fear: Musicians dying and bathing in syrup (I hate being sticky). But a real fear, none that I can think of. Not many things really scare me.
Believe in ghosts: I want to say yes, but not really, no.
Something you hate: Oh, this is a never ending list. Most people of today, stickiness, new music, technology, and billions more things.
Favorite T.V show: I don't even watch t.v. Before I moved, I was caught on this show with my friend called Hemlock Grove but other than that, really nothing.
Favorite movie: IT, Waynes World and Rocky Horror Picture Show.
Favorite book: IT, Firestarter, A Clockwork Orange and Rosemarry's Baby.
Jealous of: Rockstar's wives and people with non-toxic/normal families :(
Star sign: I believe it's a Pisces.
Middle name: Brooke
Worst habit: I run my hand through my hair non-stop.
Number of siblings: Two half siblings.
Name of siblings: Nope. But I will say my brother is 15 years older and my sister is ten years older than me.
Sports you play: I used to swim, play volley ball and horseback ride. But I hate sports, even the ones I did, I was just forced to do it.
Best friend ever: Friend I've had for eight year and has been there for me through thick and thin.
First kiss: I was thirteen (I looked like I was an adult at that age), went to see Tesla with my friend (who was 16) and the dude who sat next to us was 18 and cute and he ended up kissing me in the middle of Love Song very randomly.
Insecurities: My weight. I know I'm not ugly, but when I look at myself, all I see is a fat ugly slob with a big nose and terrible skin (f acne) (but make up covers the skin part at least, though I don't like it).
Ever self harmed: Once, big argument, got called every name in the book, even got physical. Slit my wrist and almost bled out in the bathtub. Ain't ever doing that again. Ever. (yes, I'm quite open on these things, I don't want to be the person who gets jumpy whenever the subject is brought up. And I understand what some go through and how hard it can be , but self harming is terrible and never the answer. I speak from personal experience.)
Embarrassing moment: I do embarrassing things all the time, to the point I just don't feel it. Who cares in the end. But there was a time my friend convinced me to wear an outfit she chose out to go out in and it was a leather mini skirt and a skin tight crop top (bleh right?). I ended up ripping the skirt up to my butt cheek on a table and spilt water all over the shirt (made my whole chest visible and, so degrading for me) then I had to walk through a packed restaurant and parking lot looking like that. I don't know if I've ever been so red in my life, that was embarrassing.
Future career choice: Journalism, history or music.
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