Fun, Food, and Fantasy!
For all of you that know where I work, you know it can get busy. MukeInWonderland and Maggot_XIX should definitely know this. For all of you that doesn't know, I work at an amusement park. It's a very popular amusement park and can get busy very fast.
This was the case with last week, the week before, this week, and most likely next week. The park is only open Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. I worked the Saturday of the week before last week (if that makes any sense). It was busy ALL day. You were lucky if you two minutes where you weren't doing anything.
They decided to put me on register. It was only my second time doing it. It also didn't help that the way the menu was set up on the screen was different from how it normally was and some of the options weren't working. For example, my screen has a green rectangle that says milk, but when I clicked on it, it wouldn't go through. I had only gotten two times where I had no customers. It lasted about two minutes and I used that time to restock. I felt kinda bad for the expediters (the people who call out the order numbers) because they were getting complaint after complaint. When I left that night, I was happy to get away from the huge crowd of people.
Last week wasn't too bad. I was put with a girl I don't like. Ever since I asked her friend out, she has had some problem with me. I don't know why. The two of them weren't dating. That night she was telling me what to do and what needed to be done. I know what needs to be done. I don't need her telling me. I decided it would be easier if I kept my mouth shut instead of talking to her. It was too busy to start anything. That was Saturday. After work, my feet and back were hurting so bad.
On Sunday, I was two minutes late. I was too concerned about eating my Chinese food that I left the house in slippers. My dad drove me all the way down to the park, then back home because that's when I realized I didn't have sneakers on. I was on dishes with this guy who was known to mess around. According to my one co worker, he doesn't do what he's supposed to do and she doesn't know where he is half of the time. I had no problem with him. I knew where he was and I knew what he was doing. He's actually a nice guy. He has manners (which from what I see is mostly a thing of the past). You can tell he gets it from his dad, who also has manners. I also got $50 and didn't have to take out the trash.
Yesterday was horrible. I was doing expediter. The first hour or so was pretty good. It wasn't too busy to the point where it was completely overwhelming, but it wasn't too slow where you were about to die of boredom. And during that time, my co worker kept telling me that he loves me in Spanish and was blowing kisses at me. Then my other co worker got involved and told me I should break up with my girlfriend and go out with him instead, all while I'm trying to tell the both of them that I have a girlfriend and that I'm not breaking up with her. Then it got busy. Around five or six, we had a guy come over and yell at us. He said a 45 minute wait was ridiculous and stood there for about 10 to 15 minutes yelling at all of us. My supervisor gave him his money back then mumbled something under her breath. When I left, she asked me if I could stay longer. I told her that I had family plans right after work. I wasn't going to stay after that guy yelled and with the crown of people that seemed like it was never going to end. My feet and back were hurting. So I got my paycheck, left, and went to my grandmother's house.
That was my last day of work until next year.
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