Evan p.o.v
"You're weak" that word been in my mind for years. They never fade away from my head, its poisoning me. It all happend when i was in middle school, my parents fight, and my dad starting to beat my mom and then...me..i cant stop the fighting. I want it to stop, Im weak. A boy? Who doesn't even know how to fight? Pathetic isn't it?. Haha..thank god i already moved out for my parents house but im worried about my mother..
. ___
I woke up sweating and panting 'another nightmare..' . I get up from my bed and walk to the bathroom. I look in the mirror and see bags under my eyes. Its from crying and staying up late. 'Disgusting' it's not really a big deal but, its gotten worse. Its not the first time that i cried while staying up late. And i see those bruises and cuts in my arm. Im just tired, really tired.
I went to the shower and turned on the shower with cold setting. It hurts because of the cuts and bruises. But im used to it, i liked the pain anyway. When i walked out the shower and dry my self.
I went to my bedroom and pick a black shirt, a dark red hoodie with two white stripes on both of my hand and black jeans. Its the only thing i felt comfortable with. I wear them and put on my hood on my head until my eyes are covered. I can see but not to much but i used to it because everyday i always wear them like that even at class.
I picked up my bag and waited for my school bus. yes, i use a bus because i cant drive and my school is so far away. The only thing that bothers me is there's so many people from my school that use the school bus. Its so loud sometime but what can i do?.
The bus honk infront of my house and i walked outside. As i went inside people from my school looked at me and whisper. I can clearly hear say "Why is he so quite?" "Why are his eyes closed with the hood of his hoodie?" "Wow he so mysterious i kinda like that" "do you even talked to him?". While i was hearing them i walked to my seat in the middle where no one sit and sit next to the window. I never really talked to anyone... i was the mute kid. Never talked even in class.
As i was day dreaming i feel someone sitting next to me. I turned around and see a tall guy. He look so cool.. oh yeah he's the popular kid...Tyler.. wait what? Why would he be sitting next to me when he always sitting next to his friends? Maybe he cant fit because there's to many students that sit in the back....i guess?.
I day dreamed again and was interrupted by Tyler saying "Hey" i turned around and look at him confused. "You're Evan right?" I was unsure about this...why would he talk to me all of the sudden? I nodded to his question. "I heared a lot of things about you" Tyler said smiling.
I opened my mouth to say something but the bus stoped at my school. I realized that i was gonna talk and take my bag and run out of the bus
Tyler p.o.v
Dammit. I almost got him to talk, i always wanted him to talk..he's so mysterious and cute... i never see the half of his face but i bet he's cute.
"Nice try dude" my friends said to me. They know that im gay and liked for a while now. "Shut up" i walked out the bus and went inside the school and a bunch of girls surround me. I sigh and said "im gay" they laugh and still wont belive me. "Oh come on dont lie to us" i just run and hide until i saw them running past me.."oh thank god" i went to my locker and put on my things and saw Evan going somewhere. Its not class yet where could he go to?
I followed him out of curiosity.
Evan p.o.v
When i was finish putting my things i take my small note book and a pen amd walked to a abandoned bathroom. Sometimes i like to go there since no one never went here. When i arrived. I look at the broken mirror and i opened my hood. I wish these bags would go away. I hate it.
I hear someone walk into the bathroom and i put on my hood again i look at the guy that walked in "aw come on~ open the hood, i want to see your eyes~" he is one of Tyler friend..johnathan. Why would he be here? And why talk like that? I back away as he walking to be. I bumped at the wall, i was cornered. What do i do? He pinned me "what a soft lips~ mind if i kiss it?" I struggled to get out of his grip and i failed.
When he was about to kiss me someone burst into the room.
Third person p.o.v
Tyler saw his friend following Evan to the abandoned bathroom "what is he doing?" Tyler out of curiosity walked a little bit faster. When he saw his friend and Evan go inside he ears droping what they're saying "aw come on~ open the hood, i want to see your eyes~" he heard his friend said. 'What is he doing to him?' "what a soft lips~ mind if i kiss it?" As Tyler heard about the word his friend said to the guy he liked, he snapped and burst inside the bathroom.
"THE FUCK JOHN!?" Tyler screamed "I THOUGHT YOU KNEW I LIKED HIM!!" John smirked and said "come on i know you want to taste him too~" Tyler suddenly punch john in the face and knocked him out. "Evan what the hell are you thinking? Why wont you fight back?" Tyler said worried about the little guy. Evan write down something and it said "i'm weak" after he said that he suddenly cried. Evan hugged Tyler while wetting Tyler's shirt with tears.
"You're week..." Tyler hugging him tighter "and what's wrong with that?" Tyler opened Evan's hood and see Evan's bags and his beautifull chocolate eyes Tyler wiped his tears.
"Thank you"
well thanks for reading hope you like it! (●‿●✿)
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