happy things
Third person p.o.v
"PLEASE TYLER DONT GO!!" Evan scream with terror.
His face covered with tears as he's holding tyler hand. "E-Evan before i die-" "you're not gonna die! I wont let you..." Tyler word cut out because of Evan's scream "p-please listen to me" Tyler said while coughing up blood. "Evan...i-i know you really like me" Evan was shock "-so p-please love someone else other than m-me...i just want y-you to be happy.." Tyler said while slowly 'dying' "Tyler i dont want to! I only love you! You're the one who's always there for me! I can heal you!" Evan still staying determent "h-heh it's t-to late E-Evan.. please be happy" Tyler said as he take his 'last breath' "T-Tyler...Tyler please say something" Evan said worried than ever.
"Lets go.... Evan" Marcel said to Evan as he taking Evan's hand "NO PLEASE" Evan letting go of Marcel's grip. Marcel sighted and pulling Evan arm They walking away as Evan keep screaming Tyler's arm. Nogla taking away 'Tyler's corpse' and said "you know he wont get over your death and maybe he will be sad forever right?". "I know but at some point he will get over me and move on" Tyler said while looking away "all this for only that?" "Just shut up Nogla.. i know he will get heart broken and stuff but im sure he will heal those up" "whatever you say man" Nogla said not sure about Tyler's idea.... "yeah..."
Evan P.O.V
Its been 5 years since Tyler death happened...but i think i move on...i found someone new! His name is john but sometimes i call him delirious, he ask me out 3 years ago and i love him so much heh... not as much as- "Evan!" Delirious calling my name from down stairs, no we dont live together but he always come in my house. "How about a little date at the amusement park? Im sure it would be fun!" Delirious said with a...fake smile? "Ehm sure! Let me get ready okay?".
-skip time when they're d o n e having fun *cough*-
"I have so much fun..thank you" i smile warmly "hey Evan..." i look at john with a confused face "yeah?" I was getting worried of his face... his face look sad "im sorry but.. i think we should break up" he said just tearing up "w-what? Am i not-" "no you're fine actually you're wonderfull but im sorry i just dont feel like i deserve you" he said looking sadder that before 'why' "i-i dont want in a relationship where i feel being looked down..."
"But del-" my words was cut out again "i think you should find someone else better than me... im so sorry.."
im crying...someone i love so much for years feel like being looked down by..me? i dont get it...why am i like this.. i start to tear up "n-no its fine haha" "E-Evan.." he look even guilty now..great "it's really okay i should get going haha" im walking away from him i dont want to look at his face anymore...i know its not his fault but i just can't.. . I got to my car and going home with a waterfall of tears
Tyler p.o.v
"Thank you panda for bringing me here its actually fun for someone like me" i chuckled "no problem anything to make my friend happy" he said with a cheeky smile. "So..-" i was about to say something but i saw..EVAN! oh wow its been so long since...wait is he crying? Because...of john? Why would john do this? I trusted him to protect Evan...i walk angrily at john "wait where you going?" Panda said worried " ill be right back" i approach john and putting my hand on his shirt . "What did you do to him!?" i look dead in his eyes "i-im sorry i have explanations for this!" He said looking scared "i hope you do.."
"You did what!?" I scream "im so sor-" " just because of that you breaking up with him!? You fucking pussy" i will never trust him again...ugh what a fucking pussy..i should comfort Evan, i should problably tell him the truth..i cant bare seeing him hurt like before. im walking to my car and driving to Evan's house
Evan p.o.v
~at Evan's house~
I picked up my photo with Tyler a long time ago..its still look like it's only yesterday that you died...im walking to the bathroon with the picture i put it down. I picked up my small knife in my kitchen and walk into the bathroom "this is what you want right Tyler?" I slowly cutting my arm "you want me to be-" i flinched at the pain in my hand "happy right?" im going deeper with the knife "well i want to be happy"
"With you"
I was about to cut my hand when "EVAN!!"
Third person p.o.v
Tyler finally got to Evan's house and knock on the door. No answer. "Evan..?" Tyler accedently open the door. "Its...not locked" Tyler walked in with no hesitation "Evan?" As he said that he hear something in the bathroom. Sound something sharp. "This is what you want right Tyler?" He hear everything "you want me to be-" "happy" "well i want to be happy...with you" after he hear that he suddenly burst into the bathroom and screamed "EVAN!!"
Well i hope you like it... i work 'hard' on it *wink*
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