Yay! Kidnapped!
A/N I'm sorry for the short updates but I've been really busy. so to try and make up for it here is a short story. I hope you enjoy ^+^
My mind was in a fog as I slowly came back to consciousness. I didn't know where I was and by the feel of things as my body became less numb I was blindfolded, gagged as tied to what seemed to be a chair. that can't be. Good.
"You sure she's alright?" a voice asked startling me. fortunately I was still numb enough I couldn't move and alert whoever these people were I was awake. But what struck me as weird is the voice sounded young. like a kid almost.
"Don't worry she's fine" another voice answered. this one was defiantly an adult. You could just tell from the way he talked.
"We just have to wait for her to wake up" the adult said again.
"Why did we take her again?" the younger asked. I decided I didn't want to know and started focusing on untying my hands while they were distracted.
My memories were starting to come back. I had been walking home to my house after school. It was still a mile or so to my house from the stop but i made due. after all, the late bus doesn't make specific stops and to get there I had to go through the 'not so nice' places of town. Instead of risking I took a detour meaning I was all alone.
That's when the truck had come up. I thought it was just going to pass by but when it started to slow I knew something was wrong. I picked up my pace and eventually it did pass me and turn a corner and a feeling of relief swept over me. I hadn't been expecting someone to come up behind me and jab me. at the time I didn't think anything of it. He just bumped me, keeping his head low with his raven black hair blowing in the wind, and passed by. I had felt a small poke in my arm as he passed but I just brushed it off as a zipper on his coat. soon after though the world started to tilt ad everything went black.
And I woke up here, in this predicament. Tied to a chair with at least two people deciding what to do with me and instinct telling me to run. that's what I was planning once I got this knot untied.
"Phil, I think she's awake" the young voice said again. I froze. did he say what I really think he said.
Footsteps proved my theory as they walked closer. The hood was ripped off my head and I was momentarily blinded by the bright lights in the room.
"Oh, seems like you were right Colin" the first voice said. I blinked to clear my vision.
Once my vision was clear I could make three people looking at me. The same raven haired man but now I could see his eyes. A bright and vivid green. Ones I would recognize anywhere. My eyes narrowed but it only made him chuckle.
"What's up Min?" he asked cracking a smile. The two others stood behind him. one looking almost exactly like him only with a more... Human look and a small kid who didn't look anything like the other two by a long short. The little boy smiled at me.
"Um dad?" the other boy asked "you might want to, I don't know, ungag her?" The man face palmed before reaching behind my head and undoing the gag. I spit it out immediately and glares at him and the other boy.
"What are you three doing?!" I spat. the two boys took a step back in surprise. The man only laughed.
"Just wanted to say hi is all Min" he grinned. I rolled my eyes.
"So why not untie me so I can give your neck a hug from my hands?" I asked. He chuckled in response.
"As please by as that sounds I can't. Plus it would probably be a good idea to keep you tied up once you realize where we're going" he said before walking away.
"Wait, what do you mean? where are you taking me?" I asked. He didn't respond.
"Phil. where are you taking me?" I asked again but he had already disappeared. I swore under my breath and looked at the two boys still here.
"Could either of you untie me?" I asked looking at them. The taller one shook his head.
"Sorry, dad said no untying you until we get back" He said. I groaned.
"Where are you guys taking me now?" I asked. The boy shook his head again.
"Cant say, again, dad's orders" He said. I looked at the younger one.
"Colin, where are we going?" I asked slightly annoyed. He looked at the ground and started fidgeting.
"Dad says I cant say either" he said. I put on the smile I use with kids. Works every time.
"Aw, c'mon. You know you can trust me. Jonas' just being a butt in not telling. You don't want to be like him right?" I asked. babysitting skills don't fail me now. I thought silently. Colin looked up at me and shook his head.
Yes! I smiled a little more "So, where are we going?" I feigned excitement and he smiled more.
"Dad's taking us back to Minecraftia" He said with a smile. Jonas groaned.
"Colin! Dad said not to tell her!" Jonas scolded. COlin looked down ashamed.
"Now there's no need to make him feel bad" I said. "He just answered a question for me is all"
"One he wasn't supposed to in the first place" Jonas grumbled and sat on the sofa in the corner. The room suddenly lurched forward and I was suddenly glad they had bolted the chair down.
"What was that?" I asked. Jonas sighed.
"Might as well know everything then if you know the destination" He stood up and walked over. I felt the ropes fall away from my wrists and then loosen around my chest. I stood up and brushed the remaining ones off.
"Your uncle lent us a truck to come and get you" Jonas said. "So we came"
"And you had to knock me out?" I asked. I heard a chuckle from up front
"Where's the fun if we didn't?" Phil called back. I rolled my eyes.
"Yea, real fun" I said but hid a small smirk. "So what do they want with me now? I thought we agreed I could come here for a while"
Jonas shrugged "didn't say, just said they needed you there. dad volunteered us for the job" he sounded annoyed and I couldn't hide my smirk.
"Well, let's see what they've got planned then" I smiled and leaned back in my chair as the truck drove down the highway. I couldn't do anything anyways so why not? it's always an adventure.
A/N I've been meaning to put this up for sometime now but wasn't sure how to end it. Eventually though I though the "end in the middle" tactic worked best. hope you enjoyed! no it has not actually happened and I hope it never does. but it's interesting to think about sometimes.
Ps. I'm half asleep so you can ignore anything that doesn't makes sense. no matter how much you think about it, it's not going to make sense.
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