Randome friend stuff #1
So, I just had a sleepover with some of my IRL friends and let me tell you, if you ever thought we were sane you can think again. Our night went something like this
(Just telling you, I've changed the names. All that is about to happen is true)
10:00 pm
"Hey can we put in a movie?" Sammy asked. She sat on the couch with my laptop on her lap playing Minecraft
"Yea, sure" I said. I started flipping through the channels until I came across one of the best Disney movies ever. Mulan.
"Mulan ok?" I asked.
"Turn it on!" Delphi screamed even though she was right next to me.
"Yes! Turn it on!" Alisa said jumping up in her seat.
So I turned it on.
12:00 am
"Oh come on!" Alisa said pointing at the screen "That would NOT happen in real life!"
We were at the point where Mulan and the other guy had gone over the cliff in the avalanche. The other men in the army had started to pull them up, with the horse they had been riding.
"How can they life a horse weighing a ton?" Delphi asked staring at the screen "I mean seriously, wouldn't it be too heavy for them?"
"Ah, the power of movie magic" I said looking at the ceiling dramatically. This is basically what all tree of us had been doing the whole movie while Sammy played on the computer. It was actually really enjoyable.
12:30 am
After the movie ended we all sat around doing... Nothing. Absolutely nothing.
Alisa was drawing with Delphi, Sammy was still on the computer and since it was at my house I couldn't really go on and type. So I did the next bet thing.
"What do you guys want to do?" I asked looking over at Delphi and Alisa.
"Put in another movie" Sammy said from the couch. I looked at the other two and they just nodded, too focused on there drawing to speak.
"Okay" I said, moving to the cabinet we keep the movies in "Which one?"
"What do you have?" Alisa asked, still drawing.
"A lot" was my response. I started flipping through the movies until I came upon 'Remember the Titans'. For those of you who haven't seen it, you have to. It is a wonderful movie.
Anyways, I pulled it out knowing they would probably say yes.
"How about this one?" I asked holding it up. All three looked up from what they were doing and I swear there eyes grew to the size of saucers.
"Yes!" All three said at the same time. I smiled and got up to put the movie in.
1:00 am
My eyes were sagging and I could barely keep them open as I stared aimlessly at the screen. I could barely even focus on the drawings Delphi and Alisa were making on either side of me. I had no idea what Delphi was drawing but Alisa was making an anime looking picture of her protecting me from one of the boys who liked me at school. It was very well drawn and looked a lot like the bitstrip pictures you'll find on Facebook. I didn't even know what was going on in the movie anymore.
"that's it" I said standing up. Delphi, Alisa and Sammy all looked at me then back at what they were doing.
"I'm going to bed" I said and fell onto the chair. I fell asleep minutes later.
8:00 Am
I woke to the sound of Delphi walking around. She was quiet but in the mornings I can be a light sleeper. Especially when someone hits something and curses loudly. Call me crazy but it tends to wake me up.
I moved slightly but knew she was alright. After all, she did have a tendency to accidentally hurt herself. Seriously, she could hurt her self doing the simplest of tasks like taking a drink of water. It was amazing really and not in a good way. I started to just drift again and enjoy the last few peaceful moments I knew I would probably have for the morning
"Wakey, wakey!" My mom said as she came downstairs "We made pancakes!"
I turned over in the chair and saw everyone already up so I sat up stiffly and looked we walked upstairs.
After we ate we all just went back to the basement and sat around. again. That's when Alisa seemed to go crazy.
I was focused on my iPad until suddenly this big black thing tackled me in the chair. It was only after I heard the thing growling inside that I knew it was Alisa.
"What are you doing?" I asked as she started climbing on top of me. I pushed her off and stood up.
"Sleeping bag tag" Her muffled reply came from inside. Delphi smiled and pulled her sleeping bag over her head.
before I knew it, both of them were chasing me and trying to tackle me while blind inside there sleeping bags. All while Sammy played the computer.
That went on for a couple hours at least. I didn't really keep track. But I might have gotten some video...
And that was the reason I haven't updated yet! I have crazy awesome friends and was hanging out with them, sorry. :P Anyways, the next chapters of TTHC and 'My messed up Life' should be out this week if not tonight
SEE YA Foxes!!!!
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