Minecraft/ creepypastas (Shocker)
A/N What a shock right? Me writting about minecraft *Room gasps* :P anyways, this was how I was originally going to write 'The Daughter of Herobrine' with Herobrine raising her and her turning evil but i couldnt couldnt think about what would come next after this part. I was also going to add the creepy pastas but didnt know a lot at the time. ok, lets just get on with the story shall we? No more back story
"Diamond, I'm having guests over tonight and need you to stay in your room" Herobrine said. They were both downstairs in the library. Diamond paused on the ladder and looked down at her father. she dropped down until she was on the main floor and looked at him.
"Who's coming?" Diamond asked. Herobrine looked at her with his cold white eyes.
"That is none of your business" He said. Diamond pouted before climbing the ladder again.
"Fine, but just one question" She said picking out a book of horror stories, one of her favorites.
"Yes?" Herobrine said from below the ladder.
"Why do I have to stay in my room? Are you embarrassed about me?" She asked. Herobrine flew up next to her.
"I would never be embarrassed about you" He said stroking her hair gently "But these guests are very, very dangerous and I can't let anything happen to you" He said. Diamond looked over at him and smiled.
"Ok, I'll stay in my room" She said "I'm just going to grab a few more books before I go though" she said and swung the ladder over a few rows.
"I'll have dinner sent to your room" Herobrine called as he walked out. Diamond ignored it and grabbed a few books before walking out the doors of the library and to her room. The halls were eerily quiet as she went. Usually there were mobs about but today it seemed like they were all gone. The mobs had gotten used to her as she grew up so none tried to attack her anymore.
"Hey Magenta" Diamond said as she walked in. The ghast was up in her nest in the corner of the room.
"olleH dnomaiD" Majenta said "dnif gnihtyna doog ot daer?" Diamond nodded
"I grabbed some horror stories and an old favorite" Diamond said setting the books on the table and picking one up "Dad says I have to stay in here for supper tonight too"
"yhW?" Magenta asked. Diamond shrugged and opened the book
"He says he's having some friends over tonight and that they're dangerous" Diamond said "But if they're that dangerous why is he having them over?"
Magenta drifted down and landed next to the bed
"s'tI ssenisub ffuts" She said "ouy t'ndluow tnaw ot teem meht"
"So you know who they are?" Diamond asked. Magenta went silent and drifted back to her nest.
"Come on Magenta!" Diamond said "Please tell me" She begged
"oN" magenta said before turning away from Diamond. Diamond waited for a bit before she sighed and walked back over to her bed. She picked her book back up and started reading. She was so focused on her book that she didn't even notice when Magenta left, or when the door opened and a pigmen set her dinner on the table. She was on the last page when a nock came from her door. She looked up but couldn't see anyone there.
"Hello?" She called getting up. No answer came so she put her book down and started walking towards the door. The nock came again and she stopped.
"Who is it?" She asked. Again, no answer. She opened the door slightly and looked out to see an empty hall in front of her. Her eyebrows furrowed in confusion and she shut the door
"Probably just a little zombie playing tricks" She muttered to herself and turned around. Everything went black.
Diamond woke up in what felt like a bag of some sort and heard voices talking outside it.
"I found this in your castle Herobrine" A husky voice said. It didn't sound quite right, almost demonic.
"Oooh, what is it?" A different voice asked. This one sounded human but also crazy at the same time. Diamond woke up a bit more and gave a small moan. The top of the bag was ripped open and she saw three faces look down at her. Well, two faces and a head. One didn't seem to have a face. One of the others was one she recognized instantly. She weakly smiled as he pulled the bag down.
"Hey" She said weakly. Herobrine stared at her coldly before leading her by the arm out of the room
"I thought I told you to stay in your room" He said through clenched teeth, his grip tightened. Diamond looked over at him, her strength returning.
"I did! There had been a knock at my door though so I opened it but didn't see anything!" Diamond said. Herobrine stopped and looked at her.
"What?" He hissed letting go. He turned back to the others who were staring at them. One with a big smile cut into his face started to walk over.
"Who's this Herobrine?" He asked in a crazy voice, hand going to one of the pockets on white hoodie. Herobrine stood in front of Diamond protectively.
"Someone you stay away from" Herobrine growled. The boy stopped and stared at him then Diamond. She looked closer and saw his eye lids were missing also. She stared with interest at him.
"Oh really? Why is she so important to you?" The boy asked coming closer still. Herobrine growled at him and the boy stopped again but it looked like he only smiled more.
"She just is" Herobrine said "Stay away from her Jeff or I swear I will kill you" This just made the boy laugh harder.
"You cant kill us here! You know that!" he said. Some thing touched Diamond from behind and she yelped in surprise as the same thing grabbed her ankle and she was lifted into the air. She was lifted until she was well above everyone's head. Almost everyone's that is. The thing turned her until she was staring into its blank face. Blank as in, it had none. Diamond tried to stay calm but the thing was giving off an aura of fear.
"D-dad?" She asked slightly yet not breaking eye contact with the thing. She heard the boy start break down laughing.
"She's your daughter!?" He chocked out, still laughing. The thing still had a tight grip on her ankle but looked down at Herobrine.
"Why didn't you ever tell us?" It asked in the same demonic voice as before but with more of a mocking tone this time. Diamond froze, every muscle in her body stiffening as it brought her higher.
"Slenderman" Herobrine said "Put her down"
The thing pulled her closer to it, still upside down.
"But we could at least get to know her better" Slender said. Diamond was now completely terrified. She stared down at Herobrine with fear in her eyes but didn't let it show in any other way.
"Put her down" Herobrine growled. He now had his sword out and was pointing it at the thing. Diamond was sure if the thing had a mouth it would be smiling right now because the boy was dying of laughter behind her father.
"As you wish" The thing said and dropped Diamond. She yelped as she fell towards the ground. She landed on her back staring up at the ceiling. The breath had been nocked from her lungs and she lay there trying to regain it. The boy leaned over her, still smiling and with a knife in his hands.
"I think she needs to go to sleep" The boy said looking over at Herobrine. Diamond took this chance to punch him in the nose and sat up quickly.
"I'm fine right now, thanks though" She said and stood up calmly. The boy just started laughing again.
"This should be fun" Jeff said and stood up, blood dripping from his nose. He launched himself at Diamond but she stepped to the side and he fell flat on his face. He only laughed harder.
"Why are you always laughing?" Diamond asked as he stood up.
"Because, I find all this just a waste" he said "Life, living, family, all of it. Just a waste"
He jumped at Diamond again and expected her to dodge. She didn't, instead she jumped into the air higher than should have been possible and flew into the rafters 30 ft up. The boy stared up at her along with the rest of them. Herobrine had a smug smile on his face.
"Why don't you come down girly?" A guy in a costume asked just coming in. He looked like link only with black soulless eyes. Behind him was a small girl clutching a teddy bear with blood soaking her dress.
"I think I'm good" Diamond said walking back and forth.
"Naw, come down" The link guy said. Diamond looked down to see the boy, Jeff, sneaking up behind the new one and smiled just a bit.
"Naw" She said in a mocking tone "It looks like you have other problems at the moment" She said and pointed behind him just as Jeff tackled him.
"Heyyyyy, Benny!" Jeff said. 'Benny' screamed and tried to move out from under him. Jeff only smiled and the little girl giggled. Diamond smiled before lying down on the rafter and relaxing. Sure, there were a bunch of killers below her but her dad was down there too. She closed her eyes slightly and listened to what was going on below.
"Jeff! get off me!" Ben screamed
"Awww! But I don't want to!" Jeff said. there was sounds of fighting from the two.
"Enough!" Herobrine yelled. Everything went silent and Diamond turned over to look down, almost falling off in the proses. Herobrine's eyes were glowing bright, creating more light in the room than there was before and his faces showed he was really pissed. Diamond sank back on the beam when he looked up.
"You. Room. Now" He said pointing at her. She tried to hide more on the beam
"We'll talk about this later" he said then turned to the two boys on the ground "You two break it up before I break your necks" The two instantly stood up. Diamond ran along the beam until she got above the door before jumping down and bolting into the hall.
She ran the rest of the way to her room and slammed her door closed behind her before going over to her bed and laying down. She instantly fell asleep.
A/N yes, that is almost what happened to 'The Daughter of Herobrine' but luckily for you fans who like it as is I didn't continue with this idea. I couldn't, I wanted it to be all Minecraft and as all of you know, the creepy pastas, although super cool, are not part of Minecraft. Yea, I might continue this somewhere else but not likely.
SEE YA Foxes!
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