Walking down the path, I looked around at the blooming flowers. Hope rose with each petal that was still on each stem. I kept walking. A small smile playing on my face.
I came to the edge of a pond, and looked over the rippling water. A family of ducks swam over the top, floating lazily on the waves. I sat down to watch. Peace flowing over me like a trickle from a waterfall. My smile grew just a little more.
I got up after a while, and looked over my shoulder. The thunder clouds are moving closer. I need to keep going, and I did.
The path widens, and the trees overhead shivered with an oncoming wind. I picked up my pace and kept walking. No more wildlife moved around the underbrush, not even when I walked past a large bush. I could see the pairs of eyes looking out at me, but they didn't move back. Their fear kept them in place, but it wasn't fear of me. It was fear of the sky overhead. It was darkening more and more as I moved, trying to follow the light blue in front of me.
I never did make it. But every now and then, I see a glimpse of blue in the sky. A glimpse of hope still staring out at me, helping me keep moving even in the bad times. Even as the rain comes down in torrents, and when I feel like I'll never be warm again, I see the light blue and calm ahead, and I keep moving.
Because, let's be honest, that's all we can do after all.
Just keep moving towards the blue.
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