first; a hunger games idea
I ran as fast as I could towards the middle, they weren't going to get me this time. I would win this and there was no stopping me. I had to, to save Casey, Tom and all the others from my town who were being held hostage by the people forcing me to do this. The first canon went off seconds after the first chest was opened. The boys body fell to the ground with a hole through his middle. I ran the opposite way, into the forest. It swallowed me as I ran away from the sounds of battle. I wasn't a fighter, I never was. All I had wanted to do that day was get home from school without those boys getting in my way.
I was so lost in though I didn't see the ditch until I had stepped over the side and started falling down. The pack on my back that I had been able to grab lessened the fall a bit but not enough. My ankle twisted to the side at an angle it shouldn't have and a searing pain spread up my leg. I was barely able to stop my self from screaming out in pain. I looked around and saw a small hole in the side of the ditch and crawled over. I was barely able to crawl in but once inside I saw it was bigger than I expected. I crawled to the back and examined my leg in the dim light. The ankle was swelling and it hurt to put any kind of weight on it at all.
"That's just great" I mumbled 'I'm going to die in here because of my stupid ankle"
a noise came from one of the other corners and I looked towards it. What at first I thought was a pile of leaves or something close was actually a pile of fur. A small head popped up and looked at me with big brown eyes before another one joined it. Soon there were five little heads all looking at me. They had pointy ears tipped white and there fur looked a coppery orange color. They stared at me and I stared back in fear. What did the game makers have planned with these? They were known for there tricks after all. One tentatively started walking towards me and I could see it had a beautiful, fluffy coppery tail with a white tip on the end and small, black paws. I stood still as it came closer, hoping it would go away. t came closer and sniffed my ankle before looking back at me. It came even closer and crawled up onto my leg before curling up into a ball on my lap. The others followed closely and soon all of them were on me. I wasn't as scared as before but I sat as still as I could anyways. After a moment of nothing happening I gingerly picked my hand up and laid it on the on in my lap. It seemed drawn to it and started cuddling closer to me as I pet it. It didn't take long before I started to drift off to sleep.
I was woken by a growl coming from the front of the cave. I looked and saw a bigger version of the animals on me standing in the mouth of the cave. It was about the size of a medium sized dog. It walked in still growling and a second one walked in after, also growling at me but also carrying a dead rabbit. The ones on me got off and ran over to them almost playfully and started biting at the rabbit. The two grown ups, I had come to realize they were the parents, watched me carefully as the pup ate. They didn't attack, only watched. I carefully slid my backpack from over my shoulder and set it on the ground in front of me. The two instantly were on guard and watching even more intently, hackles raise and ready to attack. I paused for a moment before unzipping the front pocket and taking out an empty water bottle and a granola bar that had been put in there. I put the bottle back and opened the packaging of the bar and broke a piece off. I don't know what compelled me to but I leaned towards the parents with the peace offering in the palm of my open hand. The watched for a moment before one of them stepped forward carefully and sniffed it before she took it and ate. She came over and lay down beside me as I broke off another piece for the other one. He took it and lay down next to the pups, who were next to there mother and I ate half of what was left. It didn't quite fill me up but I wasn't expecting it too. I only took enough to survive. I fell asleep wondering how I was going to find water here if I couldn't walk
A/N I really had no inspiration for this other than I was board and didn't have anything else to do. ^^ So many other people are doing stuff like this I just thought it would be fun to write my own. This might also have some stories written by some of my other friends just to warn you but don't worry, they're pretty good too. Anyways, that was the first one\
See Ya Foxes!
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