A lessson in tracking
Crystal bent down to look at the muddy foot prints left in the dirt and sighed. She shook her head and stood back up, swinging her bow over her shoulder before pushing on through the undergrowth following the trail. Endra had dragged her out again for another lesson in tracking things. Crystal didn't really like the lessons much, they were always boring to her. She didn't understand why she needed to learn how to do this. It didn't seem like one of those skills you'd ever need.
Of course, Endra always got a kick out of it though. Since she was tracking Crystal at the same time. It was like a deal, whoever found the other first won. Kye never joined in, thinking it wasn't her type of thing, or she was too busy with something else. Usually Crystal would hope she'd join. Maybe it'd go her way for once then.
Nevertheless she sighed and continued on. Maybe his time she wouldn't be caught first. At least it was a goal to head for.
"This is so useless" she muttered kicking a rock down the path. "I already know how to do this!" She lied. Admittedly, she wasn't as good as she thought she was, but you can't really tell a brine that when their mind is set.
A shadow passed overhead. Crystal froze for a moment and looked up just in time to see the tip of a black and purple tail disappear from the sky. She shut her eyes, cursing herself out in her head for not paying more attention and broke into a sprint along the riverbank.
She couldn't hear anything besides the rush of the river next to her but she knew better than to trust that. Oh, she knew. Even if it looked safe, even if it seemed like everything was fine, it would get you at the very last second when you weren't expecting it.
She veered off into the forest to get out of being in the open. It wasn't safe. Another thing she'd learned from a different lesson. Never stay in the open long and avoid planes at all cost. Both could get you into trouble faster than an Enderman could teleport.
She only stopped running when she reached a narrow part of the forest. Fight into catch her breath again, a Crystal leaned against a tree and put her hands on her knees. She knew she couldn't stay in one place for long, another lesson she learned the hard way, and allowed herself a bit longer of a rest before walking back off with her hands held over her head.
Everything was quiet around her, save for the rustle of the wind through the trees and an occasional bird call. It seemed peaceful, almost too peaceful. Crystal's hand moved to the Emerald dagger hanging from her belt. It felt reassuring knowing it was there. She sighed quietly and smiled a bit. This was the type of thing she liked more than a pointless lesson given by some dragon. To be with her own thoughts and think things through. Even if it was short lived.
She heard the sound of wing beats before the trees on her right burst into flames. Startled she ran the opposite way as the trees went up like dried twigs. White smoke flooded her vision as she fought through the blaze. Before she knew it, she was back at the river. She looked up and down the stretch of water before turning and running with the stream downriver.
The sound of wing beats were getting louder as a roar erupted from behind her. She risked a glance back and saw the black dragon hovering over the forest looking down. She almost tripped as her gaze travelled towards her. Crystal managed to keep her feet under her as she picked up the speed. There was another roar and the shadow started to catch up.
The roar of water in front off her was a sound Crystal knew all too well. The edge of the water fall came into sight soon after and she made a desperate sprint for the edge. It was so close, she could just see over he side at the pool below. If she could just reach it.
Just as her feet left the ground and she jumped, she was plucked from the sky. An involuntary yelp rose up as she was taken higher up until the forest below was just a mass of green. Ahead of them a mountain range loomed up and the white tipped peaks glinted dangerously, like knives standing upright, waiting to stab something or someone.
"Endra! Put me down you've had your fun!" Crystals yelled as she tried to wriggle out of the iron grip. It wasn't any use though, Endra had a tight grip.
"Not yet!" She bellowed back "just hold on a second!" The mountains were getting closer.
"What are you planning?!" Crystal asked still trying to work her way out "you already won!"
Endra smirked "you'll see!" Was her only reply.
The mountains were extremely close now as they closed in on either side of them. Crystal stopped fighting and curled up as best she could when a cold blast hit her square in the face from one of the mountains. Endra dove down out of the wind tunnels she landed on an outcropping in the middle of the mountain range and set Crystal on the ground in front of her. Crystal fell onto her backside and looked up slightly cross. She brushed her self off and stood up.
Endra sat down in front of he and forced her back down as well. "not yet. I won remember?" Endra said with a knowing smile "you know the deal for whoever wins"
"You mean the one you tricked me into agreeing?" Crystal asked crossing her arms.
Endra rolled her eyes "I didn't trick you into it"
"You didn't explain that you'd win every time" Crystal muttered looking away.
"You've got to get better at tracking" Endra shrugged "now" she smirked "what'll it be? there's a lot o good songs out there after all"
Crystal groaned "do I have to?" she looked up with a pleading look. Endra nodded excited.
"Yes, you do" she smiled lying down in the mouth of the cave "I know you can do it too" she smirked.
Crystal sighed "alright, fine" she replied crossly. Taking several deep breaths she closed her eyes and relaxed. A melody popped into her head and she started humming.
'I think the universe is on my side
Heaven and Earth have finally aligned
Days are good and that's the way it should be
You sprinkle star dust on my pillow case
It's like a moonbeam brushed across my face
Nights are good and that's the way it should be
You make me sing oh, la, la, La
You make a girl go oh oh
I'm in love, love'
Endra joined in merrily
'Did you see that shooting star tonight?
Were you dazzled by the same constellation?
Did you and Jupiter conspire to get me?
I think you and the Moon and Neptune got it right
'Cause now I'm shining bright, so bright
Bright, so bright
And I see colors in a different way
You make what doesn't matter fade to grey
Life is good and that's the way it should be
You make me sing oh, la, la, la
You make a girl go oh oh
I'm in love, love
Did you see that shooting star tonight?
Were you dazzled by the same constellation?
Did you and Jupiter conspire to get me?
I think you and the Moon and Neptune got it right
'Cause now I'm shining bright (oh) so bright
And I get lost (oh) in your eyes
Did you see that shooting star tonight?
Were you dazzled by the same constellation?
Did you and Jupiter conspire to get me?
I think you and the Moon and Neptune got it right
I think you and the Moon and Neptune got it right
I think you and the Moon and Neptune got it right
'Cause now I'm shining bright, so bright
Bright, so bright
Bright, so bright
And I get lost in your eyes tonight'
She sighed and leaned back against the stone wall after he finished. Endra smiled at her and yawned. A wave of fatigue rolled over Crystal and for the first time she realized how tired she was. it was all that she could do to stifle a yawn herself.
"That was amazing" Endra mused as she rested her giant head on her gigantic paws. "truly wonderful" her voice was getting softer.
"Thanks" Crystal mumbled back. se couldn't hold her eyes open anymore and started to drift off. Endra smiled and pulled her over.
"We'll head back once the snow stops" Endra said to herself. a light flurry had started outside as the two friends had talked and now fallen asleep.
A/N hope you enjoyed yet another late night ramble of mine! it's really late, I got this idea and I just had to write it all in out night yay. Also! I really like that song. if you're wondering what it's called it's 'Bright' by echosmith. they're awesome. check them out.
"Good night foxes"
Hey Phil when'd you get here?
"When I walked past your room and saw the light still on. go to bed"
See ya foxes!
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