Tony walked up and down the driveway of his mansion in malibu on a cold december night. He had trouble sleeping like always do to another nightmare. This time it being Howards constant abuse when he was young. So in a needy attempt to calm down he quickly walked outside and fell to the ground. Taking deep breaths,once he had calmed down he started a slightly staggered and inconstant walk down the his driveway and then back to his home.
He didn’t realize until later that he was wearing shorts and a tank top with no shoes. He might as well have been naked in his weather. There was light snow on the ground and the road had ice covering it, but tony couldn’t bring himself to go inside.
From inside the mansion steve rogers was shaken awake by a certain AI who seemed frantic about something. Rubbing the sleep from his eyes he answered back
“Uh?..wha-..what was that?”
“Mr rogers sir is outside walking without proper gear for this weather, i’m afraid he will caught something if he doesn’t come back inside soon” Jarvis answered back sounding frantic if that was even possible for an AI.
“What is he even doing out there?” Steve said now fully awake sliding out of the bed. He was worried for his friend,
“ Sir has had a nightmare and went outside to get air in panic” the AI answered with a moment pause.
Steve nodded with this information and threw on a shirt and longer pants before grabbing a hoodie and blanket for tony. The panic didn’t leave steve as he paced down the stairs to the living room. He wondered what tony’s nightmare was about and why he even had one? How bad could it have been to where he had to run to get air, his room is higher than everyone elses. So it’s obvious that he wanted to leave the building not just lean over the many balconies that the building has.
Steve had made it outside where he scanned the area before his eyes fell on the billionaire walking away from the mansion. His head was down and his arms where wrapped around himself. He just looked so vulnerable. Sad. steve took one more minute to look over the billionaire who was always cracking jokes and insulting people before speeding walking towards him. Once he was close enough he started to see that Stark was in fact shivering and he might as well have been blue as ice.
“Tony?” steve called softly careful not to startle the playboy. Tony turned around quickly and immediately took a defensive stance before realizing it was steve and lowering his hands with a sigh,
“Shit Rogers, don’t walk up on people like that! Y’know we are superheroes and we kinda take that seriously. Kidnapping is a bitch.” tony grumbled out and steve for the first time. Could see all tony walls, and how quickly he placed them up, because when he first walked out tony looked vulnerable. Weak. like glass. And when he called his name, he saw true fear. No terror in his eyes. His stance wasn’t only to defend himself but he flinched and almost seemed to except a hit. That broke steves heart.
Steve chuckled “sorry..i just-..what are you doing out here tony? It’s freezing.” tony looked away from steve for a moment before meeting his eyes.
“Could say the same thing for you capsicle, y’know thought you wouldn’t like the cold.” tony said his face carefully blank but steve now knew he said that to get a rise out of him, so steve wouldn’t find out the truth. Come to think of it. Tony used this tactic a lot. It always worked and no one seems to notice what hes doing but before you know it, tony’s gone and your getting laughed at while he is probably smirking. But steve can see it now. He can see tonys trying to change the topic and put the attention on someone else, and steves having none of it.
“Asked you first” steve answered. Pride in his chest when tony’s eyes widden a bit expecting steve to take the bate like he normally did.
He huffed and turned around “does it matter? It’s my damn driveway. I think i can walk down it without being questioned”
“It matters when you’re wearing barely anything in winter” steve replied, wrapping the blanket that he brought out around tony who gripped it in shock before realizing what it was and rolled his eyes, tugging it further on his shoulders.
“I’m an adult, i think i’m able to handle a bit of frost bite” tony snarked beginning his march up the driveway again. Steve glanced up at the overly long path and put a hand on tony’s shoulder.
“Then humor me, i was thinking hot chocolate and some old Christmas movie that can play in the background” steve stated, not really waiting for an answer before walking the billionaire back to his mansion
“B-but-..oh fine whatever” tony grumbled upset about having to be manhandled and babied by americana walking flag.
Once they got inside steve asked jarvis to turn up the heat a bit and ordered tony to sit and stay on the couch which tony replied with “i’m not a fuckin dog rogers” but did as he was told, blushing softly and hiding his face in the offered blanket.
Captain america stalked off to the kitchen and started making the hot chocolate for him and tony, making sure to be mindful of how tony might like his. He knew tony wasn’t super fond of sweet things since he drunk black coffee and almost always ate blueberries and when offered pancakes he would put little to none syrup on it or if you offered him a donut he would probably only eat glazed and would tell you the others where “abomations” and only good for “bad decisions and hangovers” so steve made his normal hot chocolate and then decided not to put that much whipped cream in tony’s and no marshmallows because tony said they make him uncomfortable,
Once he made it back into the living room he handed tony his cup, who was trying and failing to remain still and was now up and across the room as soon as steve was in sight. Steve sighed tiredly and lead the hyper active billionaire back to the couch, who begrudgingly did so
Steve ruffled his messy brown hair before taking a seat himself, and sipping his hot chocolate. Wincing when it burned his tongue. Meanwhile Tony was basically gulping the hot liquid down before stopping when it reaches about halfway.
Tony let out a happy huff before cuddling more into his blanket and glancing up at the screen and then at steve, who was looking at him like he lost his damn mind.
Tony bit back a laugh before throwing on his best glare and barking out a not so angry "what?" at the Super soldier who just gawked at him. Eyes blown wide, and eyebrows tight together.
"how- why..t-the-" Steve tried looking at Tony and then the milky substance in his cup.
"what? Me drinking the hot chocolate while still hot? I thought that's was the point. I mean it is hot chocolate after all-" Tony started his small rant before he was cut off
"no, but you're suppose to-" Steve stopped when he was cut off as well
"I'm serious, how chocolate, you're suppose to drink it while hot. So I don't know why you're throwing a fit. It's not warm chocolate, nor cold chocolate. It's hot fucking chocolate Rogers. Like-" Tony continued to ramble
"tony-" Steve tried
"I mean defeats the whole damn purpose if it's warm or cold, I thought you knew that? Hell I drink my coffee straight out the fucking bowl, hot. Cause it's then to warm you up. Wake you up and now you're looking at me like I just told you he'll froze over and Satan's on vacation to heaven-" Tony continued, now using his hands to get across what he was saying.
"TONY" Steve yelled, catching to attention of the billionaire.
"shut up"
And Tony did, Steve smiled and wrapped an arm around his friends waist. Which Tony immediately melted into and curled up into Steve's side sighing.
Steve took tony's mug from him and sat them on the table in front of them, before pulling Tony closer and tugging more blanket onto them.
Steve let his mind wonder and immediately blushed at the images of doing this everyday with the Playboy and it even made him happy.
He didn't know if Stark liked him back, but he was willing to try if it meant cuddling this close to him or fetching him during nightmares. No they would be solved if Tony slept in his bed…
With these thoughts Steve smiled and leaned down to kiss the top of Tony starks head before drifting off to sleep himself.
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