Splendid, are you ok..?
Splendid: ^^ Im alright, Mika~
Mika: Are you sure? By the look at your smile. You are faking something ==
Splendid: ^^|| eheh... uhh— *runs away*
Mika: WOI— oh gawd. Now I lost him again ==||... *sighs* Why do we keep having the same feelings? Weird.. I feel so suicidal now...
Splendid: *behind Mika* why arent we both thinking the same thing ^^||
Mika: KQBJZVJABAKABWKBA— DAHECK DID?! *turns to look at Splendid with a shock face*
Splendid: ^^|| Gomen.. I just feel lonely for some reason but also sometimes *shrugs*
Mika: =3= meh meh! Anyways. You sure you are ok?
Splendid: ^^ definitely~
Mika: =3=...
Splendid: ^^||
Mika: =3= You Know luna will appear if u keeping it in for too long? Plus, How long are you going to hold that knife huh o3o *points at Splendid's hand*
Splendid: ?! *hides it away* ^^|| ...
Mika: =3= lets wrap this up i guess..
Splendid: Ok—
Splendidnt: *cames in while riding a unicorn with Splendant siting behind him* UBICORN COMING THROUGH!!!!! >W<!!
Splendant: owo Yayyy!!
Splendid n Mika: o-o *saw a line of rainbow on the ground while tailing behind the Unicorn, sweatdrops*
Splendont: *behind Splendid n mika* == those guys need to have proper
Mika n Splendid: *flinched then summons their weapon Hammer/Broom stick, smacks Splendont with it hardcore n saw him fainted on the ground* OAO?! OH GAWD DONT?!
Splendont: *Unconscious* =A=.....
Splendidnt n splendant: *riding the unicorn to the moon* owo ehehehehe~ the moon here we COME!!
Ok thats random.. owo oh well! Bai bai~! >wO
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