How I think being married to SM characters would be like pt.1
(ALSO! You can request me to write a character for this too, I'm only making this because I'm bored and wanted to make it)
1. Bob🥩
I think Bob would be more old fashioned, basically you'd probably be the housewife/husband in the relationship, you'd do a lot of the cleaning chores, and cooking is basically split between you two. Bob would usually make dinner with you, sometimes make you breakfast if he wakes up earlier, and if it gets too late in the evening to make something and Bob is still at work, he'll bring home something from Boy's & Grills. Sometimes, Bob will bring "fresh meat" home. If they get blood everywhere, he'll apologize and clean it up after he chops his victim up. Bob won't force you to eat human meat. He'll offer some to you for you to try, but he would never force you to do something you aren't comfortable with
Bob doesn't care what his partner looks like. He thinks you look perfect just how you are! :D
Bob will probably cuddle you and hold you close to him when you guys sleep. He enjoys holding you and laying you on you of him.
I think Bob would show his love in words and gifts, like bringing you flowers after work or telling you how much you mean to him.
Bob would probably give you kisses on your cheeks, stomach, thighs, basically anywhere where body fat is most predominant. He thinks your body fat is cute, no matter how much or how little you may have! He likes kissing it and pinching it, especially biting it.
Speaking of biting, Bob would DEFINITELY bite you a LOT! Like, if you work, you often get asked what happened by coworkers if any bites aren't covered.
(⬇️NSFW, I'll only do this sometimes, only when I can think of something for the character⬇️)
During sex, I imagine Bob tops, and he's ROUGH! Biting and ropes are often used, along with dirty talking and degrading. Bob won't be gentle with you unless you beg him to be, and even thrn, he'll make you give him a good reason to be, usually, after some begging, it works. After, I imagine he'll give you praise and hold you close to him, telling you how good you were, how he loves you, etc. He would usually clean up the mess afterward.
Bob would likely call you things like Darling, Sugar, Sweetheart, Honey, and food related nicknames, like Cupcake, Sugarplum, Lambchop, etc.
2. Frank🚐
Similar to Bob, I think Frank would be a bit old fashioned, household chores are split in half, but Frank kinda sucks at both cooking AND cleaning, so you usually do both, since no one wants the kitchen to burn down. Frank often brings kidnapped kids home and puts them in the basement. Most of the time, he brings them things, like food and water and toys. Sometimes, you bring things to the children. Frank would DEFINITELY carry you to bed if you say you don't want to walk there. He finds it fun to carry you and use you like a weight, so he'll lift you up a lot.
I think Frank would like a fatter/chubbier partner, it's more fun to lift them like a weight, you can't look at this man and tell me he doesn't lift weights, and wouldn't pick his partner up and start lifing them like one
Frank would cuddle and hold you a lot him bed, but isn't super aware that he has to be gentle with you, so he often accidentally hurts you, he'll apologize and get super worried about you.
Despite his size, Frank would probably show his love in physical affection, like loose hugs or holding you're hand gently, sometimes he'll just give you a big bear hug.
I Imagine Frank is kinda protective of you, like always worried when you get hurt, would probably kill someone if they hurt you, he jsut seems like that kind of guy who acts all tough and mean, but jsut melts around his partner.
Frank would probably like kissing you're hands and face, though his kisses kinda hurt due to his stubble, but he usually tries to be gentle when kissing you
I think Frank would call you things like Hot Rod, Sexy, Sugar, Bunny, Babe, Sweetie, Boo, Love Bug, etc.
3. Carmen💎
With Carmen, you're basically being spoiled by her. You don't need to work because of her wealth. When she's home, she's almost always around you, hugging you and kissing you, or jsut talking to you, you aren't expected to cook or clean much, Carmen usually hires a chef and maids unless you tell her that you WANT to cook something or clean something, then she'll allow you to do it. You are usually responsible for taking Roy to and from school, since Carmen insists he doesn't ride on a school bus with "plebians".
I think Carmen would go for a short partner, she doesn't give two shits what weight you are, but she likes shorter people, it just feels like she would
She enjoys holding you in bed. She doesn't usually do it, but if you als her to, then she WILL cuddle you while you two sleep
Carmen's way of showing her love would mostly be gift giving, but also sometimes physical affection, like a kiss on the cheek or a hug
Carmen tops, there is NO WAY she is a bottom. She will use leashes, restraints, anything to tie you down during sex, she makes you beg A LOT! And she makes you do things to get what you want during sex. Afterwards, she'll remove your restraints(if she hasn't already) and hold you close to her and praise you
Carmen would probably call you Darling, Honey, My Love, My Darling, and anything elegant, really.
Roy!(For SM Characters with kids, their kids will be added as a part of their section, basically for how they warmed up to you and what you guys do together)
At First, Roy was iffy about you, he often thought about why his mom left his dad for you of all people, but after a while, he warmed up to you and actually likes you now! When spending time together, you're probably taking Roy somewhere, like a mall or an arcade or park, and doing activities with each other!
4. Narciso Evermore🪞
Three words...
You. Are. Spoiled
Carmen spoils you a bit, but Nerciso REALLY spoils you. You tell him about an item you want. He's already purchased it for you before you can finish your sentence. Want some nice clothes, but they can obly be blught online? He's already purchased it, and paid extra for it to arrive early. Want a specific meal for dinner, but don't have the ingredients to make it? Narciso already sent someone to get EXACTLY what you need to make the meal. Speaking of cooking, NEVER LET HIM IN THE KITCHEN. He will start a house fire if he toughes the stove, the most this man can be trusted to make is literally any easy to make, that also doesn't require any kitchen utilities to be used, like a bowl of cereal, or a salad. He's also SO FUCKING CLINGY AND JEALOUS, like, someone could just LOOK at you in a way that Narciso doesn't like, and he'll pull you close to him and start kissing you, while looking so pissed off at the person.
Narciso doesn't care about you're physical appearance, your height, your weight, none of it matters to him, you're absolutely DROP DEAD GORGEOUS to him! He practically worships you and your body. To him, you can do no wrong, and you always looked perfect
In bed, Narciso is kind of mixed, depending on how the day had gone, he either sprawled out on his side of the bed, not giving you any physical affection and probably already asleep, or he's gripping onto you as tightly as he can
This man spoils you, so his way of showing his love would be gift giving, around you, he always seems nervous and struggles to actually get his words out, and gets a bit sheepish with affection, so buying you something, to him, it the only way he can properly show you his love
Narciso is actually kind of a wimp, he definitely is a bottom, and is really all talk, once you or him actually has to do something, he kinds gets nervous, you're typically the one cleaning up the mess afterwards
Narciso would probably call you sweetie, Darling, my love, or some kinds of jewl or gem
5. Lila🍇
She loves you a lot, and she makes it obvious, getting you some flowers after work, going on for multiple minutes about how much she loves you, all that jazz. She usually gets a bit caught up in work, so you usually take care of household chores and skid, which really helps Lila a lot. She is so happy that you and Skid get along.
I think Lila doesn't care about what you look like, but if you are good with kids, and how you act in general, she wants a partner who will actually love her and care for her son.
Lila doesn't really cuddle you in bed, unless she falls asleep, then in her sleep, she'll grab onto you loosely and just hold you while she sleeps, if you tell her about it in the morning, she'll probably apologize for it and say she doesn't know why she does it.
I think Lila would be big on words, and when she isn't busy, physical affection. Like, if she's busy with something, she'll usually just tell you how much she loves you, but when she's free, she'd probably start cuddling up to you on the couch
I don't think Lila would be big on nicknames. She'd probably just call you one thing, like Sweetie or Honey, and just stick with that one nickname for you
Skid was super excited to meet you. He would always drag you around town, showing Pump and his other friends to you. You even met the Hatzgang! But you fould tell Roy was someone you should tell Lila about, for Skid's safety. Skid like taking you around town, to play and go on adventures with him, and sometimes Pump joins you two. If you two can't go on adventures, then you'll stay inside and draw or watch a horror movie
(Sorry that I only did 5 characters, these are the only 5 I could think of for now, remember, you can request one or more characters for this, if oyu want anything specific added, make sure to add it in you're request. Also, sorry for any spelling mistakes, I am NOT checking this for errors)
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