Conductor: So, d'ya remember how I said that I had a surprise for you all of we got through all of the songs?
All: Yeah.
Conductor: *elegant English voice* Well, since you ALL love dear *her boyfriend's name*- *whistles*
Young Mens: *runs in*
Bass: Who called for a sinner cuz I feel a sin crawlin up my-
Conductor: *Bass*, sit down.
Bass: *sits on the floor*
Tenor: *pulls him up*
Conductor: Anywho, I called them in here too to tell you all that tomorrow is my boyfriend's birthday, so- *pulls out her phone*
All: Cool!/ Yay!/ Awesome!
Friend 6: *smiles* He called us a bad name on tour!!
80% of us who went on tour: OH YEAH!! Good ol' ***!!
20% who didn't and are new: o-O ...He w-what? W-why?
Girl: It was in a good way though!!
He did call us a bad name.
He said "Now I know you guys have that "No cursing" rule made by someone." and he looked at my conductor. "But you guys are total BADASSES!! and I'm not saying that to be like "Oh, you're a sweet little badass. Go about your merry day!" and put flower crowns in your guys' hair and gather around a campfire and sing Kumbiya- well I think you guys would sing it better cuz I'm tone deaf as hell- but I mean it. You guys- every one of you- are FUCKING BADASSES!!"
Then the conductor cut him off by saying "Okay!! Thank you ***!! That's enough of you now!! I think I put you in the spotlight for too long.."
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