The prinssess and the seaweed brain
"I will get you percyl!" Said Annabeth as she chased the raven haired boy. "You can try Annie!" Percy yelled over his shoulder. But what he did not realize was the branch in his path. He tripped with a yelp as he tumbled down,Annabeth tripping on him. They stopped and started laughing. "Annie I want you to promise me something" Annabeth looks at him "anything" he looked at the sky "that you will never forget me" she laughed "I will never forget" he chuckled "promise" he raised his pinky finger. She wrapped her pinky around his "promise" she said "ANNABETH" yelled her maid. Annabeth sighed "I have to go,by perc!"
She yelled as she ran out of sight.
"By Annie" he said and started walking home. As he walked home he saw flames high in the trees. He gasped and ran jumping over branches and twigs. When he reached his home he looked in horror and sorrow. There he saw his house burning in flames. He saw his mom crying by a rock. He immediately ran to her and hugged her not seeing his father made his stomach twist. He cried with his mom. The next morning he woke up in a carriage being pulled by a horse. And god knows how long they Traveled. At the same time Annabeth was asking her Parents about percy. Each time the subject changed.
~~~~~~~~~time skip if it's aloud~~~~~~~
Annabeth was in her study looking at papers on papers. She sighed and opened her window. A gust of wind blew in and scattered her papers everywhere. She sighed and walked out passing by her maid giving her a slight nod. She made sure the maid was down the hall as she jumped on the staircase and slides all the way down only to be greeted by her mother. "Annie!" Her mother boomed "what did I tell you about sliding down the stairs" she said. "Not too" Annabeth said sadly. "That's right now go upstairs and get ready we have a guest" Queen Athena said. "Mother please tell me you didn't bring another boy for me to meet" she said . "Well you have to marry someday" said the queen. Annabeth sighed and walked up the stairs. She changed into a grayish big dress and walked Down the stairs wanting to slide down them. She made it to the dining hall where sat her mother, father and an unknown male. He looked a little older than her. She forced a smile and sat down by the male. "So sir what is your name" she looked at him. "My name is Luke my lady" he said his voice deep but gentle. She looked at her father dead In the eyes. As on que the chef came in and set down a roasted duck and some Salad. "Shall we eat" the king said. Annie looked at luke and said "do you have any hobbies" she said as her looked in his eyes and got many pieces of the duck. "Ummm o think that is a unhealthy amount" he said and she continued to get more "so any hobbies" she repeats. "Ah yes well I enjoy reading..." Annabeth zoned out not listening. As she comes back to reality Luke is still talking so she does the most reasonable thing a princess would do. She reached for her glass and knocked it off the table it landing it on her dad. Her dad jumped and yelped. Luke stopped talking and looked at her. "I think it is my time to leave" he got up and walked out. "Sorry father he would not stop talking" she said. "That's alright he was a bit boring" the two giggle until they heard someone clear their throat. They looked at the Queen. "I mean..." Annabeth sighed and she walked out of the room.
Percy wasn't in the best shape. His mother married a man named Gabe who abused him often. "Percy get me more water!" His voice boomed off the walls making a echo. "Y-yes sir" he shook as he got him more. He accidentally spilled some on the floor. He looked up at his 'father'. Scared. "I-I'm Sorry" he said. "Sorry won't cut it" Gabe said and slaps him. Making percy cry out in pain. Percy tried to clean up the mess but his eyes were to watery. He shook as a piece of glass cut him. Making him cry. Gabe kicked him and at that moment his mother walked and dropped everything and ran to her son "Gabe that's to far!'" she said tears welling up in her eyes. "How dare you talk to my like that woman!" He yelled at his mom,Sally. She cried in pain As he slapped her.
"Percy wake up come on" he heard his mother "mom" he said getting up. "Shhh we are getting out of here" she said and got from the ground. As they walked out he noticed Gabe in the front room passed out. They made it outside and bolted into the woods. After what seems like hours they spot a village a very familiar village. In fact it was the village he grew up in! He smiled remembering Annabeth. Her golden blonde hair, her stormy gray eyes, he laugh. He was glad to be back. As they walked down the street they found a ally and passed out. They were awoken by a splash of water. They jolted to their feet and looked at the person. He stood tall yet slender. "What are ye doin' ere!" He said with a strong accent. "I-I'm Sorry" stammered sally. "Now scram!" The man yelled as percy and his mother walked off. The walked the village and they made it to the castle. An soldier stopped them. "Do you have anything to tell the princess" he said "Ah yes"said Sally. "We do?" Questioned percy. "Yes we do" sally said. "Very well then" said the soldier. As he lead the two down the hall Percy looked around in awe. The reached the throne room and the two bowed. "What is your business" said Annabeth. "C-can we have a little food not a lot" Sally said. "Annie" Percy said and stepped closer to her. "What?" Said Annabeth. "Annie you don't remember me?" He said and walked closer to her. "No what is your name?" She said confused and scared as he walked closer. He was made a foot away now. "It's me you don't remember? We used to play how could you forget!" He yelled in hey face. " guards!" Yelled Annabeth now really scared. "No!" Yelled Sally. "You promised me you wouldn't forget!" He yelled as the Guards came "You promised" he continued to yell as he got dragged away. How was he supposed to know she would forget,maybe it's wasn't meant to be.
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